
Ascension of the King [TOWER OF GOD X TBATE]

(This is all fiction, nothing real. This fanfiction is not meant to offend anyone, it's just for entertainment.) King Grey has unparalleled strength, wealth and prestige. However, loneliness lingers closely behind those with great power. Beneath the glamorous exterior of a powerful king lies the shell of man, without purpose or will. What if Gray is not reincarnated as Arthur Leywin but his soul is transmitted to the Tower of God. Becoming the new 25th Baam, Grey is determined to live his new life as he wishes. Although correcting his past mistakes is not his only challenge throughout the Tower. (There will surely be spelling and grammatical errors because I use a translator, but don't worry because I make corrections by checking my chapters so I advise you to reread there.) TOG and TBATE do not belong to me, they belong to the authors SIU and turtleme respectively, it's just a fanfic. The cover page doesn't belong to me either.

lordotaku3527848 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

The King's Trust

3rd pov:

"Hello, I'm the assistant for this test, Yellowy. The teams who have passed the test, make a line! The first to arrive will be the first to take the next test!"

Announced a female voice, It was a girl with yellow hair with two ponytails and headphones, she was dressed in an outfit resembling a bee and there was a robotic bee that flew near her.

The Regulars who managed to pass the Lero Ro mini-test gathered in an enormous waiting room with a ceiling made up of ornate windows showing the illuminating false sky of the Floor.

"Okay, the test is about to begin. The first team can enter."

The first team, led by the one-armed redhead, followed suit and calmly entered the room. The other teams could only wait their turn while chatting among themselves.

"Pff, it's boring to wait."

Aguero huffed with annoyance, seeming to be impatient, unlike Rak who keeps his patience because that's how a hunter acts.

For Baam, he was just lost in his thoughts, refreshing his ideas a little, he wasn't worried about the next test because he had to think about the most urgent problems which he had to resolve as quickly as possible.

The first problem is none other than the improvement in his strength, if it wasn't for the experience he gained in his previous life and the Black March in his hand, he would already be getting digested in the stomach of the white steel eel.

He will not be able to continue like this, one day or another he will end up stopping as Lero ro said, especially if he is one of the weakest Regulars in this test zone.

Maybe he can find a school or instructor of some sort that he can teach him Shinsu Manipulation?

But he declined this idea because this type of service must be very expensive and not only does he not have a penny on him, but he does not know the monetary system of this Tower.

Which was weird for him to be so poor when he was such a rich King that he didn't pay attention to these expenses.

'Sigh... It's not like I have to complain. I have a second chance to live the life I want, and I've been in this world for a few hours. It's normal for anyone to start at level 1.'



A shrill scream came from the test room, loud enough that all the Regulars had their attention focused on the door of this room, as did Baam who came back to reality with confusion.

"Wh-What's that noise? Was it coming from that door?"

Stammer Aguero, wondering what could be on the other side of this door which he looks intently at as if he wanted to see through it.


"Next team, please come in."

Asked the assistant who no longer reflects her joy from a moment ago.

"Wh-What was that scream? Are they dead?"

"Is-Is this test super dangerous?"

A large majority of Regulars whisper to each other clearly showing their anxiety and even for some fear for this test which seems much more complicated than they thought."




'This time took a little long...the time before didn't take as long.'

Aguero looked at his pocket showing a stopwatch. He was thinking to find the secret of this test.

'Now that I think about it, I didn't hear any noise from the previous team. Would they have succeeded? D*mn, if only they could tell us something.'

'What could possibly be going on behind that door?'


Another scream resounded in the circular room, the Regulars were no longer surprised to hear these same agonizing screams again, only the confusion which grew more and more was in the atmosphere.

An atmosphere that was uncomfortable for Aguero.

'After this team, it's our turn... only 3 out of 10 teams who came into this room did not scream.'

'If the teams that passed were the ones they didn't shout, that means the chances of passing this test are low.'

"Hey friends, need some help?"

A funny voice from behind him, cut off his thoughts. He turned around to see that it was a man, if you could really call it a man, with a broad and rounded body, he was dressed in a neon green dress, and whether it's its limbs or its head, it seemed to be plastic instead of flesh and he had no eyes in his sockets, as if they had been torn off.

"Who are you? What do you want from us?"

