
Ascension Trial

A child born with demon blood, an orphaned half-orc searching for answers, an elven criminal turned paladin and a girl with uncontrollable magic find themselves working for a powerful underground figure to stop a greater evil from taking over the world. (The novel is based on a DnD Campaign I created years ago)

B_Olfert · Fantasy
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107 Chs

The Infernos

Rothox slowly relaxed his knee as the demonblood visage appeared. He still held his position, his dagger hovering right above the throat.

"Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, all that matters is what I represent," the intruder replied.

"What's that?"


"I thought we had that."

"If you truly feel that way, remove your hood, let your tail down and walk through the streets."

He was right, even though they had been legally freed by the Emperor, they were still persecuted and looked at with disgust. He stepped off the other demonblood and extended his hand to help him. He took it and pulled himself to his feet.

"Tomorrow night, this time, meet us at the Sylky Way." He turned to leave.

"Who are you?" Rothox asked again.

The man stopped and without turning around said, "The Infernos." He dashed off into the night.

Rothox stood on the lawn motionless, trying to understand the confrontation he had just experienced. These Infernos could have the answers he was seeking. The moonlight broke through the clouds illuminating the city, it was very late, but he knew sleep would elude him this night.

The sunlight pierced the glass of Garrok's bedroom but he was already awake and heading out. The place was quiet this morning. He snuck past the other bedrooms and down the stairs. He opened the front door and to his chagrin, the rest of his party was outside. Rothox leaned against the side of the building, Alissa sat plucking the grass while Erigos stood on the path watching.

"I told you, we are a team," Erigos said. The sunlight reflected off his armor giving him a divine appearance.

"How'd you know I was planning to sneak out early?"

"It's not the first time," Rothox said.

"Right, Realt." He had done it twice there. "Well since you are all here, should we go over a game plan?" Garrok took the lead as they walked through the district. The only other people on the streets of the Cratortop were the guards of the wealthy estates. Some who gave them nods, others who were barely awake just waiting for their shift change. The Trispector was starting to wake. Merchants were setting up for the day. The smell of fresh bread wafted throughout the stalls and tents as the bakers were the first to rise in the morning. Their stomachs growled as they had yet to eat this morning.

The Sylky Way was nearly empty besides a few patrons either sleeping at the tables or trying to wake up. The bartender stopped them before they went to The Sultan's private room. He informed them he was not ready for them yet. They took a seat. The demonblood bartender brought them some food while they waited. He gave Rothox a wink as he set his plate of sausage and eggs down. About an hour later the minotaur appeared to stand guard in his usual spot. The bartender gave them the nod to proceed.

"Do you all not sleep?" the Sultan laughed as they entered his private meeting chamber. He looked the same as he always did, handsome and mysterious. Garrok said nothing, walked right up to The Sultan. Both Molta and the blue-skinned woman moved forward. The Sultan put a hand up to stop them.

"Garrok, you seem upset?" His tone, was calm.

"Damn right I am. You lied to us and I hate liars. Normally, I kill them!" He snarled at The Sultan.

He merely leaned back in his chair, "Do tell." His eyes narrowed.

Garrok went on to recount what they discovered at Dunlan's estate. He told The Sultan about the bodies and the matching fabric. He also showed him the note from the slavers with the TS initial, that matched the same initial from Dunlan's estate. He tried his best to remain calm, but everyone could tell he was on the verge of snapping.

"Are you finished?" The Sultan's eyes flared with anger or annoyance, it was hard to tell. But he wasn't happy. He stood out of his chair, something none of them had seen him do. His ornate robe and cloak unwrinkled from sitting as it fell around his body. He smoothly paced right up to Garrok. Not quite as tall as the half-orc but for a human he was above average. "You're right, I lied to you. Do you think I tell the truth to just any random mercenary that walks through my door looking for work or questions." That last line was for them specifically. "My life is built on keeping those that work for me in the shadows. You know exactly as much as I want you to know." His voice carried power and Garrok began to feel it. "I trust no one but myself, that is why I am who I am today. I should have you all killed for this disrespect." He let that sink in. "...However, instead, because you have been extremely successful for me in such a short period of time and because there is just something about you that I just can't figure out, I will inform you of what you ask. After all, a deal is a deal." He looked at Alissa as he said that and sat back on his throne.

He held up the piece of cloth. "I did believe Vester Dunlan to be out of town. However, when you gave this to me I knew that something had to have happened to him. So I sent you to his place to see. It is a shame about his death. I shall send a team to deal with that. As for the TS initials. Those are mine. So, yes the slavers I now know you encountered in the forest along the Emperor's Road were mine. Unfortunately, they were taking a very powerful being to a safe place and now it is set free. Who knows what it is planning now. Whatever it is I can tell you it will not be good. The other messages you found in Dunlan's estate were about our dealings together. The shipment I wanted you to find was a special item I wanted for my personal collection. I have been searching for its kind for many years. Its significance to me is purely personal, nothing nefarious as you would believe. Finally, you asked about Ottothal Blackthorne. I am aware he is a vampire of great power. I know he wants to become the new Emperor. It was I who informed Tilamonka that Ottothal was traveling by his little city. It was I who had Ottothal captured, now the reasons were for my selfish benefit. It just so happens to have potentially helped the Empire too. I have heard chatter that he is planning something, something big, soon. I know little as to the details of what he is planning exactly and we have no current quarrel so it puzzles me that creatures of his ilk are attacking my men. It could be revenge for my help in his capture but I doubt he knows of my involvement." The Sultan finished his rant and took a deep breath, and relaxed. "Questions?"

The Silver Sect all looked at each other. They didn't expect to learn all that and the fact that The Sultan was working against Ottothal came as shock.

Rothox looked at the others,"Umm, I guess just one?" he stepped forward. "Who are the Infernos?"

"Hmm, where did you hear this name?" The Sultan was clearly curious as to how he had learned of that name.

"A friend."

"All I will say about them is to be careful. They are a radical group of demonbloods. Their leader will go to any means to get his agenda completed. If they have reached out to you, it might be best to keep your distance. Even I have my reservations in my dealings with them. However, not all of them are bad, some just want to see change."

Rothox was satisfied with that answer. He hadn't changed his mind, he was still going to meet up with them tonight. If they had answers for him he wanted to hear them.

"Now that we have resolved these issues I think we can have a successful business relationship." He waved his hand at Carson who ran out with a few bags of coins. "Your payment, as promised. "Also your next assignment will come in time. For now, stay in the city. I will call on you soon. All I ask from you going forward…" He got dark and his eyes pierced Garrok's before continuing, "Don't ever threaten me again."

They left the Sykly Way through the tent once again. The morning sun hit their eyes causing them to squint as they left the tent. The market was a bustle with the vendors and merchants in full swing. Unsure of what to do next they made their way through the market and found themselves back at Sweetbrier Estate.

"What now?" Alissa asked as they entered the foyer.

"We get ready. There are only a couple of days until the Gala, we should get a plan for it," Erigos said.

Garrok stopped suddenly lost in his own world and turned around at the doorway.

"Where are you going?" Rothox asked, seeing the anger in Garrok's eyes.

"To kill something."