
Ascension Of Kaelestis

Ryan Miller was a not so normal university student who grew up in a loving family. He had everything one could wish for, caring friends, good looks, perfect academic scores, and also good at sports but he was not satisfied and strived to be strong. His wish would soon be fulfilled. Although with a lot of responsibilities. He will gain power but at what cost? There will be sacrifices, pain, and rage but he will devour every obstacle that comes his way and rises above. A boogeyman for those who commit wrong but a figure of admiration to his people. Come join him on this journey. -------------------- The world is fictional so any similarities with the real world are mere coincidences. =============================== There might be some yanderes in this story, but if you don't like harem or yandere you should still give it a try, who knows you might like it. ___________________ [A/N: I don't own this cover. If the owner has any issues. I can take it down.] ==========Discord Server========= Note: Please ignore any discord link you see while reading this novel. I recently deleted my server so none of them will work. I apologize for the inconvenience. ==========Author Contact=========== Discord: Alvin_Celest #5848

Alvin_Celest · Fantasy
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178 Chs

Chapter 10: The Vampire Queen

Ryan was sleeping, he was completely unaware of the Chaos he caused, one one knows how that star particle came here.

Mika reached his home, it was about to rain, dark clouds were covering the sky, she looked around and said "You guys, don't disappoint me."

"Yes, commander." the 8 vampire knights said in unison.

"I will go meet hi-, oh seems like he is already here." Mika said when she saw a man clad in black flames flying towards them.

"Nice to meet you Ryan Miller, I am Mika Kirkwood, the 1st generation vampire count.

"Vampire?, what are you here for?" Ryan asked, still confused by the sudden meet-up with vampires.

"We are here to protect your family, is it an order from our queen?" Mika said with utmost respect.

"Hmm....queen you say?I thought the ruler of vampires would be a man, but the queen is fine too, I like strong women." Ryan said with a slight smile.

"So tell me Mika, why should I trust you and your queen?" Ryan looked straight at her, he didn't like it when someone involved his family in his mess.

"Our queen knew you wouldn't trust us, so she asked us to deliver a message to you." Mika said with a childish smile.

'What a cute kid'

"Mika you better be quick, it's about to rain and I need to be somewhere soon." Ryan said, his mood was starting to get worse by each passing second.

It started raining as if calling Ryan like it always does, to the place where he lost an important person in his life.

Mica recited the message given to her by the queen. Ryan didn't react much even after hearing the message, this made Mica more worried by each passing second.

"Ryan, do you still care for her?" Mika asked in a serious tone.

"Several years have passed since that incident, but now I have my answer." Ryan said, still looking at the falling rain.

"You guys are allowed to do whatever you want." Ryan said as he disappeared in the rain.

"We got his permission, go take your positions." Mika said without moving, the vampire knights nodded and went towards Ryan's home.

"Hiding your tears among the raindrops, very similar to her." She said with a slight smile. But suddenly she remembered something.

"Oh no, I didn't bring a witch." Mika facepalmed, before leaving.

The falling rain hindered the visibility, but if one looked closely they would see a man flying in different patterns, as if he'd gone mad, of course they would only notice this if they could see past the curtain of heavy rain.

°°°°°Ryan's POV°°°°

I was right, she's not dead but the thing about being the vampire queen, well I will ponder about that later.

I reached Selene's home at a speed which surprised me, the starry orb must have been something really good, now then time to give her the good news.

I knocked at the door, soon Jessica opened the door with a slight smile "Please come in."

"Where is she?" I looked at her and said in a polite tone.

"Lady is discussing something with her friend, she asked you to meet her in the living room." She said as she was looking at me with faint caution.

I must've scared her too much that day.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you." I said before moving towards the living room.

Now that I think about it, I gained some powers, things are getting interesting, but still this is not enough, I want more power.

Selene's home had a soft ambiance which calmed my body every time I entered. I wonder who this guest is, but I soon found out the answer.

When I reached the living room, I saw Selene talking to a woman, the woman seemed to be in her early 20s, she was wearing a red dress with gold etchings, she had long black hair which were half tied with a bun and the other half were let loose, they were locked by a hibiscus hairpin, same colour as her dress.

Selene looked at me and said "Darling, do you have some problem with shirts, and why are you drenched?"

"Oh I didn't notice that I was shirtless." I smiled awkwardly.

Selene facepalmed and looked at me, my body was starting to get covered by a white shirt.

I smiled at her and said "Thanks."

She smiled back and said "You came at the right moment, my friend here wanted to meet you."

I looked at the black haired beauty and said "You are a dragon, do you have a complete dragon form?"

"You are right, I am a dragon, My name is Tia Anemone. The second strongest dragon in this galaxy." She said with a confident expression.

"And about dragon transformation, you'll have to find that on your own." Tia said with a seductive smile.

Oof.....too bad this won't work on me.

"Tia, I think you should refrain from hitting on my man." Selene said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

"Come on Luna, I was just checking if he's a man who deserves respect, but seems like your boyfriend has some strict morals. Quite admirable I would say." She said while looking at Ryan who was currently appreciating the pink nightgown Selene was wearing.

'Not interested in me huh, even my natural charm has no effect on him.' Tia thought.

"So darling, why did you come here now?, don't tell me you are feeling lonely, want me to help you sleep?" Selene said with a loving smile.

"A tempting offer but I did not come here with romantic motives in mind." Ryan said with a smirk.

