
Ascension Trial

A child born with demon blood, an orphaned half-orc searching for answers, an elven criminal turned paladin and a girl with uncontrollable magic find themselves working for a powerful underground figure to stop a greater evil from taking over the world. (The novel is based on a DnD Campaign I created years ago)

B_Olfert · Fantasy
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107 Chs

Orudon The Wise

"I can't believe it was in front of us and we didn't even notice," Rothox stared at the picture of the Staff of Power. It was the same staff they had seen in the gnomes' hovel and it matched the images of the staff from the Columns. After going through the book recounting the tales about this gnome Orudon the wise, the same old gnome they had come across in the Depths. Orudon had been a great wizard wielding the staff, unnamed in the book, to fight off demons and other evils. He traveled around the world helping people until he met a girl and had started a family. The book mentions that one day he just disappeared following the tragic death of his wife and children.

"We did say we would go back to free the gnomes from the Cerabora," Harim shook his head. "I can't believe we were so close to it."

"Well we at least know where it is but what about the last one, the ring?" Rothox began flipping through the tree tome again. The pages had nothing on the ring or any of the artifacts for that matter but maybe they had missed something.

"Rothox, there's no point in looking, you won't find it."

"Why do you say that?" He stopped reading.

"If the Monastery doesn't have anything on it, they won't have anything here. We got lucky finding the staff."

"You might be right." Rothox closed the book "Thought it was worth a shot. What is the plan once we find the rest of the artifacts?"

"I don't know, I honestly haven't thought that far ahead. We will know when the time comes I guess." Harim began to walk down the stairs, with Rothox lingering for a second marveling at the magical library before leaving as well. They had been in the library for hours, it was time they went to bed.

"Hey Rothox," Harim stopped him before he entered his room.

"Here," he handed him the cloak. "It's not really my style."

"You sure?" Rothox felt the material, it was smooth and light.

"You'll make better use of it than I will." He nodded and walked past him towards his room.

"Hey Harim," he called after him. Harim stopped without turning around. "Thanks," Rothox said. Harim continued into his room.

Rothox stared at the shimmering cloak for a few seconds, standing in the hallway. It was an amazing gift. He opened the door to his room and went to bed.

It wasn't long until they both were sound asleep, in a proper bed, something they all had missed.

Harim stood looking at the dying gnome. He bent down and removed the ring. He had relived this moment in his dreams for years, always assuming it was because it was his first mission and his mind was still battling the guilt of not helping the gnome. He now realized it was because of the ring. It all made sense, the four of them were all connected to these artifacts, this journey was fated to happen.

They spent a few more days in the palace, getting to know Alissa and Erigos' home. Not long after it was time to continue their journey. The decision was made to go after the staff, back to the Depths in the north. The ring, being in the possession of the monks would be impossible to get, they weren't as sharing with powerful artifacts as they were with knowledge.

The Trezen Mountains are on the other side of the continent, it would take them months to get there especially if they were avoiding Zarcum. The queen offered to send them to a wizard in the city that could teleport them. However, there were risks involved with teleporting to places someone hadn't been to and it would be hard not to tell them their plans. It was difficult to trust anyone in power after Lord Cragxan, not that they trusted him but it showed them just how deep Ottothal's influence went.

The Emperor's road out of the city offered the quickest and safest path through the forest. They left early in the morning on the sixth day after arriving in Avent. Well rested, fully equipped with supplies and mounts for the long journey. The Queen saw them off as they rode out of the palace grounds.

"Be safe," Queen Amalia gave Alissa a big hug before they set off.

By the middle of the second week, the horses were gone, killed by various creatures. The first one died to a panther while they slept. It had slinked into their camp and jumped on the back of Rothox's horse. In the ensuing chaos, the horse died from its wounds and the panther got away. The second and third perished while traveling beside Hurier Lake. They had been drinking from the water when two giant tentacles dragged them under before the Sect even had a chance to step in. The tentacles never resurfaced and the horses were gone. They kept the last horse as long as possible but it too found a brutal end when a giant eagle picked it up and flew off. They had been using the last horse as a pack animal. With no more horses and now having to carry their supplies on their backs, they continued on foot.

It took them three months to reach the northern range. Each town they passed had Embers stationed looking out for them once they entered Sa'vour, apparently, the news had gotten out they had not perished at sea. Either Lord Cragxan had searched the wreckage for their bodies or someone working for Ottothal had spotted them in Avent. When they needed supplies Rothox would slip the cloak on and sneak into the towns and villages undetected. It was safer than disguising themselves with base magic, the Embers would have someone who can see through the illusionary magic stationed with at each settlement

Getting through Meirgrand was the last obstacle, the only way safely across The Scar. They took the canyon staircase in with Lafamar and managed to get through the city undetected. Not long after leaving the city, the Trezen Mountains came into view. The small camp they had come across in the valley outside the hidden entrance when they had left the Depths the first time had moved on. Eventually, they were in the tunnels once again.

Rothox lay on his stomach, feeling for the metal rings in the wall. They were there as well as a ladder that hadn't been there the last time. The expansive cavern was quiet, there was no ringing of pickaxes mining the city free. There were no Cerabora floating around and the only living things were the giant bats, and there were more of them now. Something had happened to the humanoids. There were half-eaten bodies and skeletons on the ground near the hole in the city barrier.

"Something is wrong," Rothox said.

"I can sense it too, we should get to the gnomes right away." Harim began to sprint. He was first through the tunnel to the gnome village and they watched him fall to his knees at the exit.

"Harim!" Alissa called and dashed ahead. She saw what he did. The gnome village had been raised to the ground. Every home was smashed and destroyed. Only the giant stalagmite stood, but it too was riddled with destruction.

"What happened here?" Rothox looked around at the ruin. "The Cerabora couldn't have done this...could they?"

Harim shook his head, "No...look." He pointed to a slain gnome, killed by deep slashes.

"Garrok did this," Erigos said he punched the rock wall in anger.

"You don't think the camp we ran into told him?" Harim said.

"We did tell them about the tunnel..." Rothox replied.

"Lydia…" Alissa rushed off.

"Alissa!" Erigos chased after her. She was too fast for him and got to Lydia's family home before he could reach her, what was remaining of it. Alissa tried to move the rocks away, tears spilling out. Erigos just hugged her. He couldn't help but cry as well. Harim and Rothox slowly approached, no tears in their eyes but they were mad. The three of them helped move the heavy stone, but Lydia's body wasn't there.

Alissa wiped away her tears, "Where...is..she."

Harim knelt next to her, "I might know."

They found the body of Lydia at the spot where her petrified parents had stood, they too were destroyed, pieces of their bodies scattered and mixed in with the other broken statues. Lydia had died hugging the legs of her parents. Large gashes across her back.

"I'm going to kill him," Erigos clenched his fist.

"We don't know it was him…" Rothox said.

Erigos snapped, "Who else, huh, who else would have done this."

"Eri…" Through her tears, she tried to calm him down.

He stormed off through the ruins. Alissa tried to wipe away her continual tears and followed after him.

Rothox looked at Harim, "Let's go find Orudon."