
Chapter 4 Thunder Essence

Chapter 4 Thunder Essence

"Ding, Do you want to rebate thunder essence"

Karn was slightly surprise to see that sign in rewards can also rebate. He said " yes"

"This rebate is only for the host to get used to the function," the calm voice responded, breaking Karn's hopes of easily exploiting the system. "Next time, the system will only rebate resources that have been acquired by the host."

Slightly disappointed but understanding, Karn sighed and nodded.

"Ding! Congratulations on acquiring a reward," the voice continued in its steadfast tone. "Reward: Tier 10 Middle Grade Thunder Essence."

Karn's eyes widened as he sensed a swirling vortex of purple lightning energy appear before him. 

Like strength is divided into ten tier, skills, equipment's and all other resources are divided initial into 10 tier being tier 1 is lowest and tier 10 is highest. Subdivided tiers into low, middle and high.

"Tier 10 middle Thunder essence : This is the vital energy condensed from the roar and fury of wild storms, capturing the power of lightning and thunder within shimmering crystals . Skilled cultivators can refine and absorb thunder essence to enhance their abilities, guiding the explosive might into their meridians and dantian.

Thunder essence provides more than just raw strength. When properly harnessed, it enhances speed, allowing cultivators to move as fast as a lightning bolt and attack with thunderclap force. 

The energy also sharpens the senses, empowering practitioners to perceive the minute stirrings in the air that herald the approach of danger.

 Through long and devoted training, thunder essence can augment mystical abilities as well, granting insight into destructive daoist magic and control over the elements of thunder."

 Karn's heart pounded with excitement as he received the Tier 10 middle Thunder essence through the rebate. The pulsating energy within the crystal resonated with the power of thunder, promising a significant enhancement to his abilities. 

With newfound determination, Karn decided to explore the potential of this Thunder essence immediately. He focused his thoughts on the essence, and the holographic interface responded.

"Ding! Thunder essence enhancement initiated."

A surge of energy enveloped Karn as the Thunder essence merged with his being. He could feel the power coursing through his veins, electrifying his senses. The holographic panel displayed information about the enhancement:

"Thunder Essence Enhancement:

- Thunder abilities upgraded to SSS .

- Unlock potential for advanced thunder manipulation.

- Increased control over thunder-related skills."

Karn marveled at the newfound strength within him. The upgrade to SSS meant that his thunder abilities had reached a level beyond ordinary. He could sense the expanded range and intensity of his control over thunder. Eager to test his enhanced abilities, Karn decided to practice a advance thunder manipulation technique.

He extended his hand, and with a focused thought, a small bolt of lightning crackled from his fingertips. The controlled release showcased the precision granted by the SSS Thunder abilities.

"Remarkable," Karn muttered to himself, realizing the immense potential that the Ultimate Primordial System and the Thunder essence offered. He couldn't wait to explore further and unlock the full extent of his capabilities.

As Karn continued his exploration of the Ultimate Primordial System, he turned his attention to the second function—the billion times rebate. The holographic interface displayed a counter indicating the number of rebates accumulated from his recent actions.

"Billion Times Rebate Counter: 5,623,489."

Karn was astounded by the rapid accumulation of rebates. Each action, whether it was practicing his talents, aiding his friends, or even the slightest display of his abilities, contributed to this remarkable count. The possibilities for exchange seemed endless, but it is random and can be done once a day like sign in.

After that Karn decided to see his improvement, 

" System open attribute panel"

System attribute panel, Then a light curtain appeared in Karn mind,

Host: Krish

Cultivation: tier 1 low

Weapon: none

Martial cultivation exercise: basic eighteen style exercise

Martial Skill: tier 5 middle grade Advance Thunder manipulation 

Talent: SSS-Thunder

Current Crit Multiplier: 0 

Current sign in : 0

It shows through details of abilities, skills and equipment's. After exploring the new all functions of system, he sleep on his bed after a heavy and tired day. Thinking about system in his minds, about new experience and fantasy to become stronger. Gradually he goes to sleep.

The following morning, Karn woke up with a renewed sense of purpose. The events of the previous day, from the awakening ceremony to the discovery of the Ultimate Primordial System, played in his mind like a vivid dream. Determined to explore the depths of his newfound abilities, Karn got ready for another day at Bhoj High School.

As he entered the school gates, whispers and curious glances followed him. Karn couldn't blame his fellow students for their interest; after all, he and Mrityunjay were the talk of the town with their rare S-level talents. The news had spread like wildfire, and Karn found himself at the center of attention.

During the morning assembly, Principal Mr. Arjun addressed the entire school. "Yesterday marked a historic day for Bhoj High School. We witnessed the awakening of two S-level talents, a feat that occurs once in a generation. Karn and Mrityunjay, your extraordinary abilities have brought honor to our school. Embrace your talents and use them wisely. Now, let the day begin."

Karn felt a mix of pride and responsibility as he headed to his classroom.

The school day continued, and Karn attended his classes with a newfound enthusiasm. The teachers, aware of the extraordinary talents awakened in their students, tailored their lessons to accommodate the unique abilities of Karn and Mrityunjay.

As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, teacher said "After a week school is going to organized a field trip to wilderness, all interested student can sign up their name and sign a certificate from your parents for permission". 

Hearing this students dumbfounded, although it is saying fieldtrip but they will be thrown to wilderness to hunt monster. Seeing the fear in students, head teacher again said " Don't worry you will be only allowed to hunt near the city wall and military soldiers and school teachers will be always near you to support and save you if anything unexpected happens"

"Also hunting monster will be count as points, and whom have highest points, the principal will give him a rewards"

"Now all you can go and start practicing basic method till next week to improve yourself"

After hearing this students fear become less and they started packing bag and move towards their houses . Karn met up with Duryodhan near the school gates. 

After awakening talent, humans can use aura or energy between heaven and earth for their own use. 

The basic eighteen style exercise od school involves, certain poses or stances are held to open energy channels or meridian in dantians and align the body. Examples are horse stance to root power or lotus pose to stimulate energy centers.

The main principle behind this energetic exercise is to gather and coalesce the vital lifeforce that flows between heaven and earth within the lower dan tian, just below the navel.

As taught by the ancient yogic sages, the lower abdomen houses the svadhisthana chakra, an essential energy center for cultivating vigor and creative potential. Through rhythmic breathing and focused retention, one can harness the circulating energy that animates all living beings. we can use this stored energy to use our skills.

Karn and Duryodhan walked together towards the city's inner zone, discussing the upcoming field trip and the challenges that lay ahead. The prospect of hunting monsters both excited and intimidated the students. Karn couldn't help but think about how his enhanced Thunder abilities would fare in a real combat situation.

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