
Ascendant: Struggle

Zai, a soldier, and her squad live a life of brutal hit-and-run operations and training the people of Aviye to resist the will of the Hegemons that divided her nation. When a beautiful defector falls into her lap, the terrible secret of how the Hegemony creates its Ascendants, powerful warriors wielding powers only a few understand, is revealed, as well as a lost path to the same power. As Zai and Amri struggle to understand the truth of the path, deadly enemies and even divisions within their own people must be overcome. Yet in the shadows of the Hegemony lurks an enemy far older and more powerful than even they can imagine. -------- I invite you to consider my other works if you are interested: https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-demon-lord-is-an-angel_28486713700592205#review I also have a Discord if you want to communicate with me directly: https://discord.gg/ksJ8dJup4d Special thanks to SapphoAndHerFriend for her support and help with the cover. I am so lucky to have her as a fan and supporter. Humbly, ~Haizao

Haizao · Fantasy
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323 Chs

The Last Prediction

The Council Suite, Grand Linan Hotel, Linan, Democratic Union of Aviye

11 Days Before the Finals


The morning after the return dinner, with everyone rested and Director Singh put in charge of the training for the day, Zai paid a visit to Amri, bringing Maya and Yue along.

She'd never been in the Grand Linan, but the way Amri described it did little to impress upon her how fantastically Aviyan the design was. Each pillar bore alcoves with small statues of figures from out of Aviyan legend, and the pillars rose high over an internal park space that centered a kitchen and cafe amidst the carefully manicured grass and trees. The largest showpiece in the indoor park was a statue of Mea the Iconoclast, standing at the prow of a ship.