
Ascension Trial

A child born with demon blood, an orphaned half-orc searching for answers, an elven criminal turned paladin and a girl with uncontrollable magic find themselves working for a powerful underground figure to stop a greater evil from taking over the world. (The novel is based on a DnD Campaign I created years ago)

B_Olfert · Fantasy
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107 Chs

Parlay: Part 2

"Take cover!" He called out. The lead cannonballs flew overhead, inches from hitting a mast. Many splashed into the water just off the starboard side. As the ship turned it was becoming less of a target which meant the weaker armored stern suffered a few hits as the cannonballs made contact. He was slightly relieved the rigging hadn't been damaged by the first shops. "Helmsman, the rudder!" The brown ponytail of the helmsman whipped around as he ran to the ledge. Leaning over the poop deck as far as he could to see the rudder. Best he could tell it was intact but there were a couple of holes in the lower cabins, less damage than they had thought. He raced back to the wheel and everything seemed to work.

"All good Cap'n! Some damage to the stern, maybe the lower cabins, nothing major."

"Yelar, send a man to check the damage, and find me the passengers," Jesiah commanded.

Yelar called for a bosen ordering him to inspect the damage.

"Captain, we are here, and ready to assist." Harim and the Sect had heard their cannon fire, assuming it was the signal Yelar had mentioned, and rushed to the deck only to have to brace the enemy's artillery counter.

Captain Jesiah spun around, "Ah good,"

"Were you worried about us?" Rothox asked.

"Well, you are my charge so long as you are on my ship."

"What do you need from us?" Erigos asked. The deck of the ship was orderly chaos as the sailors worked to keep the ship sailing at full speed.

"Captain, they are chasing!" the sailor in the crows' nest called down.

"That means no more cannons right?" Erigos stopped watching the crew and looked at the captain whose face seemed worried.

"It means they will use their ballista and it's designed for chasing down ships."


Captain Jesiah watched his crew. "We aren't out of the woods yet," he returned his attention to the Sect. "You demonblood, you have experience, go help wherever Yelar needs you. Harim, stay by my side. I may have some questions for you and for you two," He looked at Alissa and Erigos, "Stay out of the way." It wasn't meant to be hurtful but they took it that way. Rothox went to find the quartermaster, Harim and Jesiah moved out of the way as a few crew members rushed by.

"Alissa you want to--" Erigos began, annoyed that the captain hadn't given them a task.

"Way ahead of you Eri," Alissa sprinted to the poop deck to check out at the other ship. Currently, the 'Fog Seeker' was pulling away but the enemy had yet to get up to full speed. Erigos joined her at the stern. They watched the sails unfurl and the 'Black Phoenix' pick up speed. A weird device on the bow seemed to spin to face them.

"What are you thinking?" He looked down at her, she opened her hand revealing a swirl of flame. The other ship was just out of range of her magic. "Just don't burn this ship."

"What's that?" She noticed the device on the other ship start to glow.

"I don't know...Harim!" Erigos left Alissa and got Harim's attention from the quarter deck. "There's something going on with--" A lightning bolt streaked out overhead slamming into the mizzenmast with a thunderous crack. The mast held, but few of the sails were burnt and burning from the lightning magic.

"What the fuck was that!?" Erigos had covered his head with his arms afraid the mast would fall.

"That is a ship killer ballista, and we can't take another blast." The mizzenmast held on but only by a few splinters. "Ease off the mizzen sails, she'll pull herself down." The mast was struggling to hold on with the open sails.

"But Cap, they'll catch us!" A crewman said.

"Then you better remember how to fight!" Captain Jesiah dashed to the poop deck with Harim and Erigos in tow.

"There," he pointed to the forecastle deck. "That's it and it's recharging." The glow was faint but growing. Alissa knew she had to try. She extended her hand and let the fireball go. It crossed the distance with immense speed, slamming into the bow of the other ship, erupting in a fiery explosion engulfing the entire jib boom and igniting the canvas of the jib. It hadn't hit the ballista but at least the fire had prevented them from attacking again right away. Captain Jesiah was awestruck. "That was--"

"Impressive, we know," Erigos cut him off.

