
Ascension of the Master Assassin

Venn was a nobody in life. Heaven Descent was everything he had. Having spent every waking moment playing the game as a game rat, he found himself back in time to the first time he started playing Heaven Descent after drowning himself with alcohol the day his sister died. With no knowledge of stock market nor sufficient capital, he is determined to rise to the top of the game this time to save his sister from her illness. "Watch me! I shall take everything that belongs to me and more this time, even if it meant prying them from the clutches of Heaven!" Check out my discord: https://discord.gg/4kJ8Bw7y5S If you wish to donate via paypal: paypal.me/POTNW https://www.patreon.com/minimaleffort20 You can read on RR as well:

Minimal_Effort · Games
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61 Chs

Ten Holes

"She truly believed me when I said I will buy her a mansion!"

"She truly believed me that I will protect her smile even at the end of her life!"

"If I run away now. Wouldn't I be the same as those Gods that Argos Von Kaiser had mentioned in his dairy?"

"What's the point of living a life of cowardice if you can't protect your loved ones!"

"I'll do it. I'll do whatever it takes!"

Venn shouted with all his might!


In the headquarters of the Blood Serpents, all the black robes were patiently sitting at their respective places overlooking the progress of the trial.

Unlike what Venn had seen in his trial, the chamber was in pristine condition. Nothing had been knocked over and there were no signs of a fight breaking out.

After all four candidates had drunk their share of the wine mixed with the blood of Argos Von Kaiser, the founder of the guild, they had unknowingly stepped into an illusion prepared by the legendary emperor.