
Ascension of the elder

Author: Belial232
Ongoing · 2.2M Views
  • 175 Chs
  • 4.4
    109 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Ascension of the elder

Read ‘Ascension of the elder’ Online for Free, written by the author Belial232, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering REINCARNATION Fiction, MAGIC Light Novel, TRANSMIGRATION Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Joseph was just an ordinary working class drone. He arrived every day on time and clocked out to the minute until the da...


Joseph was just an ordinary working class drone. He arrived every day on time and clocked out to the minute until the day he died. But this wasn't the end as when he awoke he was in a strange space which lead him to his new life.

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204 Chs

Infinite Flow: ML… Where TF are You?! [BL]

AUTHOR NOTE 14.05.2024: Hello all! Sorry for the long wait, I wrote myself into a literal corner and realised I have to retcon a few things in arc 4 before I can move on with the story. Will try to get this fixed in the soonest! Really sorry for the wait TT o TT **** Infinite/Unlimited Flow horror BL novel Might be a parody. And MC might be a villain.... 1v1 Introducing: A suicidal and bored MC and… wait, where the f&?! is the ML?! *** Lam Thanh Van believes it’s about time someone ended his miserable life. But being an immortal has hindered his path to Hell. Scratch that, Hell is off limits with the terrifying speed his body stitches itself back together, no matter how much someone might hack him to pieces. With such a long and torturous life of trying to finish himself and failing miserably, he imagines that his death would be grand, like slaying a dragon - or a very persistent cockroach. Now, the only problem was finding a hero worthy of such a cause. *** [The last player has arrived. Players, prepare for briefing.] [Welcome to the annual 2023rd survival championship.] The grand doors to the dome slowly pulled close, drawing everyone’s gazes over to the lone figure standing by himself, like a rabbit frozen in the headlights. In front of the sea of players, fawn eyes dilated with fright. Fresh tears still clung to the lashes that framed the eyes so green they reminded the people of ocean waves crashing to the white sandy shore. Long limbs were clad in a simple T-shirt with a pair of washed-out jeans hugging his slim waist. Messy lavender hair and snow-white skin tinted with faint pink seemed ethereal in the scene. Like a magnolia tree growing in the desert… or a white lotus sprouting from a pile of bullshit. One brave individual broke away from the herd, cold eyes set on the last player. ”Stay with us if you want to live.” Lam Thanh Van raised his gaze up to the looming man, green eyes drenched with tears, his lips trembling as he could only muster a nod. [All players, scenario one will commence now. Good luck and try not to die.] —— When nothing is as it seems - who can you trust? ML: Not the author, that’s for sure. The synopsis is just one huge clickbait- *Author smacks this insolent child with a hardcover edition of the Bible*: Quiet, you! Or I won’t let you appear even after the halfway mark! MC: … You evil bish!! —- T/W: This is mature content. A sprinkle of horror, a teaspoon of gore, topped with a handful of clownery. Some papapa is added as a garnish at the end. Consume at your own digression. A/N: This is an original work by LinShui. The cover is not mine, as I have negative skills in any illustrative art. Will commission for a cover when I’m no longer a broke bish. Do let me know if this is your art and you want to take it down, thanks! #unrequitedlove

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135 Chs
Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 1 :A new start
Volume 2 :To New Grange city
Volume 3 :Family Feuds
Volume 4 :Stepping Up


  • Overall Rate
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  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background

It clear from the writing that this is the first work of the author. Among the aspect that should be improved there are: way too many info dumps, random intrusion through the fourth wall, super long paragraphs and bad narrative pace. Finally the most annoying and unrealistic thing is that it seems that the MC is the only person with normal functioning brain, he easily makes discoveries and improvements to the methods and knowledge of a several thousand-years-civilization. The whole world need to be completely brainless or lack any curiosity since the MC’s discoveries can be easily done with super-easy experiments or just common sense.


That's a good story. The only real problem as of chapter 35 is the age of the MC. He is 8 - 9 years old but behaves like an ***** and nobody seems to find anything wrong with that.


Too much, too little time. Would have been fine if the MC started at 15-16 and not 8yo. At this age, your parents doesn’t let you leave the house without them even if you have guards. The breaking point for me was that ppl who he just met trust him to the point that i couldn’t understand. For the first 2weeks the MC reincarnated, he built his guard of 50 knight, moved to a new manor, renovated it, became an arraymaster and at 8 YEARS OLD... I honestly feel like the author is belittling my IQ


The beginning is good, cultivation system ok But the MC outlook bad, it was written he lost all his memories including his name yet still adhere STRICTLY to his former life culture (*of which in that same life everybody isn't equal which was shown in his own life*) The worse of it all he say we are a team so what is mine is yours (he was talking to 2 ppl) they aren't his wife but his servant and a branch family boy that once had beef with him Even in a team it's preposterous to say what's mine is yours Is the author trying do hard to make the MC good guy and altruistic


I just don't get how the MC looses his memory but can remember information and even details of the info that correlate directly to his life from earth for example the martial arts he knows, the ones he used to practice and the ones he just knows but did not practice. the more i read the more unrealistic the MC is becoming. my advice to the author please read ''Harry Potter And The Rise Of Golden Falcon'' and its sequel Journey of an ''Overpowered Transmigrated Wizard'' it might give an idea the of the type of MC suitable to this type of story and also please make the other characters a bit more realistic they are too trusting,dumb and naive in my opinion.THIS is the most important advice i can give do not let the MC forget his past if u decide to rewrite this story its obvious you are using the amnesia of the MC to give weight to how difficult his reincarnation was but its absolutely unnecessary.


