
Ascension Trial

A child born with demon blood, an orphaned half-orc searching for answers, an elven criminal turned paladin and a girl with uncontrollable magic find themselves working for a powerful underground figure to stop a greater evil from taking over the world. (The novel is based on a DnD Campaign I created years ago)

B_Olfert · Fantasy
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107 Chs

Kargavir, The Collector

Rothox held his breath as the dragon revealed his sharp teeth as it smiled towards him. "Why don't you and your friends come out and join me in my home."

Rothox wasn't sure if he should talk.

"It's polite to respond to an invitation." The dragon sounded annoyed.

"I...think we are just going to be on our way...sorry to disturb you," Rothox went to push himself out.

"Now, Now, I would really appreciate it if you joined me." As the dragons spoke he opened his mouth to reveal a fire forming in the back of his throat. He positioned himself in such a way to show that he could send a gout down the tunnel they all clung inside.

"Rothox, what color is it?" Harim whispered as he moved up to the platform.

"It's hard to tell, it's very dark but he looks...maybe green or copperish." he squinted trying to use the little light Alissa had from below to see the dragon. There was also a little light coming from inside the dragon's lair.

"Well you better hope it's not green," Harim said.

"Wait, wh--" Rothox started to ask but the dragon cut him off.

"Now." The dragon's voice shook the rocks, the coins cluttered around him. He flared his wings out and ready his fire.

Rothox had no choice but to crawl out into the lair of this dragon.

"Ah, there you are." The dragon stalked around him, inspecting every inch of the demonblood. "Hmm.." It thought out loud, "You are interesting."

The lair was a large cavern, filled with, not quite as much, gold and jewels as Arokaan's vault. It still was enough money to make anyone as rich as a king. There were weird trinkets, musical instruments, clothing, objects Rothox had never seen before, chests brimming with even more trinkets. It was a menagerie of wealth.

"I see you are intrigued by my collection." The dragon purred, obviously proud of his horde. It took a sniff with it's large nose. It moved its head towards the hole Rothox had climbed out of. "I smell a familiar scent. Why don't the rest if you come out and join us?" His voice resonated through the tunnel.

One by one they came out, Erigos last. As Erigos emerged the dragon had a look of recognition in his eye. It laughed a deep hearty chuckle. "Erigos of House Zilkatan, it has been a long time." The dragon snaked down to his level, eye to body.

Erigos recognized the dragon. "Yes it has Kargavir," Erigos gave a slight bow. This was the dragon Erigos had encountered in his criminal past.

"You remembered little old me, I am flattered, truly." Kargavir reared up showcasing his immense frame. The copper scales shone in the now fairly light cavern due to the light Alissa carried. The light Rothox had seen was a shield that had a never-ending glow, shoved halfway into a pile of coins. The dragon settled back down. "What brings you to my lair once again."

"Last time you weren't in the mountains, what happened?" Erigos asked.

"It has been nearly a century since we met, sometimes we dragons have to relocate. These mountains were more my style anyways." Kargavir smiled, heat emanating from inside his mouth.

"I guess it has," Erigos looked at his friends, "This is the dragon I was telling you about."

"You told your friends about me, how sweet." His large eyes blinked as he moved closer. "What may I call you since you already know my name?"

"This is Rothox, that is Harim and this little one is Alissa," Erigos introduced them.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, oh great one," Harim bowed to him.

"The pleasure is all mine." It was clear he liked the flattery. "You can visit anytime." His eyes fell on Harim.

"Well it was great catching up, if you could just point us the way out or we can head back the way we came in," Erigos said.

"So quick to leave, so typical of you," Kargavir said. "I don't get many visitors, stay awhile, let's chat. Maybe we can help each other, like last time." He snaked around the room, his entire body circling them in. "That's better. Tell me, are any of you talented?"

"Talented?" Harim asked.

The dragon rolled his eyes, "Can you play an instrument, sing, dance, juggle, that kind of thing, or are you all the fighting type, brawn over brains...so boring."