Aguero asked dryly, his irritation could be seen in the creases of his eyes, especially in. oyabt the twisted smile of his interlocutor, who finally simply replied:

"Don't stare at me like that, we're in this together! I'm here to give you an important clue to pass this test."

"A clue? And how do you know?"

Aguero asked suspiciously, while slapping the hand of his interlocutor placed on his shoulder.

"Deduction. I was chosen for my intelligence, so it was quite easy."

Replied the plastic man with a touch of pride, which did not convince Aguero.

"Your clue, is it about of time?"


they say in unison Aguero and the funny guy, it was none other than Baam who had just added to their discussion, he was just remaining silent while listening to them.

"Baam... can you tell me how you arrived at this deduction?"

Asked his teammate, he wanted to know the reason which pushed Baam to affirm his words, the same for his interlocutor who was waiting for a response.

"You don't have to be Einstein to find it. Until now, the teams who didn't shout all succeeded within four to five minutes."

The boy explained, but he continued to deepen his deduction:

"But those who have reached the time limit, shouted."

"Besides, the testing room is isolated from here. There is no way anyone could hear any noise inside. But strangely, only the screams can be heard, what if the Examiners want to give us clues through the screams?"

"Isn't that right, Mr. Neon Plastic Bag?"

Aguero could only think that his teammate's conclusion was correct, as for the plastic bag, he all just gave a sly smile, and before he could say anything...


"Next team, please come in."

The Baam team walked without haste in front of the door of the test room, they could hear the fluorescent mascot encouraging them in the distance.

'I really want to hit him...'

Aguero cursed mentally, wanting to pop this living balloon.

As soon as the assistant signaled, they now entered the room as the door behind them closed softly.

The room was very dark, there was a clock hanging at the entrance and a dozen red door lights spread across the black walls of the room.

In the center of the room was a red screen and a man with long blond hair tied into a bun with a red pin, he wears a blue and yellow hanbok.

Putting down his cup of coffee, he turned his gaze towards the new Regulars who entered, particularly towards Baam whose smile deepened, which did not go unnoticed by the former King.

Elegantly he introduced himself:

"Nice to meet you, Regulars. My name is Hansung Yu, and I'm the Examintor of your next test. I'm usually just a Test Director on Evankhell's Floor, but this time I'm in charge of this test."

This statement made Aguero's eyes widen slightly, wondering why the Test Director is administering a test in person, but he said nothing, wanting to listen to the rules of this test, and to know if Baam's deduction was true.

"The test is simple. Do you see all these doors around me? Within ten minutes, find the real door and open it. If you open the real door, it will take you outside, and you will pass."

"But if you fail to open a door in ten minutes or opened the wrong door..."

"..you will die ."

The Director's serious voice made it clear to the 3 Regulars that it wasn't a joke, that he might well to die and that they now understood where his screams were coming from.

But there was still one thing bothering Aguero and he asked right away with a nevorister edge in his voice:

"So….what's the clue to finding the right door?"

"There is no clue."

Hansung Yu responded directly with a smile and a cheerful tone, as if it was great to make this test so complicated, what pissed off Aguero clearly showing his displeasure.

"WHAT! How do you want to pass this test without a clue?? Answer me!!!"

"Let the test begin."

The director simply stated, ignoring the complaints of the Regulars in front of him, because for him, drinking his coffee is much more important.


the crocodile shouted angrily, while spitting beams like Godzilla, only Baam seemed unfazed by Hansung Yu's decision. Aguero was just lost in thought, but there were more than just thoughts about this test running through his mind....

|Did you hear? Miss Maria was chosen as Zahard's Princess this time!|

|So she was the one they chose. She must be in power now, but what will happen to Mr. Aguero?|

|His sister was not chosen as princess, so we can imagine what will happen to her...he will surely be thrown somewhere in the Tower.|

|I think it's better that way, well that he is intelligent, but he acts as if he knew everything that was happening in the Tower.|

|Yeah, his eyes give me chills just looking at him.|

Many of his memories, whether it be denigration towards him, mockery, fears, disappointment and much more.... All his unpleasant memories swirl in his head, like a plague that torments him.


A soft, maternal voice takes him by surprise, It's been a long time since he heard that voice, his mother's voice.

