
Ascension Trial

A child born with demon blood, an orphaned half-orc searching for answers, an elven criminal turned paladin and a girl with uncontrollable magic find themselves working for a powerful underground figure to stop a greater evil from taking over the world. (The novel is based on a DnD Campaign I created years ago)

B_Olfert · Fantasy
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107 Chs

Escape From Zarcum

"That is quite the tale," The Sultan leaned back in his chair. Fingers in a steeple position, his index fingers gently pushing into his upper lip. A position they had seen him do many times while he thought. Erigos had just finished telling him the events that had just transpired and why they suddenly appeared in his establishment. "I can get you out of the city, that is not an issue. It's a matter of what to do with you while you are away."

"I'm sure we can figure that out," said Erigos

"I'm sure you could, however, I may have something for you. I had a few men look into the incident at Dunlan's estate. They uncovered that the shipment I was expecting had not yet been received by him. He had lied about that. I am beginning to believe he may have never had the item in question but may have known where it is. We are still unsure as to why the vampires attacked and are looking into it. In the meantime, I would like for you to go to Culku City and investigate his mine. The artifact he claimed to have found may still be there."

"What if we don't want to travel that far?"

The Sultan leaned forward, "Maybe I don't want to help you leave the city." It seems they had no choice. "I don't see why you wouldn't want to make some gold while you are fleeing the city."

"We are being framed. It's not like we want to leave. What choice do we have."

"Yes, you said that," His eyes fell on Rothox who made sure not to break eye contact with The Sultan.

"Do we have an accord?" He kept his unblinking gaze on Rothox.

"We will investigate this mine for you, and try to find your item. We will need to know what it is though," said Erigos.

The Sultan turned to Erigos, leaving Rothox grateful. The Sultan knew something.

"Ah yes. Have you heard of General Tavasor?" None of them had. "He was a great general before The Rebirth. The legend states that he donned brilliant red armor made up of the standard parts: breastplate; boots; leggings; gloves; and a helmet. He also wore a special red diamond necklace and ring. These items individually hold their own unique abilities but when worn together the wearer could transform into a red dragon, or so the legend says."

"What do you want with something so powerful?" Rothox, who had been quiet the whole time, stepped forward. It was his turn to try and learn some information.

"If you must know, I want to add it to my collection of rarities. Over the years I have been fortunate to build up a substantial amount of wealth. Once in a while, I like to spend that fortune."

It seemed hard to believe The Sultan only wanted to shelve such a powerful artifact. "Which piece, in particular, were you supposed to receive from Dunlan?" Rothox asked.

"The chest plate. Dunlan claimed it had been found deep in his mine. Whether or not this is true...well this is where you come in."

"That seems like such an odd place for such a legendary item," said Rothox.

"It is unless you know the legend. Which stated: that just before General Tavasor had died, he ordered his armor to be spread across the continent, so that no one could possess all the pieces at once. It is proving quite hard and expensive to find them.

"And how did you find out about this armor?" asked Erigos.

"I like to read." He smiled. "Enough chatter, we are burning valuable travel time."

"We will need supplies. Most of our traveling supplies are back at Sweetbrier Estate, which will surely be under tight scrutiny," said Erigos.

"Of course, I don't send my employees into the wilds of Yulandi unprepared." He clapped his hands and Carson appeared from the shadows. "Carson ready the necessary supplies for these three to head to Culku City. Along with supplies for a few days underground and the journey back." Carson had his trustee ledge. His hand sped across the parchment as he jotted the list down. "You will leave within the hour. In the time being please make yourself at home in the tavern." He shooed them out. "Oh and one more thing, my associate will be joining you, he has business in Grandmeir." He called to them as the curtain collapsed.

A tanned man sat at the bar, sipping on a coffee. His black hair was short, as was his well-kept beard. His clothing was similar to The Sultans with a slightly tighter fit. If it weren't for the callused knuckles Rothox would have mistaken him for a simple merchant. However, this man was no simple seller of goods.

"I assume you are the associate?" asked Rothox.

"You assume right." His voice had a slight hint of a foreign accent. He took a sip of his coffee.

"I take it you aren't from around here."

"Once again, very astute." He took another sip of his coffee, the tendrils of steam wisping across his face.

"Neither are you." He eyed Rothox, as well as the pair who chatted separately. "Are you sure you are up for the journey? Lots of...things can happen on the road."

Rothox leaned in, "What's the fun in nothing happening. I never caught your name."

"That's because I never gave it."

"If we are going to be traveling together we should at least be acquainted. Rothox." He extended his hand forward.


Once again they found themselves back in the tunnels. This time they took a new path, being led out by Molta. The journey took an hour before they arrived at the exit tunnel. Molta pointed into the darkness. "Walk that direction and you'll be out of the city." He left them there, heading back down the dimly, thought lit, tunnels

"What is this place?" Alissa asked after a few minutes of walking.

Harim responded, "The tunnels and sewers under Zarcum were also built as an evacuation system for important members to escape the city if the city ever fell under siege. Long forgotten by most. This tunnel leads under one of the mountains to the North. If we were to take the tunnel that we passed earlier we would end up near or in the palace, in theory." He said in theory but he actually knew the answer.

They trudged on for a few more hours. Rothox noticed a slight incline in the path. A light started to appear in the distance. The tunnel ended abruptly at the edge of the mountain. The sun had started to set at this point and the staircase carved into the stone was slightly tricky to navigate in the shadows. Parts of the ancient staircase had eroded away and the going was slow. When they finally set foot on the ground below a cart ladened with supplies and two donkeys were waiting for them, There was no one else around. The cart was just there all alone.

"I guess this is our supplies?" Erigos examined the cart.

"It would appear that way," said Harim.

"I say we camp here for the night," suggested Erigos.

"Agreed." Harim was already rolling his bedroll out.

"I'll check the cart for dinner." Rothox began to search through the supplies. He found more than just-food. Lifting a pouch he found hidden amongst the food.

"What's this?"

Harim laughed, "That would be a bag of Sylk. I'd imagine since The Sultan didn't tell us about it, it's not going to anyone in particular. I assume we can use it as a bargaining tool with...certain members of the Umbral Society if need be."

"The Umbral Society?" Alissa asked. Both Rothox and Erigos were already familiar.

"Oh, I figured…" He looked at the two men, "It's a group of people, like The Sultan, that prefers to work...in a similar fashion to him."

"Oh, so criminals."

He chuckled, "That's a way of putting it."

"Here." Rothox tossed them all a few pieces of dried meat. "So, Hiram...you are dressed like a merchant, yet your knuckles have seen a few fights."

"Nothing seems to get past you, Rothox." He rubbed his knuckles. "I have a few skills that protect me during my travels."

"I don't see any other weapons?" asked Erigos as he gnawed on the tough jerky.

"That you can see...I prefer not to openly carry, it makes those that seek you harmless expectant. Much easier to beat."

Rothox had heard of warriors trained in the art of unarmed combat, he still had yet to meet one. He looked forward to seeing this one in combat. With the sun fully set and the moon pulled into her position the foursome found sleep for the first time on their long journey.