Alissa pulled out a little flute from her bag, "I can play this."

"I would be delighted my dear, play away."

She began to play. Only Erigos had heard her play before but it had been a long time. It was beautiful. It was a song her mother had taught her. The dragon closed his eyes as her music put them into a trance. When she finished, Rothox swore he saw a tear in Kargavir's eye.

"That was majestic, you, my dear may take something from my treasures since you have given me something so pure."

"Wow, thank you, sir," she bowed to him, unsure of what to do.

"Careful I may just keep you for myself," he chuckled in a half-serious manner.

"Gentleman, your turn." The large head whipped over to Rothox.

Rothox removed his daggers and began to juggle them then began to throw them so the belt triggered them to come. Harim and Erigos remained still watching the dragon. When Rothox finished the dragon looked at him with an inquisitive eye.

"I do appreciate a good juggler but unfortunately your belt does the heavy lifting, no gift for you but I will let you live." He said cheekily. "As for you two...no special skills you wish to impart with us?" Kargavir swiveled looking at them expectantly.

"Sorry Kargavir I have a different skill set." Erigos had been through this before with him.

"I am well aware of your lack of talent, Erigos even though you had a hundred years to learn one, however…" he brought his eye up to Harim, "I do not know his."

Harim cleared his throat, "If I may."

The copper dragon pulled away, and gestured out with his claws, "By all means." He watched Harim eagerly.

Harim removed the items he carried, passing them to Erigos. He stood, hands at his side, staring straight forward before he started to move. Slowly with smooth and precise form, gliding across the stone like water. It looked like a dance as every move was methodical, his body tense as he planted his hands on the ground and lifted his feet off. He rolled his legs around his torso, pausing with his feet pointed straight up. He removed one hand and balanced it on his right. He switched with a little hop, now holding himself up on his left. Slowly he let his legs fall and he went back into the rhythmic moving. He performed a couple more of these incredible positions. Before stopping and bowing. He wasn't breathing heavily, he was calm and relaxed.

His friends stared at him with awe. They weren't too sure what they had just witnessed but it had looked amazing. The dragon narrowed his eyes.

"In all my years I have never seen a dance like that. Your mastery over your own body is magnificent." He clapped his giant claws together. "You may take a gift."

Harim wordlessly bowed, retrieved his things from Erigos before beginning to search for something of interest.

"Mr. Kargavir sir," Alissa got his attention. She had been wandering the treasure while listening to him.

"Little one?"

"I thought dragons were mean and ate people."

He bellowed with laughter shaking the cavern. "Not all dragons are mean. There are a fair share that are similar to me and prefer the company of other intelligent beings, especially ones that are talented or have something to offer. I have been known to eat someone from time to time but only if they deserve it. I hope you don't deserve it." He paused for effect. "Other dragons have other motives that drive them, many being selfish, and yes eat people." He smiled showing his fangs once again.

"Then how come you live so far away from people?" She asked.

"Ah...well, not all people are good people. Many fear dragons no matter our morality." His eyes flicked over to the guys. "I chose to live in exile rather than face a horde of people trying to kill me. I'd rather not have that blood on my paws. It is unfortunate, I do miss it." He playfully blew a little fire from his mouth into the air. "As for you, what brings you so deep into the peaks?"

"Our ship was attacked and sunk on our way to Avent." She told him the truth.

"My dear, that is terrible, who would do such a thing to such a sweet innocent child."

"A vampire."

"Oh, interesting. I have had dealings with them in the past, they are truly a despicable type. Plus they don't taste too good, being undead and all," he chuckled to himself, using a claw to pick at something between his teeth as if he was remembering eating one. "You must have done something to make it angry enough to chase you out to sea?"

"We---" She was cut off by Harim intentionally dropping something on the ground. That got the dragon's attention away from Alissa.

"Have you found what you are looking for, Harim?" Kargavir slithered around to find Harim standing in front of a large ornate chest.