
Ascendent 2 : Legacy of Phoenix

A sequel story to " The Ascendent". For more : Read Epilogue.

Joker_9724 · Fantasy
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77 Chs

Chapter 35: Into the Vipers' Den

Jay signaled to Elena to hurry as the footsteps grew closer. They needed to get the information and get out before they were spotted. Elena quickly finished taking photos and nodded to Jay, indicating she was ready to move.

The footsteps stopped outside the office door. Jay held his breath, watching the door handle slowly turn. He signaled to Elena to take cover behind a stack of crates, while he positioned himself near the exit.

The door creaked open, and a large man stepped in, his eyes scanning the room. He was heavily armed, with a tattoo of a coiled viper on his neck. Jay could see the suspicion in his eyes as he surveyed the office.

The man stepped further into the room, his eyes narrowing as he noticed something out of place—the corner of a document that had been moved. He reached for his weapon, but before he could react, Jay lunged from the shadows, striking him hard across the temple with the butt of his pistol.

The man collapsed with a thud, his weapon clattering to the floor. Jay and Elena moved quickly, exiting the office and heading back toward the entrance they had come through.

"We need to get out of here," Jay said, his voice urgent. "They're going to be on high alert now."

Elena nodded, her pace quickening. They weaved through the warehouse, avoiding guards and staying out of sight. The sound of alarms began to fill the air, signaling that the Black Vipers knew something was wrong.

As they reached the exit, they could see guards rushing toward the office. Jay knew they didn't have much time. He signaled to Elena to take cover behind a large stack of crates, waiting for the guards to pass.

Once the guards were out of sight, they slipped out of the warehouse and into the night. The industrial area was now buzzing with activity, with lights flickering on and guards searching the perimeter. They needed to find a way to escape without drawing attention.

"We'll have to circle around and head through the forest," Jay said. "It's our best chance to avoid detection."

Elena agreed, and they made their way toward the edge of the industrial area. The sounds of pursuit were growing louder, and they knew they had to move fast.

As they reached the forest, they heard the distant roar of motorcycles. It was the Black Vipers' patrol, searching for them. Jay and Elena ducked into the trees, staying low and using the darkness to their advantage.

They moved quickly through the forest, the sound of motorcycles fading behind them. It was a close call, but they had the information they needed. The documents and photos they had taken would provide valuable insight into the Mastermind's network and his connections to the Black Vipers.