
Ascension Of Kaelestis

Ryan Miller was a not so normal university student who grew up in a loving family. He had everything one could wish for, caring friends, good looks, perfect academic scores, and also good at sports but he was not satisfied and strived to be strong. His wish would soon be fulfilled. Although with a lot of responsibilities. He will gain power but at what cost? There will be sacrifices, pain, and rage but he will devour every obstacle that comes his way and rises above. A boogeyman for those who commit wrong but a figure of admiration to his people. Come join him on this journey. -------------------- The world is fictional so any similarities with the real world are mere coincidences. =============================== There might be some yanderes in this story, but if you don't like harem or yandere you should still give it a try, who knows you might like it. ___________________ [A/N: I don't own this cover. If the owner has any issues. I can take it down.] ==========Discord Server========= Note: Please ignore any discord link you see while reading this novel. I recently deleted my server so none of them will work. I apologize for the inconvenience. ==========Author Contact=========== Discord: Alvin_Celest #5848

Alvin_Celest · Fantasy
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178 Chs

Chapter 15: Selene meets Ryan's mother.


I left him alone, some might think I am doing exactly what my father asked me not to do, but this was important. Ryan being oblivious to the true nature of gods, required a push, when he leaves this planet he will need to be aware of his surroundings, not every world is peaceful like earth.

I was flying at a high altitude, the mana in this world is very thin, but somehow it keeps giving birth to heroic figures. Anyways, as far as I remember this world has many legendary weapons hidden in it, getting some of them for myself would not be bad.

Huh....sound barrier?, "Gaia are you trying to act cool by showing off the little power you have?."

"Rules are the same for everyone." I heard a cute, child-like voice. The earth goddess has always been a pacifist. She never got involved in human affairs directly.

"Rules?.....Oh little Gaia, rules never existed for the dragons." I summoned my beloved spear and slashed at the sky with it, the space broke on impact. The dimensional rift looked like a wound from which you can see mana veins and a few void creatures, the only thing which made it different from wounds was blood, but maybe if the void invades earth,(Fine, I will not jinx it.)

Now then, I have caused enough trouble for her, time to take away some weapons.

I flew away from the rift, which was already starting to heal. This girl tries too hard to keep them safe, even plants which are grown in a greenhouse are more sturdy than humans.

First I'll check the place Ryan went to, the weapon there must be one of the divine weapons, father said that earth only has 3 divine weapons. Me taking one of them should not hinder human progress.

"Corentin" the spear appeared after listening to my call. Corentin was always a weapon who liked to spy on people, so I sometimes use her to do my dirty spy jobs.

"Corentin, go and check everything that happens around Ryan and Luna, Don't miss anything or else I'll trap you in a pigsty!" she flew away faster than I've ever seen her. Is a pigsty that bad?. A smile crept up my face thinking about the mess about to happen in his house.

<In a Car>

"Darling, do you really want Tia to teach you?." Selene looked at me with her sky blue eyes. She looked really cute in her white turtleneck sweater and white trousers. She was wearing topaz earrings, which highlighted her blue eyes. I looked at her in daze "Simple but beautiful." I blurted out some embarrassing words.

"Thank you" she smiled brightly, making me feel butterflies in my stomach. I was about to say something but the car stopped, looking around I realised that we were already at my home. "Madam, we reached our destination." The driver opened the door. His name was Alfred, he was a man who looked like he was in his 70's. He had a thick moustache which was completely white. "No need to pick me up, I will stay with him tonight." I stepped out of the car and held her hand gently.

"Thanks for bringing us here, Alfred." I looked at the man who was old enough to be my grandpa but still looked strong enough to beat me in arm wrestling. "I am just doing my job, sir." Alfred smiled before bowing slightly.

"Shall we go in?." Selene seemed a bit impatient, so I didn't delay and started walking towards the door and opened it before calling my mom "Mom, I am back."

"Coming" She walked towards the door with a slight smile on her face. She was wearing an apron and her hair was tied in a bun. She said, "You guys are right on time."

"Nice to meet you ma'am, I am Selene," she introduced herself in a gentle manner. My mom smiled slightly "Nice to meet you too, I am Emma. I hope my son is not an oblivious idiot."

"Absolutely not! ma'am, he is always kind to me." Selene smiled at her. Both of them exchanged a few talks before we went inside. I noticed a peeking head staring at us, who else could it be other than the little brat. My mom seemed to notice this too "Becca, stop taking sneak peeks and introduce yourself." Rebecca came outside from her peeking spot and glared at Selene. "I am Rebecca Miller." well her introduction was mostly inaudible but us being supernatural, were able to hear her. "Nice to meet you too! Rebecca." Selene still flawlessly maintains her smile, but then "I am Selene, your brother's girlfriend."

I can swear on my name that I saw electric sparks coming out of their eyes, but they were gone after I blinked. Becca glared at me, but I carefully dodged it. "Mom, I'll be taking Becca and Selene out for a movie." She looked at me and nodded in approval.

"We are watching a movie tonight?." Selene was confused about the sudden change in plan, so she looked at me "Yes! I promised to go with her, but then I thought taking both of you together would be better."

"I have not watched a movie in a while, is it horror?." Selene seemed really happy that she would get time to bond with my snot-nosed sister.

"Right on the mark." I smiled, both of them liked horror films. I have watched a few of them too, but why does it feel like I am going to a fierce battlefield. I looked around trying to figure out what happened, but it was only met with disappointment. "Ryan, don't try too hard, you will fry your brain." Mom shook her head in denial.

The biggest mystery in the universe: Women, they beat me again. Why are they so hard to understand?Can they not be simple like us men?.

