
Ascension Trial

A child born with demon blood, an orphaned half-orc searching for answers, an elven criminal turned paladin and a girl with uncontrollable magic find themselves working for a powerful underground figure to stop a greater evil from taking over the world. (The novel is based on a DnD Campaign I created years ago)

B_Olfert · Fantasy
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107 Chs

The Party Complete

Standing before them was a young looking girl. Although short in stature she clearly made up for her size in her shocking abilities. She wore a pink traveling blouse with light brown pants. Her hair, tied back in a brown braid. Along her waist she wore a belt with many pouches.

The three of them just stared at each other, she broke the stand off forgetting in her excitement her injured friend.

"Eri!" Alissa went to

"You arrived at the right time." The elf gathered himself and removed his helmet to inspect his armor. He had short golden hair, a smooth and narrow face with brilliant green eyes. A slight dent right on his family's crest of a dragon wing where the Yeti had hit him. "My name is Erigos, and Alissa is my charge. We thank you for your aid." His voice was regal-like, calming.

Rothox recognized them from the tavern; they were the two other travelers. "Doesn't seem like she needs much protection." There were black charred marks everywhere.

Erigos laughed, "No, for the most part she can handle her own." He winked at her.

Erigos made his way over to the head and bent to pick it up. Cold steel slapped onto his hand. He didn't flinch, but held his hand still, glancing up at Garrok.

"This is our claim." Erigos reached again, but Garrok left his ax and took a step closer.

"I struck the killing blow while you were picking yourself off the ground." Garrok snarled, showing his teeth and the one remaining tusk.

"We were here first!" Erigos flared up, angered. The two stood eye to eye, although Erigos had to look up with Garrok being taller. The tension continued to build, neither side backing down.

"Why can't we share?" Alissa said, trying to calm the situation, moving from Ergos to Garrok.

Rothox stepped in. "She's right. If the reward is what they claim, there is plenty for us all." Rothox had his hands at his belt, waiting for dissolution or worse.

"Fine." Garrok picked up the head with ease. "But I carry the trophy."

Erigos didn't argue, but Rothox could tell he wasn't happy about it. After seeing what Garrok could do, no one was challenging him. Rothox inspected the rest of the cave. Clearly, this is where the Yeti made his home. Dead animal carcasses, piles of bones, and a handful of human remains littered the cavern. Picking through the bones and remains, he found small pieces of jewelry; a necklace and a ring. No one else seemed to notice so he stashed them on his person.

"Rothox!" Garrok called to him. "Let's go." He gave the cave one last once over before following the three others out into the bright afternoon.

Garrok stopped to check on the man at the edge of the cave. He examined the fresh cut, smapping his gaze deeper into the cave where a Rothox was emerging. Rothox gave him a shrug in return. Clearly, they had different ideas about death and suffering. They made note of where to send the villagers to retrieve the fallen hunters, a horse and cart would be needed to bring them home.

The journey back to Realt was awkward. Erigos watched Garrok closely and stayed nearby as Rothox tried to figure out the small human girl. She wasn't a child, but she had child-like features and the magic she had displayed was clearly powerful. Her cheerfulness was almost disturbing, considering the situation.

Finally, the town came into view. A few curious eyes peeked out of their homes and those on the street stopped and watched the group head toward the center of town. One younger lad ran ahead of them, calling out in celebration, drawing more villagers from their homes. Upon their arrival at the town hall, the mayor stepped out of the building. A small crowd gathered. Garrok tossed the head at his feet. The plump, bald man held back vomit. Forcing the bile back down he cleared his throat, holding out his hands to settle the crowd.

"Who of you slayed the beast?"

Erigos glanced back at Garrok, those hard eyes piercing the back of his skull. "The four of us did, together. I am Erigos, this is Alissa and the other two are..."

"Rothox and Garrok," Rothox said from underneath his hood.

"Your men are in the forest, a few hours in that direction," Erigos pointed North-East toward the cave. "We didn't have the means to bring them back, but we would be happy to assist in any effort to do so."

"Well, we are extremely grateful that the four of you answered our call for aid and slew—" He nudged the body part with his shoe. "---This beast quickly, despite the storm. As promised, your reward, one hundred gold pieces." The mayor waved a hand, and a guard rushed forward from behind him, carrying a small chest and handing it to Erigos.

"Thank you, Lord Mayor. This is quite generous."

"The matter of our fallen men, we can send a party to gather them now that the beast is gone and the storm has passed." He kicked the enormous head with more force. It rolled over, resting with its face toward the crowd, its slack jaw opened, revealing a row of terrifying teeth. A few people jumped back.

