
Ascension of the Immortal Asura

On the Yuan Continent, monstrous beasts and powerful cultivators reign supreme. Their immense power is capable of shattering mountains and emptying oceans. On this continent lives John Fenix, an unfortunate youth who is unable to cultivate and wield such immense power. He could only look up powerlessly at others and watch as they soared to heights unseen. One day, after a fortuitous encounter with a mysterious and dangerous object, John finds himself able to cultivate and wield this immense power. Determined to never feel powerless again, he sets out on a journey filled with danger, excitment, joy and strife. A journey to push through his limits, rise through the ranks of the martial world, and ascend above all as the Immortal Asura. Novel Discord : https://discord.gg/95nDYr56HZ TikTok for novel videos: https://www.tiktok.com/@rrandomwn

rRandom · Fantasy
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1150 Chs

Zuri's Teasing

"Pffft….hahaha," staring at his bewildered expression, Zuri tried to stifle her laughter but was unable to do so. Her hearty laughter filled the training room for a short while before she was able to reign in her laughter, and wiped a tear of laughter from the corner of her eye.

Her aura faded away as she walked towards John, chest still trembling from stifled laughter. 

"Sorry, I couldn't resist," she said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Besides, you're far too rigid and serious all the time. Teasing you was meant to relax you, which it seems to have done."

John breathed a sigh of relief that Zuri was joking. His life was already complicated enough as is, and her trying to throw herself into his life was only going to make it more complicated.

"But your reaction is no good," she said, face becoming slightly more serious while shaking her head in a stern manner. 

"…What?" John asked, unsure what the hell Zuri was talking about.