
Ascendent 2 : Legacy of Phoenix

A sequel story to " The Ascendent". For more : Read Epilogue.

Joker_9724 · Fantasy
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77 Chs

Chapter 60: Echoes of the Past

The team continued their trek through the dense foliage of the Verdant Expanse, the atmosphere growing heavier with each step. The air was thick with the scent of moss and damp earth, and the forest was alive with the rustle of leaves and distant calls of unseen creatures.

Jay led the way, his eyes scanning the path ahead. The map Owen had provided was accurate, but the terrain was challenging, with thick underbrush and gnarled roots threatening to trip them at every step.

"Stay close," Jay called back to his friends. "The path is getting rougher."

Elena, with her bow at the ready, kept a vigilant watch on their flanks. "I don't like this. It feels like we're being watched."

Marcus grunted in agreement, his sword glinting in the dappled sunlight. "Let's just keep moving. The sooner we find the temple, the better."

Owen, walking alongside Lydia, studied his device. "According to my readings, we're getting close. The energy levels here are off the charts."

Lydia glanced around, her healer's instincts on high alert. "We need to be careful. The forest is ancient, and who knows what kind of creatures live here."

They pressed on, following the river that wound its way through the forest. The sound of rushing water was a constant companion, a soothing presence amid the tension. As they rounded a bend, the trees began to thin, revealing a clearing bathed in sunlight.

In the center of the clearing stood the ruins of an ancient structure, its stone walls covered in vines and moss. The air was filled with a sense of history, as if the place itself remembered the events of long ago.

Jay stepped forward, his heart pounding. "This must be it. The Lost Temple of Aelyndor."

The team spread out, exploring the ruins with a mix of awe and caution. The temple was a testament to a bygone era, its architecture both grand and mysterious. Symbols and carvings adorned the walls, telling stories of an ancient civilization that had long since vanished.

Owen ran his fingers over the carvings, his eyes wide with fascination. "These symbols... they match the ones in the old texts. This place was a center of knowledge and power."

Elena approached a large stone door at the far end of the clearing. "Looks like this is the entrance. But how do we get in?"

Jay joined her, examining the door. It was covered in intricate carvings, with a large symbol at its center. "There must be a way to open it. Owen, can you make sense of these symbols?"

Owen studied the door, his device humming as it analyzed the carvings. "Give me a moment... Ah, here we go. The symbols indicate a sequence. If we press them in the right order, it should unlock."

Marcus stood guard, his eyes scanning the forest for any signs of danger. "Hurry up, Owen. We don't know how long we'll be safe here."

With a nod, Owen began to press the symbols in the sequence indicated by his device. The ancient mechanisms groaned to life, and the stone door slowly began to open, revealing a dark passageway beyond.

Jay took a deep breath, his hand on the hilt of his sword. "This is it. Let's go."

The team entered the temple, their torches casting flickering shadows on the walls. The air inside was cool and musty, filled with the scent of age and forgotten secrets. They moved cautiously, aware that danger could be lurking around any corner.

As they ventured deeper, they came across a series of chambers filled with relics and artifacts. Ancient tomes lined the shelves, and the walls were adorned with murals depicting scenes of great battles and powerful rituals.

Lydia's eyes widened as she examined a dusty old book. "These texts... they could hold the key to understanding the portals and the Mastermind's plans."

Owen nodded, his fingers dancing over the pages. "We need to take as much as we can carry. This knowledge is invaluable."

In the final chamber, they found a large, ornate pedestal. At its center was a glowing orb, pulsating with a mysterious energy. Jay approached it cautiously, feeling a strange connection to the object.

"This must be what we're looking for," Jay said, reaching out to touch the orb. As his fingers made contact, a surge of energy coursed through him, and he was flooded with visions of the past.

He saw the ancient civilization of Aelyndor, their rise and fall, and the creation of the portals. He saw the first Reclaimers, their struggles and triumphs. And he saw the Mastermind, a figure shrouded in darkness, manipulating events from the shadows.

The visions ended abruptly, leaving Jay breathless and shaken. "We have to stop him," he said, his voice filled with determination. "The Mastermind's plans go far deeper than we realized."

Elena placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "We will, Jay. Together."

As they prepared to leave the temple, their minds were filled with a renewed sense of purpose. The journey ahead would be fraught with danger, but they were more determined than ever to uncover the truth and stop the Mastermind.

With the relics and knowledge they had gained, they stepped back into the sunlight, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them.