
Ascension Trial

A child born with demon blood, an orphaned half-orc searching for answers, an elven criminal turned paladin and a girl with uncontrollable magic find themselves working for a powerful underground figure to stop a greater evil from taking over the world. (The novel is based on a DnD Campaign I created years ago)

B_Olfert · Fantasy
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107 Chs

Adresin Lutoris

From the balcony, Rothox could see the four other Champions rooms. The gap to the nearest balcony, slightly too large for him to jump, and ironically Harim could probably make it. He would have to climb as the grapple would be too loud, especially since sitting on one balcony was a blue giant; Fangmar Icefist. The frost giant was talking to someone. Rothox couldn't see them as they were behind the enormous man. Rothox wondered how the balcony could hold his weight. He felt nervous for Erigos, they had seen how formidable his brother had been. Rothox chose not to go that way, hoping the far room wasn't the one he needed to go to. Instead, he stood on the edge of the balcony, climbed over the side, and held onto the lip, dangling twenty feet above the seats below. He slowly began to work his way along the narrow groove that the builders had added as a design in the architecture.

The next room had only a few lit torches. It was quiet and there was no one in the main living space. He checked the bedroom to see a dwarf passed out on the bed, with a half-drunk mug of ale pearless perched on the nightstand. He was snoring loudly. Rothox slowly backed away.

'Not the right room,' Rothox thought. Once again he had to shimmy along the ledge towards the next room. He climbed onto the balcony and heard voices coming from inside. The door to the balcony had been left ajar. Unfortunately, he couldn't make out what they were saying as they spoke in another language. Slowly he pulled the door open and stuck his head through the gap. He saw a young elven man; Adresin Lutoris and two other people talking with him. One an elderly elven man and the other Lord Elator Helemeor. Rothox remembered the Lord from the gala, one of the delegates. The elderly, militaristic elf he had never seen before. They were deep in conversation. The two elves raised their voices towards each other.

While they were distracted Rothox set his grapple and rope on the far side of the balcony, away from all the other rooms. After a few minutes, the two men left and Adresin Lutoris was left alone. He seemed bothered by something as he sat aggressively into his chair, taking a swig of his drink. Rothox watched as he set his drink down, stood back up, and paced towards the balcony. Rothox stepped back and readied the pummel of his dagger as Adresin aggressively pushed the door open. Before he got too far the demonblood slammed the butt of the dagger into the temple of the unsuspecting elf. He crumpled into Rothox's arms, he was thick for an elf and the demonblood almost dropped him.

Harim confidently strode towards the guards blocking the entrance of the grandstands.

"Where do you think you are going?"

"To inspect the grandstand."

"On whose orders?"

"Garrok Blackrend. He asked me to inspect below his balcony."

"Garrok…the Champion of Sa'vour asked you…Why?" The guard squinted in suspicion.

"He said he heard a noise."

"A noise? I didn't hear no noise." The guard looked over this shoulder as if he could see underneath the balcony from his post.

"You can go check with him if you want. I'm sure he would really appreciate being bothered when I can just take the five minutes to do what he asked."

"Fine… " he grumbled. "Be quick." He stepped aside and let Harim pass.

Harim stood above the thousands of seats. From the entrance to the coliseum, he could see the three levels of balconies. The bottom five balconies belonging to the Champions and the top five are the Emperor and the Kings'. They were at the top of their half of the stands. The seats a the backside were even higher. Harim wondered how hard it would be to see the fighting from so high up. Harim began to make his way towards them, looking for the rope Rothox was to leave out. Dangling off the very last one he spotted the hemp rope. clutching it he began to climb. He grasped the ledge of the balcony and pulled himself up.

The first thing he noticed was the unconscious body of Adresin Lutoris.


"Yes," the invisible man said.

"How long has he been out?"

"Not long, you had good timing," Rothox revealed himself. Taking the cloak off he started to attach it to Adresin.

"Good idea." Harim joined in moving the body around to make him fully invisible. They then rolled and pulled him onto the balcony edge. "Alright, did you get a good enough look at him? Can you replicate him?"

"Should be no problem." Rothox slowly began to change into Adresin. His eyes turned green, his hair a dark blonde. The horns and tail faded away and he now looked like the elven Champion. He even looked as if he was wearing the same clothes. "How do I look?"

"Good, try not to talk, though, you sound nothing like him." Harim leaped onto the ledge and repelled down the rope. Rothox waited for him to reach the bottom. Once he did and Harim was in place, he gave the body a shove. Twenty feet below Harim caught the elf, normally the weight would have taken them both out but with the aid of the ring, Harim's body withstood the force. Without it, the plan would never have worked. Harim hiked the invisible body over his shoulders, legs on one head over the other. The next step would be to get past the guards without looking suspicious.

Rothox, now Adresin, opened his door. The two guards looked back at him before looking forwards immediately after.

"Lord Lutoris, is there a problem?" The one asked.

Rothox shook his head. They noticed out the corner of their eyes.

"Oh good…" The guard began but Rothox shoved past and headed down the hall. "Erm Lord…," he called to him. Rothox didn't stop, he just kept walking. He wasn't sure how Adresin walked so he did his best to have a solid posture, keeping his chin up. He got to the stairs and with each step, he felt eyes looking at him. The guards at the bottom nodded respectfully towards him, as he turned towards the harbor and the entrance to the coliseum. As he walked the guards parted for him, allowing him to maintain his path, something Rothox had never experienced before. With each nod and sidestep, Rothox realized how powerful and important these Champions are. He started to enjoy it.

Harim got to the pillars, just a few steps from guards. He positioned his shoulders to prevent any obvious hunching and let his hands fall to his side, balancing the elf on his back and shoulders. He would only be able to keep it up for a few seconds. Harim slowly walked forward.

"See anything?" The guard from before asked.

Harim struggled to balance the body with just his shoulders and managed out a grunt, hopefully meaning 'no' to the other guard,

"Alright, don't need to be rude, just asking since you said that's what you were doing."

Harim nodded to him and took one step forward. He felt the body shift slightly. His second step was slower and clearly, he was acting weird as the guard stepped towards him.

"Everything alright?" he asked.

'Shit, shit, shit,' he thought as the body began to fall. He had to catch it, he reached up just as a man walked into him sending him and the unconscious invisible Adresin tumbling to the ground. Harim saw the green eyes of Adresin Lutoris looking back at him, it was Rothox who ran into him.

"My apologies, Lord Lutoris," he said as he got to his feet. The lord nodded back to him. Harim placed his hands on the sand looking for the body as well as pretending to stand back up. The other guard rushed over to help Lord Lutoris.

"Champion Lutoris, are you all right…my apologizes for this stupid guard, getting in your way."

Adresin held up his hands, shaking his palms towards him to say 'I'm fine.'

"Are you sure? I could have this man punished."

Once again Adresin didn't speak but rather shook his head no and dusted himself off. Harim used the distraction to find the invisible body. He needed to get it back on his shoulders.

The other guard gave him an angry glare. "Well, what are you waiting for, get up and out of the way."

"Right of course." He glanced up at Rothox as if to say help me. There was no way he was going to get the body off the ground without it looking obvious he was picking something up. There were more guards walking around and starting to look at the interaction. The fake Adresin looked back.

"What seems to be the problem here?" A deep powerful voice interrupted the scene. Everyone turned to see Lord Cragxan approach.