"We are not complex, men are just idiots" Umbra interrupted, reminding me of her presence. I forgot this weapon is a woman too. As I said, they get more complex as you try to understand them.

"Rebecca! go fix yourself up, you look like a thug who is on his way to loot a walmart." Mom patted her head gently.

"Ryan, is it true?." she pouted while looking at me. She looked like a squirrel whose mouth is filled with food. "Of Course not, you are always cute." I smiled at her, but there is a saying that 'mothers know best'. She had to follow it too, mom pulled her back to her room by those cute little ears of her.

"Your family is really cute." Selene's voice felt a little too soft, so I figured she needed some pats. "Consider them your parents too, I don't know what kind of relations you had with your parents but the Miller family is always ready to accept you."

"They will?." She looked at me, her glossy lips drawing me in, I was trying to hold in the temptation but the monks in my head were kicked far away to Antarctica. I placed my hand on her cheeks and pulled her in for a kiss. A soft kiss soon turned into a passionate one, our breaths were starting to get rough but then "Ehem....the spring of youth is blooming wildly for you guys huh." Mom had a smug smile on her face. I was surprised by it but then she continued "You know Selene, me and Ryan's dad used to be really passionate during our college days. We always bunked classes to go on dates." She looked really happy while talking about her college days, so I decided to leave both of them alone for some chat. I went to check upon the vampire girl hiding in the basement. She must be very bored. I entered the basement and used my eyes to scan the room. Everything was normal, except the small magic circle drawn on the floor. I stood in the circle and suddenly a light surrounded me. It was a weird feeling like I am entering a sea?, yes this is it. It is a feeling familiar to me, the light around me dissipated and a different place came to my view.

I don't know if this could be called a basement anymore. The whole place looks like a science fiction control room, it is completely filled with equipment I don't know about. The only familiar thing in this room is the Wall full of screens.

"Welcome to the control room! Ryan." I suddenly heard a prepubescent voice from my back. Who else could it be other than the vampire, but the only thing that concerned me was that I could not feel her presence before she spoke.

She is strong.

"Of Course she is! she might look like a kid but she's older than your great grandmother." Umbra said using our mind link.

"What brings you here? Ryan!" Mika is still wearing a dress similar to that day.

"Just let me ask this question, do you know what happened to Amaya's parents?" I wanted to ask this because after that incident, none of their bodies were found, like it just disappeared in thin air.

"They were not her parents, The previous ruler asked them to take care of her, Amaya, just like you never had parents." Mika dropped a bombshell, is she just like me and what does she mean that I don't have parents, am I some science experiment?.

"Ryan, you don't need to know this now." Umbra's calm voice chimed in my mind.

She is right, I don't need to know this, this is none of my concern. I don't care if I was created or born. The only thing important is that I am living and nothing can change it. I started walking off that place because nothing more was left for me to know.

"Next time take me for a movie too!" Mika giggled.

"In your dreams, Kid!" I stepped inside the circle which teleported me back to my basement.

After I left that weird sci-fi room which was completely absurd, I went to the living room, and I saw my dad taking a sip from his cup of coffee. My dad is blessed with good genes, which still makes him look young but for some reason he colours his side hair white. I always wanted to ask him why he does it but never felt motivated enough to ask him. He looked at me "You need something Ryan?."

"Not really, just wanted to ask why you colour your hair when people of your age worry about wrinkles and balding of their heads" I looked at him expecting a reasonable response which could calm my curiosity. "I just do it because I like my hair that way. Do we really need reasons to validate our decisions?, aren't we free to do whatever we want, and these hair make me look more handsome." he smirked and started typing something on his laptop. I turned around and started to leave but I was stopped by my dad. "You are going out right?." He tossed his card to me with his left hand "No need to spend your saved money, just use my money" after giving me a lot of power he continued typing again.

"Thanks dad" I left the room and went to Becca's room. I was going to open the door but she beat me to it. "I am ready"

"I can see that, ok we should leave now" I checked my new watch which was given to me by that mercenary guy. He was a really good man, gifting his favourite watch to his killer. This world needs more generous people like him.

Becca looked at her hand with mine "I still don't like your girlfriend." I didn't reply and we both walked towards the kitchen, upon reaching there I saw mom and Selene talking like long lost friends. "What are you guys talking about?."

Both of them turned their heads and decided to scare me "Kids! We are talking about kids." Before I could say anything the person beside me spoke up "Not happening."

"What?." my mom looked confused, Selene on the other hand was smiling. Rebecca looked at me with dead serious eyes. "Are you getting married?."

So, she thought I was getting married?Kids are always thinking about stuff they should not.

When I was her age, my second biggest concern was deciding if I should pop that pimple on my face. I guess time changes too fast.

"Not yet, we will think about it later, don't you think so too?." I looked at Selene hoping that she'll play along with my words but women are a mystery. "Yes and don't forget that promise of 1000 children." She smiled really bright, but even that smile could not save me from questions.

"WHAT???" A bullet shot by one caused damage for two.

"Okay! time to leave." I carried Becca like a sack of rice and left that interrogation room as fast as I could without revealing my powers. "Ryan, did you really promise Selene to have 1000 children with her?." Becca was really confused by sudden changes but it was the same for everyone.

"Oh come on, do you really think that is possible?, she was just messing with you." I came out of the front door, went towards our family car and dropped her inside.

"Ouch! you moron, you could have let me down gently." She settled down, albeit reluctantly. Soon Selene joined us too, we then left for our destination.

Let me be honest with you. I thought this would be a pretty normal day, but it somehow ended up being the day I killed my first vampire.

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