
Not very good start

Utter void surrounded me, and yet I felt something pulse within me. I couldn't see myself but I still felt my own existence. I could not piece together what was going on. I struggled mentally until eventually, the world brightened as if I opened my eyes.

"What is happening ".

As i see the surrounding it was very unfamiliar to me. As I am surrounded by garbage.

"WTF , why am I here ".

I can see and smell filth around me.

"Man I'm going to puke".

As I apply some force so I can move from here but I was unable to due to my tiny undeveloped body.



I can see my tiny little hand and feet, After sometime accepting my new reality.

"Is this some kinda joke ,how I am supposed to move from here and what type of shitty parents dump their child like garbage"

As I can't do anything myself so I hope someone will come here and pick me up but I can't put everything on my luck so I start crying.


I am crying like there is no tomorrow hoping someone will pick me from here .

If you people are wondering about my background I can only say that I was a normal guy working with normal salary in normal company. I was 28 and single , I don't remember how I came here. Maybe I just died while sleeping , pretty lame way to go.

As heaven hear my prayer I hear someone coming towards me . I see someone's hand extending towards me trying to pick me up it was an old man approximately in 50s.

As he held me in his arms.

"xonbso dkdkdo edudhd xkdid rhdid".

I don't have a single clue what he is saying but maybe he will help me. As he lift me from garbage box he start frowning but after sometime with a smile he say something to me and start walking.

After some time we came to stop in front of a building and move inside it.The old man start to wash me and change my clothes.

"At least my luck hasn't completely forsaken me yet"

After washup the old man has start to feed me from milk from bottle which is quiet good with my current circumstances then he start to rhyming some words in foreign language.

"This body is still undeveloped it will take some time to adjust here".

After feeding he placed me in bed as he see my eyes are half open.

"What a nice old man , when I get older I will surely help him".

As these emotions start to take over my head I fell asleep.



As you can see in the front of mirror a boy at age of 11~12 is combing his black hair he has brown eyes and above average looks.

As he hear a voice "Come fast you little brat breakfast is ready".

Boy " Coming" .

After wrapping up all the stuff he start to go downstairs at dining table.

" Kans I can see your excitement to going school as you are going to graduate from middle school".

As you guessed my name is Kans and I am 11 year old , well I mean physically 11 year old and the grandpa's name is John.

"Compared to you I don't have that much excitement".

"Ho ho ho you shouldn't say things like that and be make sure to make a lot of friends in school".

Due to me being mentally old I am top in my class and I don't like talking to lot of people so I don't have lot of friends.

After a satisfying breakfast I start to pack my bag and start to going at slow pace.


As I hear the scream toward me I start to slow down.

"Yo max how are you doing".

Max is my friend from neighborhood his father own a restraunt and my grandpa own a grocery store so we are quite familiar with each other.

"I'm good. Hey you've seen the TV recently there are many outbreaks".

This world isn't the normal world we know this is the era of superhumans.

Long ago the world experience a outbreak of monsters by unknown cause as they cause pandemonium.

modern weapons starting to show less efficiency toward high ranking monsters.

As humanity starting to lose hope then there is the emergence of superhumans with system. They save humanity on the brink of extinction. Then the golden era of humanity comes.

Kans "Yeah I have seen it is really bad ".

max " I wish I could awaken a system so I become famous as other hunters and starting to earn lot of money".

Kans "yeah".

As said not everyone can awaken as hunter so everyone dream to awaken. Some people don't awaken system till their dying breath and some are born with it.

"Why the hell I have been transmigrate in this world of I don't even has a system with cheat".

Beep..... Beep.....

System initialization.....