
Ascendent 2 : Legacy of Phoenix

A sequel story to " The Ascendent". For more : Read Epilogue.

Joker_9724 · Fantasy
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77 Chs

Chapter 15: Return to the Village

The village of Arborn seemed quieter than when Jay had left. He noticed that fewer people were out and about, and a subtle tension lingered in the air. As he walked down the cobblestone streets, he passed by houses with drawn curtains and saw mothers pulling their children indoors. Something was wrong.

Jay made his way to the inn where he had stayed before, hoping to find some familiar faces. He entered the warm, dimly lit room and saw the innkeeper, a burly man with a thick beard, cleaning the counter. The innkeeper glanced up, his eyes narrowing as he saw Jay.

"You're back," the innkeeper said, his voice gruff. "Thought you'd left for good."

Jay shook his head, walking up to the counter. "I had some unfinished business. What's going on? Why's everyone on edge?"

The innkeeper leaned in, lowering his voice. "We've had some trouble since you left. Strangers have been coming into the village, asking questions about you and some others. They don't seem like the friendly type."

Jay's instincts flared. He knew that his journey to the ancient shrine had not gone unnoticed, but he didn't expect trouble to follow him back to Arborn. "What kind of strangers? Did they say who they were?"

The innkeeper shook his head. "They didn't give names. Just asked if anyone had seen a young man matching your description. They were also asking about a silver-haired woman. They left, but they didn't seem satisfied. I reckon they'll be back."

Jay's mind raced. If the strangers were looking for him and Elena, it could only mean one thing—they were after the relic he had found at the shrine. He had to act fast to ensure it didn't fall into the wrong hands.

"Thanks for the warning," Jay said, dropping a few coins on the counter. "I won't stay long, but I need to find someone. A friend. Have you seen Kayla around?"

The innkeeper nodded. "She's been helping out at the orphanage, keeping the kids entertained. If you're looking for her, that's where she'll be."

Jay nodded and left the inn, heading toward the orphanage. The streets were eerily quiet, and he kept a hand on his sword, ready for any signs of trouble. The orphanage was a modest building with a faded sign, but the laughter of children could be heard from inside.

He entered the orphanage and saw Kayla sitting on the floor, surrounded by a group of kids. She was reading them a story, her voice gentle and soothing. When she saw Jay, she smiled and excused herself from the group, walking over to him.

"Jay! You're back. I was starting to worry." Kayla's eyes sparkled with relief.

"Yeah, I'm back," Jay said, trying to keep his tone light. "But we need to talk. Something's not right. Strangers have been asking about us."

Kayla's smile faded. "Strangers? What do they want?"

"I'm not sure, but I think it has to do with what I found at the shrine. We need to be careful. I don't want you or anyone else here to get hurt because of me."

Kayla's expression grew serious. "What do you need me to do?"

Jay appreciated her willingness to help. "Just stay low for now. I'll handle the strangers, but I need to find out who they are and why they're after me. If they come back, don't engage them. Just let me know."

Kayla nodded, her concern evident. "Be careful, Jay. I don't want you getting into trouble. The kids here—they like you. You're their hero."

Jay smiled, feeling a pang of responsibility. He didn't consider himself a hero, but he knew he had a role to play in keeping the village safe. "I'll be careful. I promise."

With that, Jay left the orphanage, his mind focused on the task ahead. He needed to find out who the strangers were and what they wanted. The relic he found at the shrine held great power, but it also attracted danger. Jay knew he couldn't face it alone—he would need allies, and he hoped Elena would be willing to help him.