
Ascension Of The Strongest Warlock

William was a man whose source of work had turned him into the most wanted criminal in the world, but within those unfeeling eyes there held a throbbing warmth that belonged to his only surviving relation; his younger brother. However, his end came from that very same relation, and with endless pain, William breathed his last on earth only to find himself in a strange world and renamed; Jerouch. In a world ruled by warlocks and divine powers, sold by his family for awakening a worthless grimoire, Jerouch once again felt hurt and betrayed. Unknown to the world of Vastoria, a being with the name Jerouch had been gifted the greatest grimoire ever to exist. The treachery of two worlds had birthed a cold-hearted man who only sought power. With unyielding will on a path of slaughter, Jerouch vowed to forge his own ultimate destiny in a world where even the gods and demons had perished. ____ Check the pinned review for further information. Discord link: https://discord.gg/S455uQtE

MKmanyr · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
167 Chs

26 New Changes

Status Page

Host name- Jerouch

Health: 300 Mana: 150


Level- 3

Exp- 0/4500


Rank- D

[Stats] [Skills] [Quests] [Shop]

Jerouch's eyes twitched as he saw the unrelatable stat points. Furthermore, his health and mana bars had increased quite a lot, which was to his satisfaction.

However, he couldn't understand how his level was reversed to level 3.

Even without the multiple level ups, he had long gone past level three, which perplexed him even more.

' What's the meaning of this? ' He sighed, and. His eyes constricted confused.

' Could it be due to tutorial?' He thought. Fortunately, the system was helpful currently with the following notifications that dinged.

[System was initially sequenced to allow host to rise quickly, since host has wasted a lot of his years being trash. Hence, it was made easy for host to level up quickly. ]

[The prerequisites to level up will henceforth increase, as host has to work for himself.]

Jerouch's forehead crisped, and his nose raised in annoyance.

He didn't argue that he was at some point a trash. But did the system really have to rub it on his face without even filtering anything?

' Hmph. ' He harrumphed and decided to check the stat.

Clicking on the stats tab, his stats were like these.

Strength - 5

Agility- 4

Mind- 10

Perception- 3

Charm- 1

[Stat points- 0]

Jerouch wasn't surprised at all. The stats were entirely different from what he knew earlier.

Some were even lower than what they used to be when he was an E rank warlock.

One thing was certain, however. Although the stats had dropped drastically, including his level, he was not in any way weaker.

If he described it better. He would rather say that he had grown super strong.

His perception was the first evidence considering how his senses had gone better. Furthermore, his strength too spoke of how powerful he had become.

Just as the system said, he had wasted enough time already. Other talented warlocks had advanced in leaps and bounds, while he was just an F rank a while back.

Now that the tutorial had ended, though, things would go a bit hard, but he was ready to face them head-on.

'And charm? Confused by the new stat that appeared, he frowned, but he quickly relaxed his face.

' I mean it's not a bad thing, but more mouth to feed, hehe.' He smirked meaningfully.


Passive skills

Hand-to-hand art- 3

[Host's body is powerful enough to incorporate his previous life martial art skills.]

' Oh. ' Jerouch's eyes brightened up.

Being a mafia lord meant he must be skilful in so many things, and one of them was martial arts.

Even though he wasn't a veteran, he was not mediocre either.

He could've used these martial skills before, but they were practically useless in this world.

Forget Olympic gold medallists. Even an F rank warlock could beat them to death due to the existence of magic and mana which had reconfigured their bodies to be more powerful than the physically trained people on Earth.

Progressing to other passive skills, it continued as such…

Sceptre art- 1

Active skills

Sprint- 3

Swap- 2

Healing- 3

'Sprint and sceptre? ' He wondered in amazement before shifting his eyes to the next tab.

Grimoire- epic rank]

[Ability copy.]

[The divine grimoire of &$@. By writing the full name of any target, host can copy their abilities.]

[It can only be used on sentient beings with proper names.]

[Ability absorption.]

[Host can now absorb the power of any creature he killed, along with their morphologies.]



' Crazy! ' Jerouch bellowed.

Previously, he could not directly copy the power of monsters since they had no names, at least for the low-rank monsters.

Now, however, he could cross that limitation and even absorb their morphologies.

' More power, hihi. ' He giggled under his breath and swayed the hair strands that fell on his forehead.

Jerouch then noticed that the shop tab was no longer greyed as shown previously, which meant he had access to it now.


The shop tab had two sections. The first section was for storing things, while the second section was the shop itself where things were sold.

However, Jerouch's face soon darkened, seeing the outrageous prices of the items.

Black robe

[A silky robe that can keep the host warm or cool, depending on the weather. The robe cannot survive extreme temperatures]

[Cost- 10]

[Coins- 10]

The coins tab again was another new feature which he was just getting to know about.

Unfortunately, he only had ten coins and that was the cheapest item he could find.

Gritting his teeth, he bought the robe, since the previous robe had torn.

The only thing left of the old one was some dirty-torn pieces glued to his body, which also reeked of sweat and minced flesh.


Daily quests

Sub quests

Random quests

Main quests

Daily quests- level up each passive skill in the dojo

Sub quests- null

Random quest- null

Main qu-

Jerouch shivered, and he almost tripped when he saw what the main quest was all about.


A/N Sorry for the late update guys.