Average Joe turned godlike - this briefly describes the story. Ascension of the Elder had me hooked at the very first chapter with an interesting introduction and a hilarious reincarnation process (disco balls and eldritch horrors). Overall, the story is interesting and well paced. However, it has some glaring holes, which fixed, would bring the story to a near perfect 5 star in my book. The mc is an average Joe that suddenly dies. With grit willpower, he steals soul energy and manages to reincarnate in an alternate universe. The mc is *very* op. I mean very OP. He is essentially immortal, due to his soul, and can quickly deduct any cultivation technique, spell, and array - this leaves a story focused on his friends and family that he gathers around him and the almost slapstick-style comedy interactions between them. The mc is only 7 years old, but acts mature - but isn't without flaws, as you learn when he kills for the first time. This gives us a Japanese-like OP protagonist, much like Death March, etc. Now this is all fine and dandy, but the novel also has a few inconsistencies that many readers feel incongruous about. For example, the mc, from one day to another, suddenly displays inhuman like prowess in cultivation and spells, and acts nothing like a child - why doesn't any one question this? Next, he is given a beginner's guide to arrays, and learns that arrays consists of characters like Chinese symbols; how can he then suddenly pass a Master level array exam without having learnt them? Or, the MC meets his first guard, a released prisoner, but out of thin air pulls out separate letters addressed specifically to his family's situation and to himself (even though he had never met him before and didn't know who he was). These types of glaring potholes/inconsistencies can be glossed over, as the story is entertaining, but it detracts from its overall value. Next is the grammar - and this is where the biggest flaw is revleaed with Ascension of the Elder. The author doesn't use commas, periods, or question marks. No seriously, he doesn't use them. Yes, there are sentences, but you can have entire sentences without the proper commas or question/exclamation marks. E.g., "who are you what are you doing here?" Is a typical example, where you'd expect a question mark in the middle of the sentences, indicating that's its actually 2 different sets of questions. This subpar grammar, significantly detracts from the reading experience and ruins the immersion, as the reader has to deduct the proper meaning of a sentence and sometimes reread it to understand it. (And no, I'm not saying I'm grammar God, but I know when it completely wrong). Lastly, the story is well written, and introduces some interesting concepts and a good plot. However, it also suffers from overly long exposition, for example in the 2nd and 3rd chapter, which is almost completely consist of exposition and background story telling. Once you get over this hurdle, the story quickly kicks off and you're introduced to the main characters. In the latter part of chapter 50 - 160 the story slowly turns more and more slapstick comedy-like, with overly eccentric characters and the humor feels pretty forced. The author loves, for some reason, to insert taglines and cliches from pop-culture, but where I found it fell short, was when characters in this fantasy world began to use pop-culture references, without ever having access to then. E.g. the crazy Susan saying "Nani?!" - how would she know what that means? Or, when she sings Mad World. In short, the humor is okay-ish but often the author tries to hard to force the comedy and insert references to pop-culture that doesn't belong. Story development is good and the world building also so. There is a sense of a deeper plot going on regarding the mystery behind the bastion and the city that the mc lives in. And there is also a sense of a larger world due to the recent dialogues that the characters have (cont. In comments).


All the characters are the same mental age, which breaks the immersion, but other than that? It's pretty okay. The world building is solid. The humour is solid, but the constant references breaks ******* and immersion


Really nice story, unique take on cultivation and mana, MC is op but is building a op team around him.


I love this book it is hidden gem that I found on accident when I first started getting into this website. Kyle (MC) is the perfect blend of humor and Intelligence and he has some issues but not like most around. It is awesome and I will support it until it becomes terrible.


The start of the story was quite exciting and the first chapter was one of my favorites. Though, I feel it could still be polished a little more, and that emoji at the end should just disappear. After that kind of chapter and the way the author was continuing, I had high hopes for the mc and his cultivation journey. However, there were a few things I didn’t like about the mc. For example, the mc is supposed to be pretty old when he dies. Despite all this, the character acts anything but his age. I would wish more depth and color from this character, he could be so much more. Secondly, the mc is told to be extremely average, yet there are many times where he displays unusual knowledge and sounds anything but average. Other than that, there are many holes to the story and the mc seems overly trusting. The story has potential, but it is written very badly.




The writing quality is good, but punctuations are a major issue in the beginning chapters, like a mess of data dump. other than that I love the story, the characters, and the world. It can be confusing at times but only minor errors or issues. The cultivation technique and leveling is new and it seems to confuse some people, but I have not had any issues. (stage & level system, but only #s, it might have been easier if Stages were named and levels were #s, like other novels to avoid confusion) Bonus: As of yet it has been free to read. PLEASE DON'T DROP THIS NOVEL! PLEASE DON'T DROP THIS NOVEL! PLEASE DON'T DROP THIS NOVEL! & more updates please & Thank you.


You know what this novel has unlimited possibilities, with how you introduced this character you could have him whenever he gets old and dies go to a different world and reincarnate as something different again and build his way up over and over book 2, book 3 and so on..... idk I think this is an interesting novel keep up the good work


worth your time, only wish the releases were a little faster. I like that it isn't super serious about stuff. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa



Very good so far


wonderful awesome storyline. only drawback the speed of chapter release. but better than being dropped at least I kept hopeful to read future released chapters.


Reveal spoiler


this story is great. it's where I put ALL my stones for. it deserves much more than it got. and no I'm not doing this for exp stop that thought there. it is a great story and I will be er give up on it.


This is a good cultivation story for people who are looking for something different than the usual story in the genre. The story is logical and every “cheat” comes from experience the mc has or had in his life. The first problem is this book only updates about once a month. The infrequent updates bring you out of an amazing world and make it that much harder to get involved with and understand a complicated world. The second problem with the story is that because of the lack of updates the story constantly stalls and your left to figuring out where it left off.


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Parental Guidance Suggestedmature rating