Gently placing her hand on her son's shoulder, she spoke through her memories:

|Aguero, listen to me carefully. I lost this battle.|

|Listen carefully to what I have to say, Aguero. We no longer have the right to make mistakes.|

|Otherwise we will die.|

|Sorry Aguero, it's all my fault.|

She said with a voice mixed with melancholy and guilt, she kept apologizing to her son, until the latter closed his eyes and dispelled the memories he wanted to forget.

'This is not the time to think about the past, the slightest mistake and it's death for all three of us.'

He rationalized, he needed to clear his head to think about how to solve this problem that their Test Director had imposed on them.

'Think...He cannot give us an impossible test.'

'He was clear in telling us that they had no clues, so he must have given us one first?'

'But what's the clue if that's the case? Does that mean the clue isn't hidden in his explanations, but in this room?'

Aguero had an epiphany after that and he quickly turned around to see the clock above him.

"The clock?!"

That makes him think about what Baam said earlier, does time really have a link to the success of this test? He wanted to know, to discover what was hidden in this clock by looking at it as if he could pierce this clock which had nothing to do here.

After all, why is there a clock here when they each have pockets to tell the time?

'This time, there's one who knows how to stir the brain'

Hansung Yu mentally commented, looking at the Regular who kept staring at the clock like crazy, while putting down his cup.

'But....sorry, intelligence is not enough to pass this test.'

The more he looked at it, the more he wondered what a clock would do in such an empty room if it didn't have a link with time.

But he didn't want to be blinded by Baam's words, not that it was false, but that this deduction also came from this plastic bag.

At the very moment when his interlocutor told him who would give him a clue, he found it strange.He was thinking that this neon green balloon just wanted to test his hypothesis towards those who will take the test before him to see if it's true.

But the lyrics of Baam just keep repeating in his brain. Why rush to finish the test in 5 minutes when they have 10 minutes before the test ends?

The more he thinks about it and the more time passes, these memories of his childhood and his thoughts from this test mix together, like a tornado that only confuses him.


He woke up from his trance when he heard a snap, it was none other than Baam who snapped his fingers to wake him from his infernal bubble.

"Aguero, I think this test worked well to make you so lost, like so many others."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

He was perplexed by the sudden statement from his teammate, who just smiled and decided to explain the problem that bothered him so much:

"This test plays with our heads, especially for those who are too smart or cautious for their own good, like you."

Aguero didn't feel offended by this remark, quite simply because how can being too careful lead to your downfall?

This is what Baam understood of course when he saw his teammate who did not seem to have understood his words, what he was expecting and decided to continue his monologue while slowly walking towards one of the red doors:

"The moments when it screamed or not, the fluorescent bag that came at the moment to give us its wobbly clue or this little clock that you looked at like someone with Down syndrome. All of that is just an allusion to confuse the participants of this test ."

"There are no clues, simply because all the doors are the right answers."

He took his last step in front of one of the doors, he took the handle and looked into Aguero's blue eyes with a small smile showing his amusement.

"Aguero, sometimes you must have courage. Your smarts will take you somewhere but it is not useful at these kind of tests. Sometimes you must take a risk to make it big. If you want to play it safe, you will definitely regret a lot of things in life. Only those who accurately predict the future can play it safe because they have insurance that everything will work out fine."

"Don't make the same mistake I made in the past."

After that, he opened the door without hesitation, which made Aguero's heart stop for a moment, but he was even more surprised when the room turned green and saw the Test Director stand up with a big smile and applaud:


"Congratulations, you have passed the test!"

Congratulate Hansung Yu, although he didn't seem surprised, but that was the case for Aguero who had his mouth wide open.

"What do you mean we succeeded?"

"To pass the test, you had to open a door in 5 minutes. This is what Mr. Baam did, while explaining well how you must succeed, it's a perfect victory if we can say so?"

He explained calmly, but that only annoys the Regular in front of him.

Aguero didn't want to admit that he was ultimately the idiot in this test, to think that his field, in which he was supposed to be the best in his team, would cost him his life.

Was just plain ridiculous to him.

But Baam's reasoning just bounces around in his brain, can too much thinking really make him lose more than he can gain? Was it because of this that he was kicked out of his family?

