
Ascension Trial

A child born with demon blood, an orphaned half-orc searching for answers, an elven criminal turned paladin and a girl with uncontrollable magic find themselves working for a powerful underground figure to stop a greater evil from taking over the world. (The novel is based on a DnD Campaign I created years ago)

B_Olfert · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
107 Chs


Erigos looked at Alissa, "Where should we go, Alissa? This is your day to explore the city."

"Umm, the museum?"

"Sounds like a plan!" Erigos tried to seem excited although he wasn't a fan of looking at old things and was impatient. He wanted to keep pressing on to Culku City, at least they had a purpose. The distraction was welcome, otherwise, he just found himself thinking about Trixia and the threatening situation growing the Empire.

The pair left the Polished Inn through a side archway, down a marble hallway towards the city's museum within the large cavern building. A pair of guards, not wearing the traditional Ember uniform, watched them as they passed the threshold into the museum. Their dark maroon uniforms were wrapped in a bronze thread and void of wrinkles. Clearly designed for looks rather than functionality. Similar guards were stationed throughout the building.

The museum curator, a male gnome, saw them enter, he floated over. He had an arrogant way about him as he approached.

"Welcome to the Hall of Dust." He spoke with a hint of that arrogance and as he spoke he pushed his glasses up. Instead of looking up at them, he levitated to meet Erigos' eyes. "How may I navigate you today? What in particular are you wanting to see?"

Erigos wanted to roll his eyes towards Alissa.

"Why is it called the Hall of Dust?" she asked. "I don't see any dust?"

"The name Dust, is the name of the owners' of the Polished Inn and this fine establishment. We pride ourselves on not allowing...dust...in our facility." He waved his hand magically and removed the dust, they had accumulated during their travels, off their clothes. He lifted it into a nearby bin. He rubbed his thumb against his fingertips, inspecting them as if he had somehow got some of the dust on his hands. "Much of what is in the museum is part of their personal collection. They are a very old family, I'm surprised you've never heard of them." he paused. "Where is it you hail from?"

"Umm, from Avent," Alissa said.

"Ah, that makes sense…You are used to your forests and...wilds. What is it you were wanting to see today?" He moved his gaze towards Erigos.

"I'd like to see the old war things!" Alissa said with excitement.

The gnome slowly turned back to face her and looked down from his elevated position, peering over the brim of his glasses. "We don't have… 'things', we have artifacts, various great works of art and sculptures, among many other precious items."

"Oh...ok...well where are the war artifacts?"

"Follow me." He rolled his eyes and the gnome turned. He floated off down one of the many corridors.

"I don't like him," Alissa whispered.

"Me neither."

They followed at a distance but not too far that Alissa couldn't ask all the questions.

"Who is that," she pointed to a sculpture of a dwarf with a pickaxe.

"That is Kron Dustgrand. He founded the city of Meirgrand."

They passed by many paintings, marble sculptures, and old tools in casings. As they walked Alissa pointed to many of the objects asking various questions. The gnome grew more and more annoyed.

"What's that?" They passed by a large staff in a glass case.

He sighed, "That's an old staff." He gave up explaining everything. Eventually, they got to the room dedicated to artifacts and items from previous wars.

"Here you are." He floated aside and let them enter the area. It was one of the larger exhibitions. While they took it in before they could turn and stop him the curator rushed out of the section. Eager to not have to answer any more questions

"Alissa…" Erigos began to scold her. Even though he had been rude to them it didn't mean she could annoy him on purpose. He stopped before saying anything as she gave him that familiar look. The look that she gave when he was a step behind her. "Oh, no, what are you planning?"

"Nothing…" She began to look at the items around the room. Going from case to case searching for something. "Hey, look at this."

Erigos came over. In the case was a beautiful gold necklace with a red ruby jewel. A little note underneath it said, 'Once worn by the Great General Tavasor.'

"Isn't that the name The Sultan mentioned?" she asked.

"It is, which means this must be one of the pieces he wore."

Alissa began to move her hands, as she did when she casts a spell.

"Alissa, what are you--" He was too late.

He watched as the guard in the corner slumped into the wall.

"What did you do?"

"Oh don't worry he is just asleep." She wasn't paying attention her eyes were fixated on the necklace. Quickly she lifted the glass and snatched the necklace. Erigos frantically looked around to make sure no one had seen her steal the jewel.

Rothox had one goal in mind, find Lord Jirax. His body knew exactly where to go, even though it had been years since he had last been to the Lord's mansion. He avoided the square where criminals are publicly executed, for obvious reason and skirted around the military district before reaching the wealthy area of the city. In comparison to the estates in Zarcum, they weren't as lavish or exotic but because of the extra space without a volcano to work around, they were larger. Lord Jirax's place was the size of a small palace with its own private army. Rothox didn't remember any of this. The location was the same but the mansion was different, bigger, and nicer. It seemed that Lord Jirax had recovered and done well during Rothox's time away.

Harim had ordered the supplies they needed to be brought to the Polished Inn. After he made the arrangements he noticed Rothox try to sneak away. Curious, he chose to follow, at a distance. Rothox got on the cable car in the Polished Inn and headed to the surface. Harim had to wait for another one as to not be noticed. Rothox would have a head start.

Getting off the gondola, Harim tried to scout out where he went. He strained his eyes searching the throngs of people. One figure moved through them with ease, a practiced weave of a thief. It had to be Rothox.

The path he took was odd; careful, a path one would take that was familiar with the city. He knew the areas to avoid, he missed all the Ember patrols and stayed in the alleys. Harim picked up on the direction Rothox was going. If he continued on his current path he would reach the Jade District.

Rothox snuck past a few guards posted along the outside of the compound. With relative ease, he climbed the stone wall. From on top, he waited for the next guards to move past before he dropped down and hid behind a large hedge. He worked through the property towards the closet tree, next to the home. Climbing the tree he used the branches that extend towards a second story balcony. Nimbly he balanced across the branch and closed the gap between the tree and the balcony. He could hear a voice talking to summon inside the room. Leaning as close as he dared he was able to hear two voices.

"Lord Jirax, what do you mean the shipment was never sent." The voice sounded familiar to Rothox but he couldn't make it out.

The voice of Lord Jirax was recognizable and he heard him say, "Dunlan lied to The Sultan, he never sent the item, he kept it for himself at the mine. I had no idea, I'm sorry."

"My employer does not like being lied to." The voice grew angry.

"I'm telling the truth. Like I told the man last night, I had no idea he never sent it." Jirax began to panic.

"What man?"

Lord Jirax let out a whimper. The other man was clearly hurting him. "The dark elf."

"What dark elf," he pressed into whatever pain he was creating.

"He asked me about the shipment too.:

"What did you tell him?

"I...I told him what I told you."

"That was a mistake."

"I thought he was going...t-to kill me."

"No, I will." The snap of the neck was unmistakable and the thump of a body hitting the ground let Rothox know Lord Jirax was dead.

He wanted so badly to rush in but he had no idea what he would encounter in there. He waited patiently, hiding on the balcony. He heard footsteps leave the room. A few moments later two figures walked out the front door, as if nothing had happened. Peering over the edge, Rothox saw them. One had a hood covering their face, but the other was unmistakable. It was the large demonblood from The Gala night, Vorthas. Which meant the other had to be the leader.