
Ascension Trial

A child born with demon blood, an orphaned half-orc searching for answers, an elven criminal turned paladin and a girl with uncontrollable magic find themselves working for a powerful underground figure to stop a greater evil from taking over the world. (The novel is based on a DnD Campaign I created years ago)

B_Olfert · Fantasy
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107 Chs


A bolt of light lit up the night sky as it streaked out from the ballista slamming into the side of the mahogany ship dealing a devastating blow as the electrical magic lit the side on fire.


The crew of the 'Fog Seeker' fell and scrambled out of their hammocks as another blast from the ballista impacted the mezzanine mast. Already in its weakened state, it began to crack and tip over. The skeleton crew manning the ship during the night dove out of the way as the mast crashed into the deck, taking rigging and sails with it. Captain Jesiah tried his best to keep his composure but this was a sailor's nightmare. 'How did they get ahead of us,' he thought. He forced his fear down; he had a crew to command. He had to shove his way out of the cabin as parts of his ship were blocking the door. He took a deep breath and stepped out onto the deck. His ship was a disaster. He had to make the call and in this state, they weren't fleeing.

"All hands to the guns! We aren't going down without a fight." He rushed to the stern, searching for the other ship. The moon and stars weren't enough to see it, she had gone dark. "Yelar! douse the lights!" If they were to survive they would need to hide as well. "Helmsman starboard ten degrees." The gentle breeze would continue to move the ship even with a third of the sails gone. A flash of blue outlined the enemy ship for a split second off the front of the bow, it flew wide. Jesiah sighed in relief and made his way to where he could command the ship best. "Men to the portside cannons," he yelled to the gun deck. "Hold this course, we should come about and be aimed right at them." It was impossible to tell exactly how far the 'Black Phoenix' was but they had to attack.

The Silver Sect was on the main deck just after the aft mast fell. They watched Captain Jesiah unsure of how to help but they were at the ready. The 'Fog Seeker was in line with where the other ship had been. "Fire!" The cannons boomed as each sent their payload across the calm water. They waited hearing one splash, two splashes, and the rest meet the same fate. They had missed.

"Fuck," Jesiah knew what was coming next. One cannon fired and the whizz of the lead cannonball sailed short splashing into the water harmlessly. A crescendo of thunder emitted from the darkness as the rest of the enemy cannons fired. The port side of the ship took the brunt of it. Redwood splintered and shattered as the lead balls minced the wood. Sailers screamed in pain as the shrapnel hit them. It was a disaster. Harim could sense a change, Lord Cragxan no longer carried about getting the sword back, he was sinking this ship.

He looked at his friends, "We have to get off this ship, now." Even though they were still a few miles from land.

"We can't just abandon them," Alissa said, trying to speak over the cries. Another blue streak slammed into the mainmast, followed by a second shortly after. It meant both ballistas were working. Both shots were too much for the wood, it protested and the mast cracked in half.

Erigos dove on Alissa as parts of the mast and ship rained down. Captain Jesiah was still screaming orders, the ship practically paralyzed.

"Ready the guns for another volley!"

"The guns on the portside are gone, captain." Yelar crawled out of the ruble. A second thunderous blast as twenty more cannons fired sent them all diving for cover again. The cannonballs shredded through the ship's hull, many aimed lower to create holes to cause the ship to take on water.

"Yelar!" Jesiah yelled out as one of the last shots had impacted near his quartermaster catching him with many splinters. Blood poured out of his wounds; there was no saving him as a large stake had caught him in the chest, he was gone.

"Jesiah, we must abandon ship. He means to sink it," Harim went to pull him up.

"No, I will not leave my men to die. Go if you must. If what you say is true you must not let the world fall into the hands of these monsters." He shoved Harim away. "Go."

Another blast from the ballista impacted the main deck, igniting the fallen canvas. The entire ship was about to go up in flames.

"Captain Jesiah...We…" Harim couldn't say it.

"I know, as am I." He clasped his hand with his new friend. "May Omnitheos guide you."

They left, rushing over the wreckage towards the longboats. The 'Black Phoenix' emerged from the darkness into the moonlight as it began to make its way towards its dying prey. If they were to get off without being seen it was now. One longboat was still intact, dangling off the edge of the starboard side by one rope. Another volley from the ballista hit the stern, sending shards of glass and wood through the air. The shrapnel found purchase in more men. Erigos got his shield up to block himself and Alissa but a few small pieces sliced into the others. They shrugged it off. Rothox slashed the rope, the longboat slipped into the water. Harim dove off into the water and steadied the boat. Erigos and Alissa scaled down the side of the ship. Another blast slammed into the ship causing Alissa to slip off and fall into the water. Erigos jumped off after her. He helped her into the smaller boat. Rothox still stood on the collapsing deck of the ship.

"Rothox, let's go!" Harim yelled at him. Rothox took one last look at jumped off.

It was a terrible scene to watch as they rowed away from the carnage, the screams of the sailors, a few of them their friends, reached their ears. The 'Black Phoenix' as it neared the slowly sinking 'Fog Seeker', still moved at full speed with no signs of slowing. Large metal spikes pushed out from hidden compartments on the bow just before the black ship slammed into the fractured hull of the ship. The spikes designed specifically for ramming other ships tore through the layers of wood, rope, and flesh. The Sect watched, as they rowed away, the enemy ship split the 'Fog Seeker' down the middle with a terrifying crunch. A few of the spikes took unfortunate sailors with them, dragging their limp bodies along. While still in between the two sinking halves the cannons fired from both sides. It was utter annihilation.

The rocky spikes and small islands that dot the sea around the corner of the continent were an hour away from the sinking ship. The 'Black Phoenix' had not seen them flee but they were still not safe as long as they remained in the water. With each stroke, using the islands as cover, the edge of the continent and the Redstone Peaks drew closer

Rothox jumped out of the longboat, his feet splashing into the shallow beach as another wave crashed into the rocks. They weren't large but big enough they could still be dangerous near the rocks. Erigos and Harim both jumped out as well. Together they dragged the boat onto the small beach among the rocky shoreline. The sun was just beginning to break the horizon, the boat was now fully dragged onto the beach. They collapsed, having pushed themselves without rest since escaping.

Erigos lay on the shore, exhausted. His entire body ached, "What...now?"

Harim stared at the dawn sky, "We still have our mission."

Rothox rolled over and faced the mountains, "It won't be easy to get to Avent now. Erigos, do you know these mountains?"

"I've been to them once, but only the other side. There's a settlement on the edge of the forest at the base of the range." Erigos had traveled there with his father as a boy. His father wanted him to meet an old friend of his. He couldn't remember much else.

Alissa wasn't as tired; she didn't do any of the rowing and was already halfway up the small crag. "Lis, where are you going?" Erigos asked, noticing her climbing.

"Just getting a look." From on top of the rocky tower, she scanned the ocean, there was no sign of a ship. However, she saw dark objects being carried towards them in the water.

"There's something in the water!" There was a brief panic on their faces until she yelled out again. "It's not a ship."

Shaking his head, Harim watched the ocean's waves carry what she saw to their feet. The object was not alone as he spotted more. They looked like pieces of wood, and only when the nearest one lapped at his feet did he recognize the deep mahogany grain.