"To be clear with you, Mr Khun. We gave you clues, but you didn't believe it."

Aguero stunned, wanted to protest, but Hansung Yu didn't give him that chance:

"You are as I imagined, Khun Aguero Agnis. One of the sons abandoned by the Khun family."


Aguero growled, not liking how the Director spoke about such a sensitive subject for him, it was a hidden mockery of the grinning b*stard in front of him.

"Without certainty, you will achieve nothing. The world won't wait until you make a decision, Mr. Aguero. The doors were the right answers, but in a matter of moments they would have been the death of you."

"You need people around you to not be afraid to make decisions. Mr. Baam is a perfect example."

"I congratulate you to have good teammates to go up with."

He finished his long monologue, while bowing. Aguero didn't bother to return his greeting, but before he could join his teammates at the exit, Hansung Yu made a remark that he wasn't really surprised about.

"Ah, and your bag looks heavy."

He said in a rather lecherous voice, causing Aguero to click his tongue and firmly walk towards the exit.

They walked through the door while Rak boasted that his black turtle has good instincts and that he made the right choice to have chosen it as prey. Unlike the blue turtle he slandered about, saying that he was too stupid and timid, which made Aguero cover his ears with his index fingers.

"Can I say a few words to you?"

He turned his head slightly to look straight into Baam's golden eyes, which made him a little dizzy.

"You don't trust anyone, right?"

Aguero didn't say anything, he just looked at Baam while looking away and continued walking, but Baam did not let him escape from this subject.

He could see in his teammate's eyes, this is a man who has been through some tough times in his life.

After all, it's the same for Baam, he was betrayed countless times in his previous life by making alliances with other countries and ultimately stabbed him in the back.

Of course he destroyed everyone who had the audacity to betray his trust, and especially his mentor, Vera, for whom it was the greatest betrayal she could have committed, and this is largely why he was a cold and cruel man, also adding this <tragic event>.

In itself, it's quite hypocritical of him, because he is also suspicious of anyone since his reign as royalty.

But not as much as that stupid smurf.

Obviously, Baam would also count that maybe this man is just overly dramatic or something. Maybe he got dumped by his girlfriend and decided to not trust anyone anymore.

It would be funny if that were the case, because there would be some similarities to his story if it turned out to be true, although it didn't end in him being dumped and it wasn't his girlfriend...

"I don't know what happened to you in the past and I don't care, but I will tell you this now that we are in the early stages of the Tower."

Said Baam with a voice clearly indicating his seriousness on this subject, which made the trio stop walking.

Aguero looked straight into his teammate's eyes again, he was listening to what he was going to say. Likewise for Rak, as the supreme leader of the team, he has a responsibility to be aware of his turtles'problems.

"If you can't trust us as teammates or allies, then it's better if you tell us directly. It's much better if we part ways here rather than getting into trouble when the time comes you'll decide to do everything alone because of your trust issues."

Hearing it, Aguero felt like cold water was splashed in his face as his thoughts became clear. This has already happened to him a second time. And the first was also him also mentioning one of his faults.

This irritated him a little since these realizations were literally coming from a boy who would be considered insignificant by his family's standards.

No, every time he lets his arrogance think that way about this boy, or rather is it better to refer to him as a man?

Baam gives him advice as if he were a wise man, a person whose life he lived full of torment and who only made mistakes, and who now can only advise the youngest not to follow his path .

Aguero must have known, since his first meeting with this boy, that he had to take this boy as someone equal to him, and not by using him as a tool, if even he would ever manage to use him.

He could no longer act as he learned to survive in his family that he abandoned as unusable trash, he must now have realized his mistakes, because he now feels like he is the idiot of the trio.

'I can't trust anyone...That's right. I'm really stupid. Even the crocodile was much smarter at the time by trusting him. And to think that I have the nerve to want to become a ruler....'

he thought, a little ashamed to have acted like this. He may blame his family for teaching him not to trust anyone, but is that the only reason?

No, he always thought that he can do everything by himself ever since his family kicked him out . He always thought that it would be much better for him to do everything alone than rely on anyone. Him gathering allies is just a means for him to have some disposable henchmen that he will use to avoid danger.

That's his true hidden thoughts even for Baam and Rak.

And his thoughts are currently drowning him in guilt.

