
Ascension of Authority: Fabled Core

In a tragic turn of events, Fable's life, once filled with hopes and dreams, is cut short when he and his friends fall victim to the whims of cosmic forces. However, death is not the end for Fable, as he finds himself transported to a mysterious otherworld. There, he encounters a mystical boy with purple hair who bestows upon him the power of a Dungeon Master system, tasking Fable with the creation and management of his own dungeon. The boy glanced up at Fable, his expression a mix of solemnity and mischief "Fable, take a look. the story, has already begun..." *** Thanks to _DogWater_ for helping me Improve the Web Novels Cover Art. -NOTE: This work will resume July 1st, 2024

Perishable_Heaven · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 6: Elite

In the heart of Little Sapphire Flame, the small kobold community, the kobolds gathered around the crackling bonfire. The air was filled with the joyous sounds of laughter and chatter as they celebrated the coming of age ceremony for their younglings. The scent of sizzling meats and fragrant mushrooms wafted through the cavern, enticing the kobolds to indulge in the delicious feast prepared for the occasion.

The kobolds, with their lean and wiry bodies, danced around the bonfire with unbridled enthusiasm. Their long, snouted faces were adorned with wide grins, revealing rows of sharp, tiny teeth. Their pointed ears twitched with excitement as they moved to the rhythm of the drums, their tails swaying in perfect harmony. The reddish eyes of the kobolds sparkled with pride as they watched the younglings, who had just completed their rite of passage, join in the festivities.

Little Sapphire Flame was a tight-knit community, and the celebration was a testament to their unity and shared joy. The cavern walls were adorned with intricate carvings and glowing mushrooms, casting a warm, inviting light over the gathering. The kobolds exchanged stories and laughter, their voices echoing through the tunnels and filling the space with a sense of belonging and camaraderie.

However, as the celebration continued, a subtle shift began to occur. The adults, their instincts honed by years of living in the labyrinth's expanse, started to glance around the cavern, their expressions growing serious. The younglings, noticing the change in their elders' demeanor, gradually fell silent, their laughter fading into the background.

A pungent odor, reminiscent of the foul stench of monster droppings, began to permeate the air near the cavern's exits.

The kobold chief's eyes narrowed as he sniffed the air, his nostrils flaring at the pungent odor that grew stronger with each passing moment. The scent was unmistakable, a combination of monster droppings and the musky stench of a creature on the move. A low growl rumbled in his throat, a mixture of a hiss and a snarl that echoed through the cavern, alerting the other kobolds to the impending danger.

With a series of sharp barks, the chief commanded his clan to arm themselves with stone spikes, their preferred weapon against the beasts that roamed the labyrinth. The kobolds moved with practiced efficiency, their small, wiry bodies darting through the cavern as they gathered their weapons and took up defensive positions.

The male kobolds were the first to arm themselves, their clawed hands gripping the stone spikes tightly as they positioned themselves near the cavern's entrances. Their eyes gleamed with a fierce determination, ready to defend their home and their loved ones against any threat that dared to enter.

As the males prepared for battle, the female kobolds sprang into action, their primary focus on protecting the young and vulnerable. They quickly gathered the children, their gentle yet firm hands guiding them to the designated hiding spots within the cavern. The younglings, their eyes wide with fear and confusion, followed their mothers' lead without question, trusting in their wisdom and strength.

Once the children were safely hidden away, the female kobolds selected the strongest among them to guard the hatchery, the most precious and vital part of their community. The chosen female, her scales glistening in the dim light of the cavern, took up her position near the eggs, ready to defend them with her life if necessary. In the event that the community fell under the threat of being overrun, she was entrusted with the responsibility of taking the prized eggs and fleeing to a larger settlement, ensuring the survival of their species.

With the children secure and the hatchery guarded, the remaining female kobolds armed themselves and joined the males in their defensive positions. They moved with a graceful agility, their lean bodies allowing them to navigate the cavern's nooks and crannies with ease. The females took up strategic positions, ready to flank their enemies and use their speed and cunning to their advantage.

As the kobolds waited in tense silence, the cavern seemed to hold its breath. The only sound that could be heard was the gentle drip of water from the stalactites above, each drop echoing through the stillness like a heartbeat. The kobolds remained motionless, their eyes fixed on the cavern's entrances, their muscles coiled and ready to spring into action at a moment's notice.

The chief, his scales bristling with anticipation, stood at the forefront of his clan, his stone spike clutched tightly in his clawed hand. He knew that the beasts that roamed the labyrinth were formidable foes, but he also knew that his clan was strong, united, and fiercely protective of their own. They had faced beast tides before, and they would face this one with the same courage and determination that had seen them through countless battles.

