
Ascendent 2 : Legacy of Phoenix

A sequel story to " The Ascendent". For more : Read Epilogue.

Joker_9724 · Fantasy
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77 Chs

Chapter 43: Shadows in the Night

As Jay and Elena crouched behind the loading dock, they saw that the men inside the warehouse were organizing the crates in a hurry. The sound of forklift engines and hurried footsteps filled the air, creating a chaotic backdrop. Jay motioned for Elena to keep low as they crept closer to get a better view.

"Any idea what they're carrying?" Elena whispered, her eyes darting across the scene.

"Not yet," Jay replied. "We need to get closer to the crates, see if there's anything distinctive about them."

The two moved stealthily along the edge of the warehouse, taking cover behind stacks of pallets and other industrial debris. They finally reached a spot with a clear view of the loading area. The men seemed tense, glancing around as if expecting someone to burst through the doors at any moment.

Jay spotted a pile of shipping manifests on a nearby desk. He signaled to Elena, and she nodded, keeping watch as he inched toward the desk. He reached out and carefully grabbed a handful of the papers, tucking them into his jacket. As he turned to leave, one of the workers yelled, pointing in his direction.

"Hey! Who's over there?"

The shout sent a ripple of alarm through the warehouse. The workers dropped what they were doing and reached for weapons stashed nearby. Jay and Elena knew they had to move fast. They bolted toward the exit, ducking under cover as bullets ricocheted off the metal walls.

"Over here!" Elena called, leading Jay toward a side door. It slammed shut behind them as they burst into the night. The echoes of gunfire followed them into the alleyways, but they kept moving, zigzagging through the maze of industrial buildings to lose their pursuers.

When they reached a safe spot, they stopped to catch their breath. Jay pulled out the shipping manifests, scanning them for any useful information.

"These shipments are headed to various locations across the city," he said, pointing to the addresses listed. "But there's one that's marked as 'urgent' with no destination listed."

Elena raised an eyebrow. "No destination? That's suspicious. What's in those crates?"

Jay frowned, flipping through the papers. "It doesn't say, but if they're hiding it, it's probably something illegal or dangerous. We need to find out who's behind this and why they're in such a rush to move it."

Elena nodded, her eyes narrowing with determination. "Let's get back to Owen. He might be able to trace these addresses and see if there's a pattern."

They made their way through the darkened streets, taking care to avoid any patrols or security cameras. The city was restless after the recent riots, and tensions were high. But Jay and Elena knew they had to press on, even if it meant putting themselves in danger.

When they reached their base, Owen was already at work, his laptop humming with activity. He looked up as they entered, surprised to see them out of breath and covered in grime.

"What happened? Did you find something?" he asked.

Jay handed him the shipping manifests. "We got these from a warehouse in the industrial district. They were moving crates in a hurry, like they were expecting someone to find them."

Owen examined the papers, his eyes scanning the text and symbols. "This is good. We can use this to track the shipments and see where they lead. If we can find the source, we might get closer to the Mastermind."

Elena crossed her arms, leaning against the wall. "But we have to be careful. These people are on edge, and they'll do anything to protect their secrets. We need to move fast before they cover their tracks."

Jay agreed, his mind already racing with the possibilities. The clock was ticking, and they couldn't afford to waste any time. With the shipping manifests in hand, they had a lead—but it was only the beginning. To expose the Mastermind and his network, they'd have to go deeper into the shadows, risking everything to bring the truth to light.