'What kind of ruler thinks like that? I would die of shame if I became a ruler who pushed his people to fight their battles just to keep them safe. Just thinking about it makes me want to vomit.'

He imagined sitting on a large sofa eating grapes while watching his people go to war and die just to ensure his security. By imagining this, he feels like a weak princess who needs to be protected, which he prefers to die rather than living like this.


He took a deep breath and then exhaled, determined, he finally replied to Baam while not taking his eyes off him:

"You're right, Baam. Although we haven't even known each other for a day, I shouldn't be so suspicious and hesitant to make decisions. I owe you one for that."

Seeing the glint in his eyes, Baam noticed his change, and his lips stretched into a smile.

"Oh, it seems that Mister Schtromph has regained some faith in us, huh Leader Rak?"

"Hahahaha! That stupid blue turtle finally has the courage to show his head out of his shell!"

'.....I regret what I just said....'

Regretting his decision, he doesn't know how he'll end up teaming up a man disguised as a cute kid and a digimon on steroids.

But he believes that it is not regrettable to see them act like idiots.


Although they were already outside the room isolated, Hansung Yu overheard their entire discussion and his smile showed his satisfaction with what he had just heard.

'The Irregulars are truly a race difference, being able to so easily change someone as self-centered as this son of Khun in such a short time. That's what I call a miracle.'

He thinks, while preparing another instant coffee.

Hansung Yu then met others Regulars capable of passing the test in a normal and strange way.

There is a group that managed to pass because someone opened a door because his god had told him. When the other two learned that they had succeeded, they also started to worship the god that their teammate venerated.

His facial expression when seeing this scene shows that he finds it ridiculous.

Another group succeeded because they left their teammate who hates that his sleep time is interrupted. He has just opened a random door, making them succeed the test, to the big shock of the other two.

And the last group succeeded because a guy in purple combination understood all the clues while his two teammates congratulated him to really have a utility in addition to being a burden.

Hansung finally sighs relief while the test is finally over.

He then smiled happily by taking another box of instant coffee while preparing a cup of coffee and sipping it before pushing a sigh of happiness.

Of course, to his great dismay, 4 other people including the fleon plastic bag enter the room, preventing him from enjoying his precious coffee.

Watching their superior still drinking instant coffee, the plastic bag decided to speak first:

"Director, the Regulars test procedure is over. As you asked, we acted as if we were Regulars and have transmitted clues to everyone."

"Good job! You can all go get some rest."

Hansung said as he made another coffee.

It is as Baam deduced, the plastic bag and his other colleagues are simply ordered by Hansung Yu to act like Regulars by giving clues to the other Regulars.

Baam had noticed this long before entering the testing room, seeing this people joining other teams to help them, but it could be the opposite if they took too much into consideration these clues.

A King must always have good eyes to analyze those around him, right?

The plastic bag has always wondered why they had to do that, so he decided that the time had come to ask his question.

"Can I ask a question?"

"Of course."

The Director replied nonchalantly, while finishing preparing his coffee.

"Uh, there is just something that I do not understand very well ... was it really necessary to give these clues to the Regulars? The clues were exposed after all."

No matter what he thinks, he thinks still, giving them more clues will make the test too easy for them. Even if he wonders why there are many more regulars who have not succeeded when they have already given clues ...

"Oh, is that really the case?"

Hearing his superior's response, he became somewhat confused.

Confusion was visible on his face, so his superior decided to explain before his pink head burst like a balloon.

"A clue ... do you think the clue that you gave was actually a clue to everyone ?"


The plastic bag remained silent to let his superior's explanation continue.

"In this test, a man who is incredibly smart but does not trust anyone almost failed because he heard the clues."

"Although he approached the clue, he immediately threw it away because he does not trust anyone. Do you know how he passed the test?"

At his question, Neon said the obvious answer.

"He figured out the clues?"

Hearing him, Hansung Snickered.

"Nope. Not at all. He passed because he has an ally who easily figured out the clues because of his difference of perspective and his confidence. "

Answered Hansung yu. He doesn't clearly know that boy's perspective of life but he can easily guess some of his views just by his aura and his words.

He has been living for hundreds of years so it's inevitable for him to meet hundreds of kinds of people with different perspective of life. And those encounters made him able to discern an individual's way of life to some degree.