The goblins flooded into the cavern, charging towards the kobolds in a green wave, the kobolds shriveled their snouts in confusion.

These foul creatures carried crude weapons and wore clothes, indicating they were not mere magical beasts. The kobold chief, aware of his clansmen's bewilderment, knew that answers would be meaningless if they were dead. They were vastly outnumbered, with only around a hundred adults to defend their community against the goblin's forces, easily numbering six to seven times their size.

The kobold leader, watching the goblins intently, pointed behind them towards the bonfire and barked an order to three kobolds to douse the flames. He swung his spike horizontally, indicating for the kobolds to disperse into smaller groups and spread out, hoping to split the massive group of invaders. If these creatures were smart enough to use weapons and tools, their target shouldn't be to destroy their homes but to attack the kobolds themselves.

The goblins grew excited, noticing the kobolds' fewer numbers and their apparent retreat and attempts to hide. They could already taste the easy victory for their tribe.

As the goblins fanned out, covering more ground but thinning their ranks, the kobolds stayed vigilant and watched for opportunities.

The three kobolds at the bonfire raised their hands towards the top of the flames, closing their eyes and allowing the noise, mostly from the goblins, to fade. They began to sway their bodies in a gentle and fluid manner, like a calm stream of water, while releasing a soft hissing sound reminiscent of water from a faucet. The other kobolds, hearing the ritual begin, slowly backed away, keeping their distance from the foul creatures. The goblins, however, perceived this as the cowardice of the strange lizards, confident in their numbers and might.

Droplets of water gathered in the air above the bonfire, slow and steady, but within seconds, the three kobolds had amassed a large ball of water. The kobold leader glanced back, noticing the ritual nearing its end, and barked at his fellow kobolds to prepare.

The kobolds of the Sapphire Clan possessed the ability to manipulate water with the help of their ancestral spirits, or so they believed. In an epic display, the kobolds at the bonfire heavily stepped out to their sides, leading into a spin, and dropped to the ground, kneeling with their heads down and both hands touching the floor. At the same moment, the large ball of water dropped over the bonfire, extinguishing the flames.

Ashes, still burning with crimson and golden hues, flowed out, covering the cavern in its entirety. The kobolds, seeing this, released deep, guttural growls, similar to crocodiles, as they stopped moving back and readied themselves to pounce.

The kneeling kobolds, eyes still closed, slowly stood up, clapped their hands, and whipped their tails on the ground. All the specs of ash spreading around released a light but powerful popping sound as they dissipated at once, and the goblins, the targets of this ritual, now stood in place, their eyes turning grey as they were momentarily trapped in a trance, soundless and unmoving.

The kobolds, seizing the moment, lunged forward with their stone spikes, targeting the goblins' vital points. The first wave of kobolds struck with deadly precision, their weapons finding the soft flesh of the goblins' throats, arms, and heads. Some goblins wore wooden bark on their chests, offering a meager defense against the onslaught. Blood gushed forth from their wounds, covering the ground in a bright crimson layer.

The male kobolds, after their initial attack, pulled back into the shadows, using the darkness to their advantage. They quickly concealed themselves as the group of female kobolds launched a swift and brutal assault on the rear of the goblin horde. It was around this time that the goblins regained their senses, many of them confused and disoriented. The dying screams of their tribesmen slowly reminded them of their purpose.

The goblins, whirled around and stormed in the reverse direction. For most of the tribe, spotting the female kobolds ahead of them sparked a carnal thrill. Consumed by their animalistic urges, they surged onward, their attention wholly fixated on the female kobolds. Observing the goblins' preoccupation, the male kobolds capitalized on the chance to close the gap and assail them from the rear, once more catching the goblins off guard.

By this point, more than a hundred and twenty goblins lay dead or severely injured, their bodies littering the cavern floor. The female kobolds, having lured a significant portion of the goblins away, pulled back, intending to allow the goblins to continue attacking the males while they struck from different angles, whittling down their numbers.

However, the majority of the goblins were consumed by their lust, blindly pursuing the female kobolds. It was a chaotic scene, with the female goblins swarming the males in the middle while the male goblins chased after the female kobolds to the left and right of the battlefield. The goblins, lost in their primal urges, were oblivious to their mounting losses.

Amidst the chaos, a haunting sound began to echo through the cavern—the humming of a song, reminiscent of the rain in the rainforest. Accompanying the eerie melody was the scraping of metal against the stone floor, growing louder as it approached from the direction the goblins had entered.

The unsettling sound snapped many of the goblins out of their lustful frenzy, as if a bucket of cold water had been dumped on their burning passion. They looked around, taking in the gruesome sight of their fallen tribesmen, their lifeless bodies strewn across the cavern floor, and the blood that covered the ground, reflecting the soft glow of the bioluminescent mushrooms.

