
Ascendent 2 : Legacy of Phoenix

A sequel story to " The Ascendent". For more : Read Epilogue.

Joker_9724 · Fantasy
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77 Chs

Chapter 48: Into the Depths

The rain continued to pour as Jay, Elena, Owen, and Marcus made their way toward the entrance of the old sewage tunnel. The storm's relentless downpour added to the sense of foreboding that hung in the air, casting a pall over the city's already darkened streets.

"This isn't exactly my idea of a good time," Owen said, peering down at the murky water flowing into the tunnel's entrance. "I hope you're planning on buying me a new pair of boots after this."

Jay chuckled, adjusting his backpack. "If we make it out of here alive, I'll buy you as many pairs as you want."

Elena led the way, her flashlight cutting through the darkness. The tunnel was narrow, with a low ceiling that forced them to crouch as they walked. The walls were slick with grime, and the stench was overwhelming.

"Just keep moving," Marcus said, his voice low. "We don't want to draw attention. These tunnels might not be heavily guarded, but they're not entirely safe, either."

They proceeded cautiously, the sound of their footsteps mingling with the distant echoes of the storm. As they ventured deeper into the tunnel, the air grew colder, and the sense of isolation intensified. It felt like they were descending into a labyrinth from which there was no escape.

"This is worse than I imagined," Owen muttered, carefully avoiding a large puddle of stagnant water. "I should've stayed back at the safehouse."

Elena shot him a playful grin. "Too late for that now. We're in this together, remember?"

Jay kept his focus ahead, listening for any sign of movement. They had to be ready for anything—traps, guards, or other unexpected dangers. The Mastermind was known for his cunning, and these tunnels were the perfect place for an ambush.

As they turned a corner, they heard a faint noise up ahead. Jay signaled for everyone to stop, his hand raised for silence. The noise grew louder, a rhythmic clanking sound that echoed through the tunnel.

"What is that?" Elena whispered, her eyes scanning the darkness.

Jay couldn't tell, but he knew they had to be careful. "Stay back," he said, edging forward to get a better look. "I'll see what's making that noise."

He moved cautiously, his flashlight sweeping across the tunnel's walls. The clanking sound grew louder, and as he rounded another corner, he saw the source—a large metal grate, partially dislodged, swinging back and forth in the wind. It was blocking their path, preventing them from moving forward.

"Looks like we're stuck," Owen said, peering over Jay's shoulder. "How do we get past that?"

Jay examined the grate, noting the rusted bolts and the loose hinges. "We need to break it free," he said. "But we have to do it quietly. If we make too much noise, it'll alert anyone nearby."

Elena pulled out a small multitool and began working on the bolts. The rusty metal made it difficult to turn, and it took all her strength to loosen them. Jay and Owen kept watch, listening for any sign of movement in the tunnel.

After several tense minutes, Elena managed to remove the last bolt, and the grate fell to the ground with a soft thud. The path was clear, but they knew they had to move quickly.

"Let's go," Jay said, leading the way forward. "We need to find an exit point and get back to the surface."

They continued through the tunnel, their senses heightened by the knowledge that danger could be lurking around every corner. The air grew thicker, and the sound of the storm above became fainter. It felt like they were descending into the belly of the city, with no clear way out.

Finally, they reached a section of the tunnel where the water level began to rise. Jay knew they had to find an exit soon, or they risked being trapped by rising floodwaters.

"Keep going," he urged, his voice tense. "There has to be an access point somewhere nearby."

Elena pointed to a faint light up ahead. "There. That might be our way out."

They hurried toward the light, their pace quickening as the water continued to rise. The exit led to a small maintenance room, with a ladder that climbed to the street above. Jay felt a surge of relief, knowing they were close to escaping the tunnel's darkness.

"One at a time," Marcus said, gesturing toward the ladder. "I'll go last. You guys get up there and make sure it's safe."

Jay climbed the ladder, his heart pounding with anticipation. As he reached the top, he carefully pushed open the hatch, peering into the night. The storm had eased, but the city was still shrouded in darkness, with only a few streetlights casting faint pools of light.

"It's clear," he called down. "Let's get out of here."

One by one, the team climbed out of the tunnel and back into the open air. They were soaked and exhausted, but they had made it out. Jay knew they had to regroup and figure out their next move—one that would bring them closer to confronting the Mastermind and ending his reign of terror.