"He who has confidence in his god was saved by his faith, although it was a stroke of luck ."

"Even after hearing the allusion, the one who was too lazy to think was saved by his laziness."

"Those who paid attention to your words and did not hesitate, managed to find all the clues using the insensions as a base and succeeded."

He then looks at the coffee in his cup as he continued.

"If I were to say that the clue you gave everyone was a cup of tea, would that tea be a medicine tea to everyone?

"Wouldn't it be a medicine to some and poison to some at the same time?"

"And even if it was a medicine tea, if they did not have the courage to drink it, would they have been cured?"

"In the end, to the Regulars that were tested, determining wether the hints was a medicine or a poison was irrelevant because there is only one way for them to be sure and that is....."

He then sipped his instant coffee with his eyes closed before saying...

"Drinking the tea."

The plastic bag simply nodded, finally dispelling his doubts.

"I see... But Director, it's instant coffee..."

"...Shut up. "




|| In the Test Director's office ||

"Huh!! Are you telling me there are only 3 who passed the test?"

Asked Hansung, somewhat incredulous at the result that his examinator transmitted, this a small man with red hair and very tanned skin, he wears the same outfit as Lero ro.

"How did you organize this test? Did you do an endless mortal battle?"

"Well, you know... I don't like it when it's boring so I did a 30 minute survival test to pigment things."

The examinator named Quint replied, he had a goofy smile and scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"Only three out of two hundred in thirty minutes? Is there a Princess of Zahard or an Irregular among the three?"

he asked, expecting the worst.

"Um...well ....there are both..."


Shouted the director in amazement, such an event had to happen during his working life as Director who is loved and respected by many Regulars (that's what he imagines). Now his career risk of falling like a card trick because of his stupid examiner's mistake.

"Why didn't you tell me before?! More importantly, why did you let this test continue when there are these monsters?"

"Well...I forgot to check..."

Quint replied nervously, already expecting his salaries to be reduced.

"Oh my... of course, it's when Mrs. Evankhell isn't here. Do you know what's going to happen when she hears about it?"

Said Hansung Yu while waving his hand towards his throat to clearly show that he is in danger of getting his head knocked out, which of course terrified poor Quint.


he begged. his fear was visible in his face, he had already met Evankhell and he could know that she was well beyond her strength and that her temper was very bad. He certainly didn't want to die against this demon because of his stupidity.

"Pfff, first, let's find a solution."

The coffee addict finally gave in, Quint's eyes shining so brightly which could have made anyone blind, Hansung almost did.


"Shut up and make me some instant coffee!"

"At your command, your highness!"


All the Regulars having successfully completed the test are currently in a huge waiting room with the walls painted in yellow. The walls also have a concrete bench on which Regulars can sit.

Our main trio is also currently seated on it while they discuss and observe other Regulars who have passed.

The last test has a high mortality and failure rate, so that people who have successfully tested have the chance on their side or have someone who has the brain necessary to understand the clues.

"How surprising, I didn't expect that there would be so many teams that managed to pass such a twisted test."

Said Baam while observing the other Regulars.

"Likewise for me, there must be at least twenty. Anyway, the break is almost over, I'm going to go to the bathroom."

Baam simply nodded when he saw his teammate go towards a robotic assistant and ask him where the direction of the comfort room was.

He is now alone with his leader who is eating chocolate bars that he took from Aguero's briefcase.

But their comfort was interrupted by seeing a guy in a purple outfit approaching them, Baam wonders what could be his problem? He could tell that this guy was just normal and not just on his appearance, but he shouldn't judge him because if he was able to go this far, he must have some advantage.

With a smile, Shibisu introduced herself to him, while extended his arm for a handshake:

"Yo~ I'm a fellow Regular, my name is Shibisu. how about you?"

He accepted his handshake while introducing himself with a smile:

"The 25th Baam. You can just call me Baam."

"Quite a unique name, and the big guy next to you?"

Shibisu asked, looking at the imposing crocodile, who last introduced himself:

"I'm Leader Rak."


"A true leader of all time!"

Hearing this, Shibisu paused for a second before laughing as he spoke:

"....hahaha, your team is really fun."

"It's true."