A shiver of fear rippled through the goblins, spreading like wildfire among their ranks. The kobolds, however, remained focused on their task, seizing the opportunity to strike down as many of the foul creatures as possible. The goblins, gripped by terror, began to flee in different directions, their earlier bravado and lust replaced by a primal instinct for survival.

The cavern descended into a frenzied scramble as the goblins desperately sought to escape the relentless onslaught of the kobolds and the horror that approached.

In the Core Space, Fable found himself surrounded by the swirling, colorful clouds that pulsed with an inner light. The System's messages flowed by like a torrent, but Fable's attention was drawn to the three-dimensional map before him. With a wave of his hand, he zoomed in on the location of the current major event, eager to witness the unfolding drama.

As the map focused on the cavern of Little Sapphire Flame, Fable's eyes widened at the gruesome scene. More than two hundred goblin bodies lay strewn across the ground, their lifeless forms twisted and mangled. Blood pooled around them, reflecting the soft glow of the bioluminescent mushrooms that adorned the cavern walls. In stark contrast, the kobolds appeared mostly unscathed, with only minor scratches marring their scaly skin.

Fable noticed the floating numbers above the heads of the goblins and kobolds, indicating their levels. Most of the goblins and kobolds ranged between levels four and six, but the kobold leader stood out with an impressive level seven.

Curiosity piqued, Fable experimented with the map's features, discovering that clicking on individuals would reveal a mini-status panel. He marveled at the wealth of information at his fingertips, from the creatures' health and mana to their unique abilities and traits; of course, that was assuming they had any.

As Fable observed the routed goblins fleeing the cavern, he began to lose interest in the system messages. Instead, he focused on exploring the various plants and items scattered throughout Little Sapphire Flame, studying their properties and potential uses.

Suddenly, a lone goblin entered the cavern, drawing Fable's attention. The goblin's initial expression of happiness quickly turned into a frown as he surveyed the carnage before him. Fable gave the goblin a cursory glance, but his eyes widened when he noticed the goblin's level—an impressive level 10.

Intrigued, Fable clicked on the goblin, bringing up his status panel. As he scanned the information, Fable's jaw dropped in shock.

"A Level 10 Elite Goblin Knight? And he even had skills?" Fable asked the system, his voice tinged with disbelief. "System, what are Elite Gobl... no, what are Elite monsters? Are they similar to those in games and novels? And what's up with the Knight at the end?"

As Fable pondered these questions, he noticed three kobolds charging towards the goblin knight. They thrust their spears forward, intending to pierce the goblin's chest and head. The kobolds had observed the fear the other goblins displayed towards this particular goblin, and they hoped that by killing it, they would deepen that fear and gain an advantage in the battle.

However, the goblin knight moved with incredible speed and precision. At the last moment, he stepped to the side, dodging the kobolds' attacks with ease. In a swift, fluid motion, he slashed his sword outward, the blade cutting through the air with a whisper. The kobolds' eyes widened in shock as their stomachs were sliced open, their entrails spilling out onto the cavern floor.

The goblin leader watched impassively as the kobolds fell to the ground, their lifeless bodies adding to the growing pile of corpses. His frown slowly transformed into a smile, and he threw his head back, laughing maniacally in his high-pitched voice. The sound echoed through the cavern, sending shivers down the spines of the remaining goblins and kobolds alike.

It was at this moment that the system responded to Fable's earlier inquiries. [Monsters that reach level 10 are granted the title of Elites] the system explained, its voice calm and matter-of-fact.

[These monsters have their capabilities doubled and are granted a few random abilities based on their racial traits.]

Fable listened intently as the system continued, [The knight suffix attached to the goblin's name can essentially be considered a predetermined Racial class. Racial classes are assigned to the being in question based on their role in their society. However, in order for a class to be assigned to a being, they must meet the class's requirements and become an elite monster.]

Fable nodded slowly, absorbing the information.

The goblin leader, his sword dripping with the blood of the fallen kobold, stabbed his sword into the bodies of the now lifeless kobolds as he turned his attention to the cowering goblins. His eyes blazed with fury as he bellowed at them, his voice echoing through the cavern. The goblins, their earlier bravado shattered, trembled under the weight of their leader's rage.

The kobold leader, his heart filled with a mixture of grief and anger, watched helplessly as three of his clansmen fell lifeless to the ground. Their blood pooled around them, mingling with the dirt and grime of the cavern floor. In a desperate attempt to avenge his fallen comrades, the kobold leader pulled back his arm, his muscles coiled with tension, and hurled his stone spike towards the goblin leader with all his might.

