
Ascension Of The Shadow Emperor

### **Ascension of the Shadow Emperor** #### **Synopsis:** In the world of Elara, where magical prowess dictates social hierarchy, Kade is a young man from the slums of Ashvale, born without the Gift and condemned to a life of servitude. His fate changes when he encounters a dying old man, the last member of the fallen Shadow Clan, who transfers the clan’s ancient artifact to Kade. The black crystal grants him the power to manipulate shadows and access lost techniques. Determined to experience the world he enters into U-Academy,where he meets Chen Ryou and joins his Gang as the Vice gang leader . There, Kade uncovers a dark conspiracy involving the ruling Noble Clans and gangs. As Kade and his allies expose the corruption and gather support, they prepare for a final confrontation with the head of the ruling council. In a climactic showdown, Kade must use his newfound powers and cunning to defeat his nemesis and bring justice to Elara. Emerging victorious, Kade dismantles the old order and ushers in a new era of hope, becoming the Shadow Emperor who protects the realm and ensures no one else suffers as he did. "Ascension of the Shadow Emperor" is a tale of resilience, power, and the fight for justice in a world of magic and intrigue.

GameOfSeasons · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 6:Arrival

Mary shouted,the mere power of her voice made one think that she was a banshee.

"Hey,Mary what's up,I was just thinking of exploring the world no biggie,I will be out of your hair bye".

"Boy,you're not going until you pay for me taking care of you through out all this years"

"Thank you,Mary for taking care of me through all this years" Kade said,while bowing his head.

After that he proceeded to leave.

"Oh so you're just going to live like that,you ungrateful,fucking piece of dirt shit that should have died with his family". Mary said spitting on the ground.

**ptuu**as the Spit landed on the ground,Murderous intent flowed out of Kade's body.

Choking every body in a ten mile radius around him.

"If you ever talk about my parents again,I will murder you in the most fucked up way possible."

"Huh"Mary said feeling intimidated,her body functions broke down and she vomited.

All because of his Killing Intent .

Leaving Kade to swagger out of town.


The So-called Killing Intent was just a instinct honed by killing,he had gotten so used to killing animals,that he treated them like chickens that could be slaughtered.

Making him think,what of if he killed a human,will he become indifferent in killing humans,like he did?.

Well that's for another day.

He decided to use to use portals to travel,after all using portal to travel is the same as using Horses in cost,while in the duration horses can't compare to portals.

The reason people use Horses,is because the lines at the portals were much,on a normal day it is usually about 200,000 people waiting to be transported by portals.


After he arrived at the portal waiting line,he was shocked.

He was actually the 150th person to come which means.....

"Shorter time!!!!".he shouted acting like a kid.

"Who's that kid,why is he acting like this??".

People in the background discussed on a low tone.

".... do you know that you're acting like a child".Kade looked up,still rejoicing over the fact that he was going to soon use the portal.

"And so,if I'm acting like a child is it your buisness?".Kade asked looking really pissed.

"HAHAHAHAHA,boys come see this Kid is really funny The man in question who asked that question,called 10 other people over.

"Boss,does he know that we are from the June Gang"One of the "boys",looked at him while smiling eerily.

"Boys,let's teach him how to respect his elde...."The gang leader stepped forward ready to lead his men to attack when

"Your daddy shouldn't have given birth to you,he should have given the sperm that created you to a rat,in fact your daddy should have given birth to a dog than to give birth to you,you are a fucking piece of crap,the foolishness runs in your blood,you can't even recognize Mt Tai".

The gang members took a step back,the insult obviously stunning them.

Then He attacked,**BAM**,The body of the gang leader went back flying high in the air.

Knocking into his gang members.

Everyone was shocked,then went back to their own buisness.

Although the reason they were shocked was because they don't know a person who would freely give up his position in the line just to fight someone.

The Gang leader asked "What's your name?".

"Mai Akira"Kade gave a fake name.

"Okay Mai Akira I'm going to kill you the next time we meet".

The Gang leader said,while retreating rapidly.

"Akira,you really humbled them" A boy whose hair was black and white said.

"And who are you??"Kade asked skeptically.

"I am Chen Ryou and. I'm going to become the greatest gang leader of all time".





"Hehhhhh".Kade Shouted.


The System told him to join Chen ryou's Gang.

Fuck I should have seen the System's plans.

"No.150 to No.175,please enter the portal".

Kade immediately entered the portal waiting to quickly leave.

A thought entered his mind.

'where do you want to go'

Wait it is not me that is saying this,how could this thought suddenly enter my head

'Ok, youre going to U Academy.'

Then he suddenly vanished.