Baam confirmed, Shibisu sits next to him while looking at the Regulars around them.

"You know, you're really amazing not to get pushed by a test examinator's Shinsu."

He commented, he was really impressed by Resistance to Shinsu of Baam, unlike him that he waltzed like a dead leaf.

"I'm lucky...I guess."

The boy said distractedly with his voice still childish, which he doesn't like of course.

"Haha, if you say it ... Anyway, there are many teams left so this test is probably about to end ... The level of difficulty will certainly increase from now on. But.... "

"I will certainly succeed in the test and reach the top of the tower as I promised my friend.*

Declared Shibisu, with a firm will imprinted in his voice.

'It must be good to make such a promise to your friend...'

Baam thinks, with a bitter smile on his face. He didn't know why he was getting nostalgic just by the mention of someone's goal he just met a few seconds ago.

He can only think that the emotions of the former owner of this body have become one with him and that he is softened.

This is good news in itself.

Shibisu looked at the boy who became thoughtful, with a somewhat melancholic and nostalgic face. He then asked a question that broke Baam's bubble:

"By the way, what's your motivation for entering the Tower?"

Baam didn't respond afterward, leaving his answer hanging a bit and thinking about it carefully. It's not only Shibisu who is curious, but also Rak who wonders what his turtle's objective could be.

After a few seconds, he replied in an unusually serious voice:


Just the intonation of his voice shook the two Regulars near him.

"H-Hope.....I see....did you enter this Tower in the hope of looking for something or other?"

It was Shibisu who asked first with a slightly shaky voice, there was no pressure on him as he saw when a Regular was choked in Lero Ro's Shinsu. He was shaking just from Baam's loud voice, that voice was so cold that it literally froze him for a moment.

It's not a voice a little boy like him should have.

"No, not exactly. I want a normal life, like everyone else. Life is not worth much if you can't live it the way you want."

"That's why I entered this Tower, hoping that it could make me live like this."

He replied, his eyes clearly showing who was determined to achieve it, no matter the cost. His response could only make the two people sitting next to him think in unison:

'What could he have lived to say such a thing?'

Shibisu could only be silently stunned upon hearing the boy, who even he was beginning to doubt was truly a mere child.

He doesn't think he's seen anyone with such an intention in his life. Most people who climbed the tower wants to reach the top so that whatever wish they have can be granted.

However, the Regular in front of him wants to climb the Tower to just make his life <normal >?

And by <normal >, he knows he obviously means the dangers that the Tower represents. As if a normal life could mean anything else in this Tower.

Shibisu couldn't believe he would climb the Tower to just have a simple family and live there in the countryside, or something like that.

Isn't it normal already? The boy is a normal person given his abilities seem non-existent although he is a High Resistance Shinsu, although he says it, it could always be an error from the Ranker.

But inside him, there was something that told him loud and clear that this boy is anything but normal.

In truth, he is incredibly odd, he is at the same time ordinary but also not ordinary .

As if he came from another world.

What is certain is that he will probably never be able to understand what this Regular really wants.

'Is it the fact that he wants a normal life because he's abnormal or is it the fact that he's abnormal because he wants a normal life?'

'I think I met a madman.'

He could only conclude it this way, resigning to thinking about it more, he got up while stretching his arms.

"Alright, I should go now since the test is probably about to start. Nice to talk to you, Baam and Rak."

He said as he left after they both nodded at him.

Aguero then came back and sat beside Baam as they waited for a minute before Lero Ro entered the room with Yellowy standing after him as he spoke.

"Did you all have a good rest, Regulars? I'm really happy to see that there's more of you here than I expected!"

Asked Lero ro with his signature smile, with the same tone of enthusiasm he continued to speak:

"Actually, I'm here to give you some good news."

"Good news?"

A Regular asked, a little surprised that there would be good news in the Test Floor which is called hell on the spot.

"Yes! Before I come here, I had a little discussion with the Director and we decided to organize a bonus game."

He told hoping that the Regulars would think this news was beneficial for them, but it was only groans of annoyance that he got in response.

Shibisu speaks again, recounting what the Regulars had in mind:

"Excuse me, but hearing that the tests increased isn't exactly a good news for us"

At his declaration, all the Regulars could only nod, which upset Lero Ro a little and responded with a tone as if he was sad:

"Don't say such things that will break the hearts of the examiners of this test..... Anyway, this bonus game is different from a normal test."

