
Ascension Of The Strongest Warlock

William was a man whose source of work had turned him into the most wanted criminal in the world, but within those unfeeling eyes there held a throbbing warmth that belonged to his only surviving relation; his younger brother. However, his end came from that very same relation, and with endless pain, William breathed his last on earth only to find himself in a strange world and renamed; Jerouch. In a world ruled by warlocks and divine powers, sold by his family for awakening a worthless grimoire, Jerouch once again felt hurt and betrayed. Unknown to the world of Vastoria, a being with the name Jerouch had been gifted the greatest grimoire ever to exist. The treachery of two worlds had birthed a cold-hearted man who only sought power. With unyielding will on a path of slaughter, Jerouch vowed to forge his own ultimate destiny in a world where even the gods and demons had perished. ____ Check the pinned review for further information. Discord link: https://discord.gg/S455uQtE

MKmanyr · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
167 Chs

24 Defiance


An eerie silence blanketed the entirety of the hall as the two attacks clashed.

They both seemed to melt away due to the eerie silence, as they pushed each other, fighting for supremacy. Not long, however…


A deafening shockwave travelled to the extreme of the hall right from the epicentre, which was where the two attacks met.

Jerouch was further catapulted backwards until he crashed with the weapon of one of the statues, which pierced his left thigh and came out close to the pelvic region.

'' Argh- '' Tears abruptly dropped from Jerouch's eyes as he felt excruciating pain. But that wasn't the end.

A part of the fiery cloud still managed to come down, and even though it had been weakened greatly, it was, yet, enough to char Jerouch's right arm and ribs.

He was battered from head to toe, and he felt his consciousness fading due to the blood loss and pain that his body could barely endure.


Jerouch looked ahead with his meshed-up face in the direction of the sound.

There he saw the two crazy monsters. The roc was lying with his eyes closed, wings, charred and talons broken.

The serpent, on the other hand, was also lying a couple of distances away, with a deep gash that almost discreet his midsection into two.

Blood and internal organs spread out from the large wound, and they filled the air with a rotten smell.

Jerouch kept looking at the monster with his eyes closed. He didn't know what to say, think, or feel.

Even a monster as powerful as the serpent didn't manage to escape such an attack.

Moreover, the roc, as powerful as he was. There lay his charred body, whether he was dead or alive he didn't know.

Jerouch's mouth shook and so did his body quiver along with his palpitating chest and drenched back.

The roc… They barely knew each other, yet, he sacrificed himself for him.

Even though he knew the roc still had to act regardless, since the serpent wouldn't have allowed them to go…

The way he fought fiercely while still protecting him with his silver aura was commendable.

Jerouch's heart softened, and even the pain of his thigh being pierced could not stop him from feeling grateful.

In this world where his own parents treated him like dung, where fellow humans saw him as a waste to society… A beast actually stood up for him, protected him, and braced up against a fatal attack that could have killed him in a second.

' Isn't that comical? ' He wondered.

Humans were the ones who saw him as an eyesore. But a monster that all of them deemed as an evil creature was the one dying to save his life.

' Humans are pathetic, and their hypocrisy shall one day be their bane. ' Jerouch closed his eyes weakly as he slowly got numb to the pain.

His eyes got cloudy as darkness began to wash his vision.

' No. ' He abruptly opened his eyes with the little energy he could muster.

' I can't die here. ' He gritted his teeth as blood trickled from his mouth.

The ground was already coated in thick red blood, and an ordinary human being would've long crossed to the afterlife.

' I still need to repay them all. ' He began to push himself forward in the hope of removing the long spear that had pierced him.

However, it was easier said than done, as the only thing that changed was the rate at which he bled, which further made him feel dizzy.

' Those motherfuckers of parents…'

' Those bastards slave merchants… ' His body was now convulsing, but he didn't stop. ' They are out there enjoying, waiting for their talented son to lead the family to peak and greatness… '

' Waiting to ravage new slaves and throw them into Nega forest after inhumane tortures. '

' Kiki. ' A creepy giggle that would make one's heart jump in horror echoed in the deathly silent hall.

' Die? '

' Not now. '

As death approached, Jerouch was having a myriad of emotional imbalances which was driving him off insanity.

Fear, remorse, self-ridicule, defiance…

They were all eating his mind with every second that passed.

Jerouch didn't see it, but the negative emotions had actually manifested and shrouded his body in a thin, dark film.

His mind turned even messier than it already was, but the good part was that he was now able to drag himself away from the spear.

' Arrh. ' A weak grunt left his mouth as his eyes got clouded with tears, which he refused to let out.

He continued pushing until he fell to the ground like a broken toy.

He picked himself up after standing and falling for who knows how many times.

Staggering, limping, and dragging himself on the ground. He advanced with resolve as his bloodshot eyes didn't leave his target even for a second.

He arrived at the snake's position who had lost too much blood just like Jerouch too. However, he was bent on not letting this opportunity pass.

The roc had done his part, it was now left for him to complete the remaining.

He didn't know how much b he had. Neither did he have the strength to check.

The only thing his brain could focus on was the serpent before him, and that was because of his strong will.

The will to survive.

He slowly raised his hands and pointed his palms in the serpent's direction.


A/N sorry for the drop in updates. College showing me hell right now.

I hope y'all have a nice day and a happy read. Author loves you all.