
Ascension Trial

A child born with demon blood, an orphaned half-orc searching for answers, an elven criminal turned paladin and a girl with uncontrollable magic find themselves working for a powerful underground figure to stop a greater evil from taking over the world. (The novel is based on a DnD Campaign I created years ago)

B_Olfert · Fantasy
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107 Chs

The Gala: Part 1

The carriage moved through a set of large gates and into a well-manicured and landscaped property. Being next to a volcano, traditionally a desolate location, the foliage these wealthy people had on their properties was transplanted here. It needed hours of care a day to ensure its survival. Alissa who lay flat on the top slipped off along the short stretch of the path leading up to the Talood Estate. She scanned the foliage for Rothox. He was supposed to meet here just inside the compound walls. Assuming the carriage moved faster than he did she snuck back to the stone barrier and waited.

Garrok stepped out of the carriage first, followed by Trixia who he extended his hand for. She took it and gracefully stepped out. Erigos came last. The carriage continued onward as a row was forming as guests began to arrive. A row of Golden Brand awaited their arrival along with the steward of the home. He greeted them and led them into the front door where the master of ceremony announced her arrival along with her guest.

"Introducing Lady Trixia Qas'otamon and her guest Erigos of House Zilkatan." A few faces turned and nodded a distant greeting in her direction.

"Alright here we go," she whispered to her companions. The next hour was filled with introductions, small talk, and many new faces for the Sect. Trixia went through all the council members besides Ottothal who had yet to arrive. First, they met the three other Ambassadors for each Kingdom. There was Devlyn Highmoore from Voria, Ambrose Cosavoy from Xecatan, and Kirin Walsh from Orlan. They represented their kingdoms on a full-time basis just as Trixia does hers. The other members of the council they were introduced to were the governors of each District in Zek'Kar, the High Priest of Omnitheos. As well as, the High Bearer Welatyko Cicar, the leader of the robed men in the street they saw on their first day. With the High Bearer was his large guard, The Executioner. His presence was intimidating to most behind that large horned helm and his sheer size. Their introduction to him was interrupted by the master of ceremony who called out the last name to arrive.

"Introducing Lord Ottothal Blackthorne, the head of the Emperor's council."

A handsome figure enteted the hall. His long perfectly straight black hair fell around the sides of his elegant face, gently caressing his shoulders. His elven-like features were pronounced as his ears pointed out through his hair and his jaw narrowed. He wore a black dress robe with golden trim that showcased his smooth muscular pale chest. As he walked he seemed to glide across the floor. The shadows seemed to pull towards him as all the eyes did. Some of the other esteemed guests even bowed as they moved out of his way.

Garrok watched him chat with a few other dignitaries before he glided over to them.

"Trixia," As he spoke his voice was smooth, not overly deep, but it held power behind it.

"Ottothal." She extended her hand to him, as was customary. He tenderly grabbed it, slowly he raised her hand and bowed slightly. His cold lips found her soft skin.

He returned to his full height, a few inches shorter than Garrok. The way he carried himself made him seem taller.

"Who are your friends?" he asked while making eye contact with Garrok and Erigos. His red eyes were empty and Erigos got a creepy feeling looking into them.

"This is Erigos of House Zilkatan, my nephew and this is my personal guard Garrok Blackrend."

"Hmm," He thought about the names, "It's a pleasure to meet you both. I hope we have more time to chat later." His eyes fell back on Garrok. "I have many others to speak to tonight." He bowed in goodbye and drifted off.

"He creeps me out," Erigos broke the silence.

Garrrok felt a tug in the back of his mind, Grelka's words lingered, "It will ask.' 'She couldn't have meant Ottothal...could she,' he thought to himself.

The emissaries of each Kingdom had been announced prior to Ottothal and after he had a chance to greet them and other important guests dinner was called. As the large group of elegant people made their way to the grand dining hall, Garrok noticed a guard acting strange. For the most part, they stood off to the side and kept out of the way, however, this guard was trying to move without being noticed. As he watched the guard it seemed as if their body shimmered, as if it wasn't real. Garrok began to move toward him when Trixia called him back, as they were entering the dining hall. The guard heard Garrok's name called and looked over in his direction. The guard winked with a large cheeky smile. It was Alissa. Somehow she had snuck in. She continued to impress.

Alissa had waited for Rothox but he never showed and unwilling to wait any longer she began to search the grounds for access to the large villa. There were guards everywhere and a few times she almost got caught. She had never been the best at hiding. Using her magic she swirled her hand and she transformed her image into that of a simple male guard. It was merely an illusion but she figured it would be better than sneaking around. Confidently she walked out of the shadows straight towards the front entrance. A couple of guards gave her a few odd looks but she didn't stop. The guards at the door did stop her though.

"Where do you think you're going?" He held his hand out. She made sure to not let it touch her.

"I was just inside but I had to take a piss and the side door I left through locked behind me," she said with her most manly voice.

"Why didn't you just go inside?"

"It's not professional," she said with confidence.

The guard took a moment as she tried to convince him, "I guess that's fair, go ahead." He stepped aside and let her in.

She sped inside and tried to move to the far side of the room as the guests were funneling out to the dining hall. Out out of the corner of her eye, she saw a man notice her and began to walk over, he could blow her cover. Then she heard 'Garrok' yelled out by a familiar female voice. Alissa looked over and realized it was Garrok. She winked at him in hopes that he would know it was her. It seemed to work as he shook his head in the way he tended to when she acted childishly.

The dining hall was massive, with beautiful tapestries hanging on the wall and two large chandeliers filled with candles hung over each table. Garrok's eyes once again noticed an anomaly. Ottothal was talking with the man he had met as the lord of the house, Lord Krinasa Talood. Lord Talood looked over in their direction before nodding and rushing away to talk to a servant setting the assigned seating.

Servants in charge of seating began to place the guests around two large tables, both at least twice as large as the one Trixia had. The head table was reserved for the emissaries and Ottothal, as he represented the Emperor. He sat at the center of the table. Other personal guards were positioned behind their charges so Garrok stood behind Erigos and Trixia who had been placed at the end of a table, closest to the head table. They had been moved up a few spots, and a few of the other council members they had jumped gave her looks.

During dinner Garrok felt Ottothal continual stare at him, it was off-putting at first but as the guests ate and he watched he could feel himself getting angry. Not at Ottothal but at these wealthy beings gorging themselves on a lavish meal. Moments away from deciding the fate of millions by having a few men fight for them. It was barbaric. He looked at Ottothal and felt that this was his belief, that these people no matter the outcome of the Ascension Trial would continue to reap the rewards of the world while the rest of the people dealt with their problems for them. Garrok began to realize what Ottothal was really doing, he was going to take control and rid the world of the real evil. The Trial was his way to do it properly to ensure his rule was legit. Garrok knew what he had to do and what Grelka meant.

Ottothal could feel his will and charm being to influence Garrok. His magic creating a bond between them. From the moment he saw him he knew this was his Champion, he would just need some coaxing, it's why he asked Lord Talood to move Trixia down a few spots. He needed to be closer to him for a longer period of time. As each course came to an end he could feel his power take more control and when Garrok looked at him with those red eyes he knew he had him.