
Ascension Trial

A child born with demon blood, an orphaned half-orc searching for answers, an elven criminal turned paladin and a girl with uncontrollable magic find themselves working for a powerful underground figure to stop a greater evil from taking over the world. (The novel is based on a DnD Campaign I created years ago)

B_Olfert · Fantasy
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107 Chs

Dark Waters

Erigos leaped. The added weight of Alissa and his heavier armor made this jump harder for him. Even though it wasn't that far it was the narrowness of the landing. His right foot found the other side, but just the lip and a piece of the rock crumbled beneath their combined weight causing his momentum to go the other way, towards the water. Harim saw this and whipped his quarterstaff around. Erigos saw the staff come into his reach, he grasped it. Everything halted in the brief moment before Harim managed to pull them to safety.

With his second foot firmly planted on the other side. He hugged the wall, breathing heavily. With each rapid breath his stomach bounced off the wall.

"Shit, thanks Harim." He nudged Alissa, "You good?" He felt her hug his neck.

"Yeah, don't---" Harim began.

"Guys…" Rothox was looking over his shoulder at the water. The wake was moving towards them, quickly.

"What?" Erigos asked.

"The water!"

Erigos strained to look over his shoulder with the human clinging to his back, but he could see the water moving, "Go!"

Rothox shuffled as fast as he could but the creature or whatever lurked in the water was gaining and they were fifty feet from the other side. He stopped and turned his head to Harim. Harim nodded. Erigos saw the nod.

"No, guys...no."

Rothox and Harim spun around to face the water, but the movement was gone.

"Where di---."

With a massive splash the creature breached the surface. The Sect watched as the giant snake reared up out of the water.

"Alissa, Light!" Erigos yelled. The light nearly blinded them as she summoned it. The snake pulled a way, hissing at the light. They took that moment to get a better look at the creature. It appeared to be a giant snake but it wasn't a normal snake head, there were human features to it.

From the water, out of range the snake attacked. A blue beam started to grow from it's head and a bolt of energy struck out from it towards the source of the light. The blue bolt crackled, with nowhere else to go to dodge the magic Erigos jumped into the water. The magical energy slammed into the rock wall with a thunderous boom. The branches of the blue power licked Erigos on the shoulder as he jumped away.

Shale and chunks of wall blasted around the cavern, splashing into the water around Erigos who was able to stand in the waist high water. It was cold but he hardly noticed as the burning pain in his shoulder seared his flesh and his mind. He drew his sword and waited for the creatures to come closer, not wading out further into its watery lair.

Alissa had dove off his back into the water, just before the magic hit. She stayed under and swam as best she could towards Harim and Rothox. She emerged just as the snake creature summoned a black energy on its forehead that sailed between them all. The necrotic energy began to grow into a dark orb that when it reached them they felt it suck their life force. Once the energy had encompassed them all it vanished.

During these attacks while Alissa was underwater, Rothox had thrown his daggers but they missed harmlessly wide before blinking back to his belt. The weaving body was too hard to hit.

Harim felt useless, he couldn't get close enough with the water to help. He checked his surroundings after the dark magic hit them. This creature was too strong; they were in trouble. There was a nearby stalactite, he had an idea. Pushing off the wall he dove through the air, flipping to get his feet angled at the rock formation, and angling his body. The second he felt his feet find the stone he shoved, rocketing past Rothox. A second flip and he landed on the small pathway once again, but on the other side of Rothox. From here he turned and yelled at the snake to get it's attention.

The human eyes of the creature found him taunting it. Harim could see the eyes now and he knew this was no normal snake, it was a naga. This meant it was intelligent.

"Hey!" he called towards it. "We are sorry for waking you, for disturbing your home." It was a long shot but it was about buying time. As he yelled, he continued backing down the path. The naga slowed it's defensive wavering. Harim seemed to have gotten its attention. The other three saw this and began to push away.

The naga spoke with perfect speech. "You have disturbed my waters." It's eyes glowed as it tried to influence Harim's mind but he shook it off and ignored it.

"We did not mean to, we sincerely apologize," Out of the corner of his eye he noticed his friend's slowly inching along. He continued to move back, the naga moving with him, clearly keeping him in range of it's arcane abilities.

"I do not know you," It's head turned to them all now, swiveling back and forth, it sniffed the air. "I have your scent now."

"Great creature, if you let us be we promise to never bother you again." Harim was trying to convince the creature as he convinced others.

"Hmm…" the naga thought for a moment, "Or I can make you mine now!" It hissed and tried to hold Harim in place. Once again he shook it off. His magic not finding a foothold on this humanoid the naga grew angry.

At this point Harim was across and the others were only twenty feet away. The naga, angered that Harim was able to withstand his powers, continued to focus on him giving the other's more time to get across.

Another blue lightning bolt flashed from the naga towards Harim. He ducked out of the way but the energy still found parts of him. Scorching his cloak and the skin underneath. He kept his composure. So far his plan is working. He would have to suffer one more attack before his friend's were safe.

The naga swam closer, it was smart enough to stay away from the edge. It began to focus its eyes with Harim's eyes once again. This time it's hypnotic gaze was attempting to lure him to sleep. Harim felt his eyes grow heavy and he slumped to the ground. The naga snatched out towards him. However, in it's blind rage it didn't notice the demonblood sprint across and attack its neck. The daggers cut deep into the skin. The naga pulled back in pain. It tried to bite down on him but a large sword slammed into the underside of its neck as Erigos arrived. The string of the blade caused the creature to pull away further. Erigos and Rothox grabbed Harim in the forced sleep and began to drag him away. The exit to the cavern was a few feet away.

Alissa raised her hand and a giant wall of fire protected them from the naga.

The naga yelled in anger, " I will have my revenge!"

They pulled Harim into the tunnel as far as they could before their damaged and exhausted bodies gave up.

"Alissa, is it chasing?" Erigos asked.

"I don't think so, I kept that fire up as long as I could."

"What was that? I've never seen you do that before."

She forced out a smile, "I guess all the practice is making me stronger, especially when it's in desperation."

Harim began to wake as Rothox poured some water on his face, "Damn Harim, that was stupid."

He laughed, "It worked didn't it."