The goblin leader, his reflexes honed by countless battles, reacted with lightning speed. He wrenched his rusty sword from the corpse of the kobold, the blade making a sickening squelch as it tore free from the flesh. With a deft flick of his wrist, he activated his counter skill, knocking the stone spike aside with contemptuous ease.

The goblin leader's eyes narrowed, and he opened his mouth, unleashing a roar that shook the very foundations of the cavern. The sound was primal, filled with rage and bloodlust, and it echoed through the tunnels, amplifying its power. The roar was not just a display of dominance; it was a skill, designed to inspire his allies and strike fear into the hearts of his enemies.

As the roar faded, the goblins underwent a terrifying transformation. Their eyes, once filled with fear and uncertainty, now glowed a deep, malevolent red. Their bodies trembled, not with terror, but with an uncontrollable, berserk rage. They let out their own high-pitched roars.

The kobolds, caught in the wave of the goblin leader's skill, found themselves weakened and slowed. Their movements became sluggish, as if they were wading through a thick, invisible sludge. They struggled to raise their weapons, their arms feeling heavy and unresponsive.

The goblins, their minds consumed by the berserk rage, charged forward, their feet pounding against the stone floor. They moved with a speed and ferocity that belied their small stature, their weapons raised high above their heads. The kobolds, weakened and vulnerable, could only watch in horror as the tide of green flesh and sharp blades surged towards them.

The goblin leader watched with a cruel smile on his face as his minions tore into the kobolds. The cavern descended into a maelstrom of blood and violence, the screams of the dying mingling with the frenzied roars of the goblins. The kobolds fought bravely, their spears and claws finding flesh, but they were hopelessly outnumbered.

One by one, the kobolds fell, their bodies torn asunder by the relentless onslaught of the goblins. The ground grew slick with blood, and the air was thick with the stench of death. The kobold leader, his heart heavy with despair, fought on, his sharp claws a blur as he struck out at the goblins. But even he could not stem the tide of violence, and soon he too was overwhelmed, his body disappearing beneath a sea of green flesh and flashing blades.

As the battle drew to a close, the male kobolds lay lifeless on the ground, their bodies riddled with stab wounds from the frenzied goblins. The surviving goblins, their eyes still glowing a malevolent red, continued to plunge their weapons into the corpses, driven by an insatiable bloodlust.

To the left and right of the main battle, over half of the female kobolds suffered the same gruesome fate as their male counterparts. The remaining female kobolds, however, found themselves in a predicament far worse than death.

Amidst the chaos, a small group of goblins broke away from the main horde, their attention drawn to a lone kobold attempting to flee through one of the back tunnels. The kobold, clutching a handful of precious eggs, moved with a desperate urgency, its feet pounding against the stone floor as it sought to escape the nightmare that had engulfed its home.

The goblins, their eyes narrowing with predatory intent, gave chase, their high-pitched cries echoing through the narrow tunnel. The kobold, its heart pounding with terror, pushed itself to the limit, drawing upon every ounce of strength and speed it possessed.

Meanwhile, the goblin leader explored his new home with a cold, calculating gaze. In the back of the settlement, inside of a poorly hidden room, his eyes fell upon a huddled group of young kobolds, their scales still soft and their eyes wide with fear. A cruel smile played across his lips as he licked them.

"Looks like we have enough food for a while!" he declared, his voice echoing through the cavern.

The young kobolds, unable to understand the implications of the goblin leader's words, huddled closer together, their small bodies trembling with terror. They had witnessed the brutal slaughter of their elders, and now they found themselves at the mercy of these savage creatures.

In the Core Space, Fable watched the unfolding events as he called out to the system. "System," he began, "what are the requirements for a goblin to become a goblin knight?"

[In order for a goblin to acquire the class of goblin knight, they must overcome their instinctual fear and maintain control over their lustful nature during battle; they must also have decent fighting skill and show proficiency unlike their lower leveled counterparts. Only then could a goblin become a level 10 Elite and acquire the racial class of Goblin Knight.]

This is Wednesday's chapter sorry for the delay, I've rewritten this chaper about 4 times now because it didn't feel right.

Also this is my first time writing a battle scene (High five, it's lacking but i'll get better.) High Five!


Friday's chapter is almost done so i'll have it out later tonight or tomorrow with mondays chapter


Here's the release schedule:

Monday @ 10pm E.S.T

Wednesday @ 10pm E.S.T

Friday @ 5pm E.S.T

Bonus Chapters will be released in random intervals and on holidays to help keep the chapter count up


Thanks a ton for reading! If you enjoyed what you read, consider dropping a powerstone or leaving a review. Your support means the world to me!

So between kobolds and goblins which do you like more?

Perishable_Heavencreators' thoughts