"Attending a bonus game is entirely up to you. And you will not have disadvantages in the later tests just because you didn't join.."

"However, for the winner of this bonus game, they will be awarded maximum points for this every test on this Floor, meaning..."

He smiles a little before continuing:

"You will earn the right to go to the next Floor."


At this news, all Regulars are shocked and the trio is no exception. A chance to progress simply by participating in a single test is a simply too huge reward. Who knows if they will have to pass more deadly tests just to go to the next floor. The majority of them could only get excited just thinking about it.

"It's indeed incredible but.....what is this bonus test?"

It was Aguero who asked, although he is eager to be able to participate, he remains wary to say the least. Who knows if this bonus test is much deadlier than a normal test.

"This game is called <The Crown Game>! I'Il explain the details when we get to the game spot. Now, those who want to participate go to the left. Those who don't want to, go to the right."

Fourteen teams chose to participate in the Crown Game, while the rest did not, either because of injury or for their own reasons.




Lero Ro led them to a huge arena with jail like rooms surrounding a large throne in the center with a crown on top of it.

Each of the teams were in one of these rooms, these rooms contained benches and each had a buzzer near the prison door.

"Now that you are each in your place, I will explain the test bonus to you."

Lero Ro declared from the outside room, attracting the attention of the teams in their cages.

"In a word, the Crown Game is about stealing the crown. Among the teams here, you must fight and become the last team to own the crown."

He explained, with the crown in his hand and standing near the throne. He continues his explanation:

"Though it may sound simple, the rules are a bit complicated."

"First is the game duration. Crown Game is played over five rounds with each round lasting ten minutes. In each round, the teams that may advance is limited to five. And the individual's team who has the crown will advance to the next round."

"And in the next round, five teams including those who passed the previous round may advance to claim the crown again."

"After five round have passed like this, the last team to possess the crown will be the true winner of the game."

"Also, those who wants to advance have to press the red buzzer installed by the exit for each room."

"Take note that there's only one way to bypass the time limit. That is is you wear the crown and sat on the throne for five minutes. In the even that the possessor of the crown throne changes, regardless of the time, the round will end and the team sitting on the thrown is the winner."

"Next are the spatial rules. If there was a team that possessed the crown from the precious round, they will continue to possess the crown but a member of that team mus remain seated with the crown."

"If that individual is completely disconnected from the throne or have lost possession of the crown, that team will be disqualified and will be removed from the game."

"And if another team manages to sit on the throne with the crown, the winner of that round is that team and the round will end."

At what he said, Aguero couldn't help but speak:

"What the…. So even if you come out first and win, that's still a disadvantage?"

"That's right! The winner of the previous round takes a risk for the next round!"

Replied the Ranker, turning the crown with his finger.

"But just because there's too much risk and you keep delaying your chance, the game might just end without even a single opportunity to participate~"

'That is also true....although everyone will want to come out at the later stage since the number of participating teams per round is limited....'

Aguero was thinking about how he should better maneuver in this test, but he was still listening to the examinator's explanation.

"You may complain that the rules are too complicated, but no matter what, in the end, the winner of this game is the team that is in the possession of the crown at the end of the game."

"Don't bother thinking too much. All you have to do is simply steal the crown."

He then puts back the crown at the throne.

"Alright! You can read a detailed version attached under the buzzer is it's still not clear to you."

"Ah! Also, another team from another testing area is going to participate. It's a long story."

Briefly mentioned the Examinator. Some Regulars were surprised to learn that another team from a different site was participating, while others felt anger, though they concealed their emotions.

Their anger was indeed justified. What if that team was powerful enough to defeat everyone here? It wouldn't be fair, considering they weren't originally part of this test.

"Now then..."

He then clapped one time as the sound echoed through the large arena, ignoring the complaints and anger of the Regulars.....

"Let the game begin!"


Yes I know, quite a boring chapter because it's practically copy and paste from the webtoon, but it's only the beginning of the fic and the mc hasn't made any big changes in the story yet.

You would not be disappointed in the future.

Oh also, reread the previous chapters because I corrected my errors by adding a few omissions by checking them ;)