"Well, little miss, your job is to make sure that thing doesn't fire again or burn down that ship."

"I don't know how many more I can cast." It had taken a lot of energy to summon the magic. She was visibly tired.

"Well do what you can, and you elf, help her in any way." Captain Jesiah nodded gratefully before rushing back to the main deck.

Erigos placed a hand on Alissa, channeling some of his divine energy into her. "That should help."

Captain Jesiah returned to his post, his crew was seasoned; they had seen their fair share of battles. They knew what to do so long as those ballistas remained out of commission. Without the use of a third of the sails their pace slowed, the 'Black Phoenix' was gaining as their crew had worked quickly to put out the fire Alissa had created. Jesiah said a quick prayer to the sea. Screams erupted from the enemy ship. He leaned over the side of his ship seeing a second source of fire, directly on the front ballista. That girl had thrown another blast. His prayer was answered.

He knew Lord Cragxan was after something, sinking this ship meant whatever it was would be swallowed by the depths, he doubted he wanted that to happen. He was counting on it. Watching the other ship's crew focusing on putting out the fires, it not readying their artillery. He was right, they were preparing to board. "Prepare to be boarded!" He commanded. He brandished his rapier, it had been a while since she spilled any blood. His crew readied their various weapons.

The 'Black Phoenix' sailed up beside them. It was hard to see the scorch marks on the dark wood but the angry faces of the crew, the deck still smoldering in places and their clothes burnt said it all. The hooks came across pulling the ships together with a crunch.

"Tsk, Tsk...Captain Jesiah, I'm shocked and appalled that you would attack a Lord of Orlan, an act punishable by death. This is very disappointing." Lord Cragxan's voice carried through the calm air. That feeling before the battle. Even with his ship smoking, the man was stoic, it was unnerving.

"What choice did you give us! You would have fired on us first if we didn't. I saw your crew take the tarps off your ballistas." Both sides were at the ready, waiting for each of their captain's commands.

"If I had known you had a mage onboard maybe I'd have thought differently. That wasn't very nice."

"Are we talking or fighting…" Jesiah was eager.

"It seems you found your lost passengers," Lord Cragxan looked at Harim and Rothox. "I'm feeling generous. Hand over the passengers and I'll let you sail away." He grinned, even his teeth were perfect. "And you can keep your precious Sylk." He leaned into his cane.

'How'd he know about that.' Jesiah thought. He saw Cragxan smile at him, he was testing him.

"I am aware of the symbols you smugglers use," Cragxan smiled knowing he was getting to Jesiah. "This is not the first time I have dealt with fortune seekers."

Jesiah ignored his last comment, "I know you don't care about them, you only care about what they took from you." Jesiah wanted to see his reaction.

The Lord laughed, it was a deep hearty chuckle. "Very astute, captain. Fine, hand over the item and I'll let you go."

Jesiah looked to Harim for a response.

"Lord Cragxan," Harim said. "We apologize for stealing your family's sword, with that being said, we have a great need for it. If it means anything, I swear we will return it to you when that need is no more." It was worth a shot. Cragxan stared at him with hatred.

"Thief...what could possibly be the reason you think you can steal from me," Lord Cragxan said his voice deeper.

"The evil that is brewing in the Empire, it needs to be stopped. This sword can help with that." Harim took a step towards him.

Lord Cragxan smirked, "I am well aware of Lord Blackthorne…and his goals...our goals." Lord Cragxan began to laugh again, his perfect teeth slowly changing to showcase two sharp fangs. His hands grew long claws, his eyes flashed and two large black wings spread out from his back. The dark leather, shroud in shadows and black magic, made the wings appear immaterial. "Shall we."