"Oh, what is it darling, is it about that girl?" Selene asked with an expectant look in her eyes.

"Yes related to that, but I would like to talk in private." Ryan looked at Selene and said with a firm expression on his face.

"Tia, can you wait for us?It won't take long." she said, smiling slightly.

"Oh, leaving the room is not necessary." Ryan said.


He used his handy technique to cover himself and Selene.

'A barrier of static time?, his power must be time manipulation. when was the last time I saw a dragon use this?, oh right never, if given enough time he can grow into a terrifying monster.' She thought.

Little did she know that the dragon in front of her was a being many were trying to find.

"So she is really alive, when do you plan to meet her?" Selene seemed really cheerful, she was really happy for Ryan, he noticed this and gave her a long passionate kiss but stopped when he felt her breaths getting rough.

"It's up to her, I don't know how she became the vampire queen, but it should be good right?, she's an immortal too." Ryan said with a bright smile.

'Ah...his smile is so attractive.' Selene thought

"Vampires in general are not immortals, they have everlasting youth but they can only live for 10,000 years, unless they carry the blood of the original vampire." Selene almost sounded like a teacher.

'Ehe....I didn't know I had a teacher fetish.' Ryan thought but didn't allow his thoughts to manifest on his face.

"So you are saying that only the vampires who carry the original's blood are immortal." Ryan asked, he was very curious about supernatural stuff because he practically knew nothing about them.

"Yes, but if she is the new queen, then she must have the original vampire blood in her, so good news for you." Selene said she wanted to tease him a bit but she failed miserably.


He whispered as the barrier broke into several pieces, revealing Selene and Ryan who didn't look presentable at all, Selene looked rough, she was panting quite a lot and Ryan had a wide grin on his face.

"So you guys had your fun?, tsk tsk... hateful people." Tia said with a knowing look.

Selene noticed this and fixed her clothes with magic. Ryan was still grinning but stopped when he saw Selene pouting.

'Fuck.....Did I go too far?, but she's so fun to tease.' He thought.

"Ryan, why don't you tell me about yourself?You seem like an interesting person." Tia asked, looking at him with her beautiful black eyes.

'This woman, I wonder how strong she really is?'

He used his eyes to check her soul, his eyes glowed silver with vertical pupils, Tia obviously noticed this and was shocked.

"You are really strong." Ryan said as his eyes returned to normal.

"So you can even see through me, a frightening power indeed, but I prefer to keep a low profile." Tia said with a smile.

"Did you notice anything more?" Tia asked, she was really curious about the power Ryan used.

"No." Ryan lied with a straight face.

'Damn she has the figure of a fit office woman.'

"Ryan, are you interested in visiting the dragon world?" She asked with a cheerful smile.

"Dragons have their own world?" Ryan asked, he was really surprised by the new information.

'Then why did I meet that hybrid who had some orbs which were from beasts here?' He was confused but did not ask anything about it.

"Yes we do, and it is one of the oldest worlds created in this galaxy." She said with a prideful expression.

"I guess it's obvious that dragons have a separate world for themselves, or else they would have conquered Earth long ago." Selene said with an obvious look.

"Ryan, do you know that all different kinds of beings have a World for them. Vampires, Werewolves, Witches, Gods and even evil monsters. They all rarely interfere with human civilization." She said with an aesthetic look on her face.

'If this is true then why are they bringing those things here?' Ryan pondered while still maintaining a plain expression.

"So do you want to visit our world?My father would really be happy to meet a talented young dragon like you." She said with a bright smile.

'Why did I get a bad feeling when she mentioned her father?' He thought

"Oh your father, is he strong?" Ryan asked even though he already knew the answer she would give.

"My father is Bahamut, The dragon god who rules the Eragon kingdom and is feared by gods and monsters alike with almost no exception."

'I fucking knew it' He thought.

Selene was silent through the entirety of this conversation, but suddenly she said "Not now, we have some important stuff to take care of, right darling?"

"Yes, I need to introduce her to my parents, kill a few maggots and train my ass off, too many things to do." Ryan said he was starting to get a headache, which was not possible because of his immortal physique.

"Too bad, but if you change your mind you are always welcome at my palace." She said, her eyes were a little gloomy.

'Tsk....poor lady, she's still trying to use her emotional tactics.' He thought.

"Tia, why don't you stay here for a few days?, human world is quite entertaining, you might like it here." Selene asked, she was hoping that her friend would stay on Earth for some time, so she can have a girl to hang out with.

"I was planning to stay here for a few days, father keeps pressuring me to get married, but no man is capable of defeating me, how can I marry someone weaker than me." She said with a bored look.

"But I believe that training a husband for me will be the best decision." she said while looking at Ryan.

'I Don't like where this is going.' Ryan was sweating bullets.

"By the way Ryan, do you want me to train you?" She said with an evil grin on her face.

'Oh, this might be beneficial for me.' He thought

"Ok, I guess you can give me some pointers about combat." Ryan liked the idea of learning from a fellow dragon.

'Oh dear, I want to devour you so bad.' Tia thought while licking her lips in a provocative manner.

'Trying your luck on my man, dream on bitch.' Selene thought with a vicious grin on her face.

The quote I used in this chapter is not mine, I suck at poetry.

When I was thinking about something simple and short, I remembered something like this.

although it's a bit cringey, it still works with the situation.

Alvin_Celestcreators' thoughts