
Ascension Trial

A child born with demon blood, an orphaned half-orc searching for answers, an elven criminal turned paladin and a girl with uncontrollable magic find themselves working for a powerful underground figure to stop a greater evil from taking over the world. (The novel is based on a DnD Campaign I created years ago)

B_Olfert · Fantasy
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107 Chs

The Fog Seeker

Sailing on the river had certain advantages, the main one being speed. The combination with the Colossal river's current and the wind in the sails double the speed of sailing then on the open ocean. Those days flew by, the Sect mostly staying out of the way as sailing on the river was tricky and needed constant attention. Rothox explored the ship, the only one of them to have sailed for a spell. Harim kept a close eye on the river behind them, almost certain he'd see a ship chasing. There were a few other ships sailing down the river but there was one he thought left after them and was keeping pace where others were not. He didn't want to assume it was Lord Cragxan because there were many other ships in the port of Drealyan but he couldn't shake the feeling it was. Also on this day the Southern Ocean came into view.

The Endless Ocean is the name given to the entire body of water that encompasses Yulandi. With each direction of the sea taking on its directional name. It was the first time any of the Sect had been this far south and as the ship began to turn west and head out into the open they saw the great expanse of the Endless South.

"Where's the fog?" Alissa asked Yelar as the ship entered open waters. She had been excited to see it.

"Ah, you can't see it from here, it's much further out at least a day of sailing and we won't be sailing that far on this trip. We like to keep the shoreline within sight."

"Oh," she lowered her head and kicked at the deck in disappointment.

"We might see it when we round the corner of the continent, that is the furthest point." He tried to cheer her up. 'What a curious girl,' he thought.

"Yelar." Overhearing the conversation between Alissa and Yelar, Rothox spoke. "I saw the fog when I sailed around the north of Yulandi.

"It depends on the year and the winds, the fog moves. In the winter months it tends to be closer, especially in the colder waters of the north. When you sailed were you a passenger or crew?" Yelar asked.

"I worked for my passage on the ship."

"So you have some experience then. I'll keep that in mind," he winked and clapped Rothox on

the back. "We can always use an extra set of experienced hands." He noticed a crew member doing something wrong so he left them and went to deal with the sailor.

Rothox hadn't seen Harim in a few hours, he spotted him on the poop deck looking off the stern of the ship. He passed by the Captain who was standing at attention watching his crew work. They gave each other friendly nods. He hadn't learned much about the Captain except that his men trusted and respected him.

"What are you doing back here Harim?" Rothox approached and stood next to him, watching the shoreline get further away.

"I think we are being followed."

Rothox looked out over the estuary seeing a ship just starting to exit the river's mouth. "There were many ships in that port. It could be any of them, what makes you think it's him."

"I just have a hunch, I saw him standing on the docks when we set sail," Harim said.

Rothox looked surprised, "How'd he track us?"

Harim shook his head, "I have no idea, maybe the golem has the ability to track the sword." It was currently hidden in their shared cabin.

"Well let's keep an eye and see if the ship is actually following."

"Why do you think I'm back here?" Harim looked at him sternly.

"Well I'll leave you to it.' Rothox returned to the main deck offering his services to Yelar, as Alissa had gone below to find Erigos. Yelar handed him a rope. Rothox enjoyed the simple work, keeping his mind and hands occupied.

A few more days passed, the Sect began to make a few friends among the crew and learn a few of the essential sailing techniques. The other ship maintained its pace with them for the first couple days, at least from this range it appeared that way. On the third day it was closer and on the fourth it was fully within sight, close enough he could make out figures on the ship. He could see a symbol on the flag but he couldn't make it out. Harim was able to borrow a spyglass from the Captain, he saw a family crest, the same symbol that was carved into the blade. He also saw billowing in the sea breeze the elegant cloak of Lord Cragxan with his cane at his side. Harim met his eyes and it felt as if he saw across the distance watching him. Behind the lord, seeing its chest and head, a motionless metallic figure stood in the center of the ship, towering over the crew. He had brought the golem.

At first Captain Jesiah didn't seem worried another ship had followed them out of Drealyan. Afterall it was a busy port and this was a standard shipping route. On the fifth day when they neared The Redstone Peaks the natural border between Orlan and Viviar, The 'Black Phoenix' was within range, too close for comfort. Captain Jesiah was more concerned by this, he pulled Harim aside into his cabin. Rothox noticed them go into the captain's quarters.

"Why is Lord Cragxan's ship pursuing us." He said seriously, his hands planted out widely on his desk.

"We had business with him and he wasn't happy how it ended," Harim said, looking around the interior of the cabin. He had yet to be in this part of the ship. It was by far the nicest room onboard, a simple room but well kept with a cabinet filled with trinkets from his journeys, a chest off in the corner beside a properly made bed and the focal point, the desk. On it was a ledger, an ink and quill and an ornate sword.

"So you stole something from him, that's why you chartered my ship…What did you steal?" He glared at the monk.

"I never said we stole anything." Harim kept his composure. This captain was clever.

"I'm no simpleton, humor me. Why else would the most powerful Lord in Orlan be chasing us, be chasing you?"

Harim obliged, "Say we took something, what then?"

The captain sighed, "I would like to slow down, allow him to board the ship and do whatever he pleases with you but I can not…" He glanced around. "....Not everything we carry is...exactly legal…" he let out another sigh. There was a slight hint of disappointment.

"I figured as much," Harim tossed a small sac on the desk. The sac was filled with Sylk. "One of my companions found that on the second day onboard." Rothox had noticed a certain symbol used by criminals to distinguish between which shipping crates contained illegal goods. Only someone who had smuggled before would know what it meant. Both he and Rothox had seen it before. "He said there were barrels of it, that amount would put someone away for a long time."

The Captain grabbed the sac and placed it in one of his drawers. "It seems you know more than you are letting on. Who are you all?"

Harim wouldn't have expected Jesiah to be a smuggler. At first glance Harim had found him polished and professional. 'There must be another reason beyond money,' he thought.

"A group of well connected friends, The Sultan being one of our connections," Harim said. Jesiah's interest peaked at the mention of the name.

"It would seem we have the same friends."

"Doesn't that make us friends?" Harim smiled, he tried to read Jesiah's expression to see if he really felt that The Sultan was a friend. He was a hard man, which made him hard to read.

"It would appear so," Captain Jesiah extended his hand. Harim clasped it

"So, friend...what are we going to do about this Lord?"

"I have an idea."