
Ascension Trial

A child born with demon blood, an orphaned half-orc searching for answers, an elven criminal turned paladin and a girl with uncontrollable magic find themselves working for a powerful underground figure to stop a greater evil from taking over the world. (The novel is based on a DnD Campaign I created years ago)

B_Olfert · Fantasy
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107 Chs


It wasn't the first time they had been to Myrona, having chartered the ship they took on their way to the Monastery through the coastal city. It is a simple city although still a large place. Being the largest city on the coast in Yulandi it naturally became the fishing center of the continent. Large fishing warehouses dot the harbor where the fisherman bring their catch and the fish is packaged in a special frozen bag and sent out to the capital cities. Trixia led them towards the docks in the direction of the largest warehouse where the majority of the fish are processed through. As they walked through the streets they noticed many fishing nets, cages for crabs, and large fishing poles for larger more exotic fish. Not only is Myrona a fishing paradise but it is also the location where everyone traveling to the Ascension Trial passes through. Even those traveling by sea, stop to resupply before heading to the island. Every five years the largest and nicest vessels sail to the harbor a month before the event to prepare for travelers. The city doubles in size in preparation, the inns and taverns burst at their seams. Many people even invite strangers into their homes. The city flourishes during that time for a couple of weeks before returning back to its traditional fishing ways.

There was a strong smell wafting from the docks, nothing they hadn't smelt before but today it was especially potent. Even with the smell, the docks were still just as busy as usual. Trixia led them all towards the dockmaster's hut where a tall figure was talking with three separate captains. He noticed the six of them approaching, dismissed the captains, and walked over.

"How may I help you, fine folk?" He didn't recognize Trixia as she kept the hood of her cloak up, covering her face which had started to slowly come back to its healthy figure. The dockmaster was a long brown-haired elf, with green eyes that showed he was older than he looked and he had a clean face. He was too clean to be on the docks daily and they knew that meant he didn't smell bad, unlike other dockworkers they had come across, something that couldn't be tested due to the dead whale stench.

He noticed them struggling with the smell, "Sorry about that, a whale washed up overnight, rotten smell should clear up by tomorrow." Even his speech was clean and easy to understand. He lacked the typical fisherman; dockworker slang. It now made more sense that he knew Trixia, he clearly wasn't from here. He pointed to the tip of the curved beach just past the docks where a large bloated whale carcass lay. They could see a few people milling around it, inspecting the dead animal. "Looking to charter a ship to the Isle, we've got quite a few ships ready to go, although I say you are a little early?" As he talked he kept looking over their shoulders, acting a little shifty.

Erigos took a step back, eyes wide with shock and recognition at the voice and especially the eyes.

"Everything alright?" The dockmaster eyed him curiously.

"Eri...What's going on?"Alissa looked up at him. Erigos didn't respond right away, he just stared at the dockmaster.

The dockmaster squinted his eyes, "Do I know you?"

Erigos finally responded, "...D...Dad?"

Vorthas and the leader rode out of Zarcum, the sun was just peaking over the horizon. After searching the estate they had found scratch marks comparable to that of a grappling hook on the wall. The fugitives had escaped into the mountains. Ottothal told them that the only way down the side of the mountains was to the south. The enemy, if they continued to travel through the night they would have a decent head start, however, they didn't have horses. The nearest place they could get mounts is Odelhall. The tricky part was figuring out where they would go from there. Considering the Trial was a few months away they would be headed for the Isle at some point. According to their eyes and ears throughout the Empire, Trixia had a friend in Myrona, therefore Vorthas and the leader galloped east. They would hopefully beat their quarry and get there first.

"They're here." The leader spotted six figures walking towards the docks. The two of them had arrived in the city a few days before the Silver Sect and set a trap with the sailors. It was easy to get people to side with them for the promise of money especially when it was to help the interim-Emperor stop people trying to sabotage the Ascension Trial. They watched them from their hiding place as the group began to talk to the dockmaster and that's when they made their move.

Vorthas leaped off the roof of the house they hid on, landing on the dirt ten feet down and entering a full sprint down the wooden docks. The leader was right behind him.

Erigos waited for the man he thought was his dad to respond, his friends looked back and forth between them, obviously looking for a resemblance. He said nothing, nobody said anything. He looked into the eyes of the dockmaster, it was his dad, he knew it. His dad's eyes started to water then the sound of heavy footfalls behind them caused all six of them to turn around. Two figures were running towards them, drawing weapons.

"Vorthas!" Rothox shouted. Before anyone else could react he threw two daggers right at the demon. The demon batted them away without breaking stride, grinned, and pushed faster. Pulling away from the leader.

"Run!" Trixia said as she turned to head further down the docks. Her friend stood in her way and the captains he had been talking to had returned, weapons in hand.

"How could you?" She snapped at him.

"I didn't know it was you, I swear. They promised us gold, lots of it." He backed away, constantly looking at Erigos who was now focused on the advancing demon and the giant sword he drew off his back. The captains moved past him, as he kept backing up, "I'm sorry…sorry."

Vorthas reached them and as he did he removed the demonic blade from his back, the ebony weapon came down towards Rothox, who got yanked back by Harim as the blade slammed into the wood tossing splinters, as the force nearly split the dock in two. Vorthas continued to advance, using the reach of his massive sword to force them into a cluster, with the three captains blocking their escape, and the dockmaster standing just out of harm's way, head down. The Inferno leader arrived and chuckled as he saw Rothox who no longer held his illusory form.

"Vorthas hold…" the large demon stopped his attacks, the heavy sword extended towards the throat of Harim, neither breaking eye contact with the monk. "To think you could be standing beside me instead of…well where you are now," the leader paced across the narrow dock confidently, waved a hand and dozens of the captain's crew appeared from the deck of their ships leveling crossbows and bows at them all. The Sect was trapped.

"It was easy to get your friend to turn on you Trixia, surprising what people will do if you offer them a little gold in return."

She glared at him, "I guess we weren't really friends after all."

"Well they are my friends now and they will kill you all unless you return," he pointed to Trixia. "And you give us the other Artifacts of Awakening. Before you freak out and question me, Yes, we know about them. Don't think for a second Ottothal wasn't aware of your plan." He awaited a response. "Look, I know it's hard to trust that we won't kill you after you hand over what we want, but you don't have much of a choice. What'll it be?" He stopped pacing and his gaze passed over them all, his tail swishing back and forth with impatience.

"We want some answers first, I think we deserve at least that," Harim never took his eyes off the demon staring but the black blade into the soulless eyes. Vorthas held his sinister grin.

"Hmm…depends on what they are."

"How did you know we were coming here, we didn't even know we were coming here?" Harim asked.

"The Trial, obviously, and that man over there, the dockmaster. We know his connection to Trixia, made sense for you to flee here, very predictable. Honestly, I'm a little disappointed in you all. We did expect more from you, walking right into our trap."

"Who are you?" Rothox asked. He had always felt a weird feeling towards the leader.

"Well well isn't that a juicy one. That will be the last question and I will answer it with a question of my own for you, Rothox. Why did you leave?" He grinned.

"Why did I leave?" Rothox was confused.

"The orphanage." The leader stared into Rothox's eyes. Rothox saw into the demonblood and he knew who he was.