"Please enjoy our village for as long as you like. The four of you are forever our welcome guests." With that, he dismissed the crowd and waved a guard to gather the head. He walked back into his office. The same lad that held the chest scuffled over to the bloody appendage. Unsure of how to pick it up considering it matched his entire upper body in size. He scooped his arms into the snow and tried to lift it. The weight of the head caused him to arch his back and bend his knees. He rolled it up above his knees and used his legs to help pinch the head from falling. Awkwardly and slowly, he made his way after the Mayor. Just when he got to the stairs, he dropped the head. It bounced with an audible thunk on the stone steps and rolled back down into the street, leaving a line of red. He scampered back over to it, glancing around embarrassed, hoping no one saw him drop the trophy. His eyes found four sets staring right at him. Sheepishly, he rolled the head up the stairs and into the hall. Rothox was laughing under his hood as Garrok shook his head, embarrassed for the lad.

"Let's get a drink," Rothox said, ready to celebrate and relax after the long day.

"We should head off." Erigos seemed eager to leave, ready to continue on their journey.

"We should split our reward," Garrok placed a hand on the chest.

"Oh come on Eri, we can stay one more night, get to know our new friends, please," Alissa gave him big blue adoring eyes.

"Fine," he sighed. Clearly, she knew how to convince him.

The Frosty Mug Inn was busy with the locals celebrating and mourning. The four adventures had all the drinks they could want. Rothox heavily indulged. During the night, someone tried to remove his hood. They got a quick dagger prick on their side, a warning to back off. He wasn't ready to broadcast himself to the world yet. These smaller settlements struggled with the newer races, especially those with demonblood. Rothox noticed Erigos and Alissa drinking, eating, and enjoying the revelry as well. Garrok stayed in the corner, nursing a single beer. A group of giggling girls went over to chat with him, most likely their first encounter with a half-orc. Another of the newer races that had appeared after the Rebirth. He attempted to shoo them away gently, but they were persistent so they left scared instead. After that, he got up and went to find his room. The party went on without him going late into the night and into the early morning.

Rothox woke with a slight headache and an ache in his back. Damn Yeti, he thought, rubbing the bruised area. During the night, he had stumbled to his closet room during the night or the early morning. He couldn't remember. The inn was a mess as he made his way downstairs. The middle-aged lady and the young barmaid were cleaning. Standing chairs back up, sweeping broken glass and other debris on the floor, working around a few passed-out patrons. Noticing him come down the stairs, the younger went into the kitchen. She returned with a little food.

"Here," she said, handing him a piece of fresh bread and a sausage link.

"Thanks." The people of this town were too kind. It was a fresh experience for him. He wondered if they would be the same if they knew what he was. The barmaid had glimpsed him the first night, and she didn't seem afraid anymore.

"Oh, and your friends are waiting for you at the stables."

"Friends," he said before remembering."Right, thanks again."

"No, thank you for what you've done for our small town." Mother and daughter continued to clean as Rothox left the inn. The cool, fresh mid-morning air soothed his throbbing head, as the human part of him regretted drinking that much.

The stables were at the edge of town and as he made his way there; he got smiles and thanks from the locals. A cart was being loaded with supplies as Erigos was thanking the stable hand.

"Ah, glad you could join us." Erigos saw him approach.

"I thought we had gone our separate ways after splitting the gold?"

"Well, that was the plan, but Alissa seems to have grown fond of you and your large friend. Speaking of him, where is he?" Erigos looked past Rothox as if Garrok was there. Rothox shrugged. "Hmm, well, that's too bad. Either way, we wanted to ask you if you would like to join us. We are heading to Zarcum. Figure might as well travel together."

"I'm actually—"

Erigos cut him off, "I won't take no for an answer and you can only go East from here, might as well have some company." He couldn't argue with that. Hopping on the back of the cart, they rode off down the snowy road.

"So how does a halfbreed find himself so far north?" Erigos asked after Realt was out of sight.

"How'd you know?" Erigos fiddled with his hood, thinking somehow Erigos could see past it.

"You aren't the first demonblood I've come across."

"I travel wherever the coin takes me," Rothox answered. Erigos seemed content with the answer. A few minutes passed, and he felt the cart slowing. He peeked his head around the side, a lone traveler was marching along.

"Garrok, we wondered where you had gotten off to. It seems you were eager to hit the road. Glad we caught up with you. Hop aboard." Garrok looked at the back of the cart, seeing the two passengers.

"I'm fine," he continued onward.

"Suit yourself. We aren't in a rush." Rothox heard Garrok curse under his breath, the cool air coming out in a puff of condensation. He traveled beside the cart for over an hour before reluctantly climbing on board. Erigos grinned, satisfied he had won the stalemate. He gave the horses a nudge with the reins, increasing their speed.

"Next stop Mirville!"