
Ascendancy Obsession

With the new era emerging, Samuel's carefully constructed world is thrown into turmoil, revealing long-buried secrets and hidden agendas. Now that the path of ascension is opened for him, will he choose petty revenge as a goal? The tower is calling, and Samuel is not waiting either.. As temptation turned into dedication, Samuel Aunweor perserved through the path of ascendancy.

IWasGuilty · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 9 Slavery Secret

"Everyone, welcome!"

"Before I begin this event, I would like to thank all of you for coming." The administrator bowed.

"Firstly, we need to clarify some things, the first being the legality of the slaves we're selling."

"They come from the Kingdom of Bright Sun, these people committed war crimes by capturing our soldiers and torturing them."

"Unfortunately, our troops failed to rescue those soldiers." He shook his head with regret.

After explaining the origins of some more slaves they were selling, they explained the rules that must be followed during the auction, as well as the prohibitions.

Immediately after finishing, they brought out a dozen people from the covered carts. Surprisingly, they were still wearing their full clothes, although worn out, still better than Samuel expected. They are locked in cage-like carts.

"Everyone, these are high-quality slaves, we haven't touched them at all! Please have a look."

The sales system here was simpler than Samuel imagined, they just had to approach the cage and bid the right price to the cage manager.

Seeing everyone excited to browse, Samuel walked up to the administrator to chat about slavery. Although it's not a secret, Samuel still didn't know the detailed aspects of it, as it wasn't available in the library.

"Hello, Mr. Administrator, my name is Samuel Aunweor. I'd like to ask you some questions." Samuel said with a smile.

"Oh, so this is Doctor Aunweor, how can I assist you?" The administrator reached out his hand.

"I'm curious, if there are unruly slaves, do we get a warranty or are there specific precautions?" Samuel asked.

"Regarding this matter, you need not worry, Doctor. We naturally have certain precautions if that were to happen," said the Administrator.

"But... unfortunately, this method can only be disclosed to the owner of the slave." He shook his head to Samuel.

Samuel didn't inquire further and went to browse. Unfortunately, the bids were too high; he would have to spend at least 1/5 of his wealth if he wanted to buy one slave.

Seeing the expressions of the slaves, Samuel became slightly disappointed; he thought he would find something valuable here. After continuously practicing the 'Mind nurturing mantra,' not only his mind but also his intuition became sharper. He can feel their state of mind and emotions.

'Their minds haven't been corrupted at all; in fact, they seem like normal people, just desperate and afraid,' thought Samuel.

"Samuel, do you want to buy any of these slaves?" At that moment, he heard a feminine voice in his ear.

"Are you kidding, Lina? I just feel sorry for them," Samuel shook his head.

"Hehe, we both know you're not like that, Samuel." Lina smiled mischievously.

Hearing this, Samuel immediately leaned closer to Lina's ear.

"I think you don't know, you should find out what i'm like in bed," Samuel said teasingly.

Lina, hearing this, became embarrassed. Although this is what she wanted, she didn't want it to be public knowledge, so Samuel approaching her in public like this was a bit risky.

"By the way, Lina, could you lend me some money?" Samuel asked casually.

"Money? Are you planning to buy some slaves?" Lina asked curiously.

"Do you lack money? Shouldn't you have plenty after exploiting and playing around with some women like me?" Lina spoke with a chuckle. "I don't have any other women; you're the only one," Samuel said convincingly.

'Hmph! You mean you're just playing around with me?' Lina thought, she's a bit annoyed but doesnt mind it.

"I genuinely feel sorry for them, so at least, I want to save a few," said Samuel.

Lina looked at him suspiciously but didn't say anything. She just nodded and said, "Okay, that's easy, Samuel. A few gold coins won't be a problem."

"You choose the slaves you want, and I'll buy them for you," said Lina shyly.

Samuel didn't refuse and immediately started browsing. Initially, many people didn't believe Samuel, with his character, would buy slaves. They discussed various things, but Jamie, who saw this, immediately became angry.

He quickly explained Samuel's motives for buying slaves; it was to free them! Samuel didn't even have to do anything, and his reputation rose again among the common people.

Of course, the nobles who heard this immediately mocked Samuel in their hearts; they thought Samuel had overly naive thoughts.

In the end, Samuel chose a young male slave with a healthy body. Compared to the other slaves, he was in better physical and mental condition, so Samuel chose him.

"Poor thing, you're still young and have experienced such things," Samuel said in front of everyone.

Seeing Samuel, the people admired him and supported him. Even those who wanted to buy this slave didn't dare to raise the price because they didn't want to become targets of the common people.

"Have you chosen him, Doctor?" The administrator asked curiously.

"Yes, Mr. Administrator, could you give me the necessary procedures?" Samuel said calmly and controlled.

"Of course, the Slaver Union organization, as a recognized seller of slaves by the kingdom, has our own methods to control these slaves," explained the administrator.

"We use a substance called 'phine dust' to control these slaves. Naturally, it will damage their minds and make them addicted quickly."

"Normally, these slaves won't be usable for a week. We have to give them the right procedure first, and then they can be handed over to their rightful owners."

Hearing his explanation, Samuel reluctantly asked, "Won't they become useless humans by then? Then why are they so expensive?"

The administrator wasn't offended and continued.

"Even if they are 'defective,' many people still pay attention to them, so demand is very high."

"Furthermore, the very high price comes from the stock of phine dust that we will give you, which can last for three months."

Samuel was disappointed because he hoped to find something supernatural here, but it turned out not to be. It was just a regular method of controlling people. What he didn't expect was the spread of addictive substances like phine dust that could spread throughout the kingdom.

"Three months? Do I have to repurchase the phine dust stock after the expiration period?" Samuel asked.

"Yes, but most people don't repurchase it. By then, most slaves' mind would be damaged, like a drug addict. There's no point in spending money on damaged slaves. Most people will buy new slaves at that time," the administrator said calmly.

"Is that so? Why did you tell me all of this?" Samuel asked curiously.

"Don't misunderstand, Doctor, this is just basic information known by all our customers. We treat all our customers equally," the administrator said with a smile.

Hearing the administrator say that, Samuel became annoyed with him. He basically said 'you think too highly of yourself' to Samuel. But he didn't say anything because he was indeed at fault here. The situation became awkward because Samuel remained silent, and the administrator also remained silent.

"Isn't this Doctor Aunweor? Apparently, you're also buying a slave." Suddenly, a voice was heard, breaking the awkward situation.

It was Lina, accompanied by one of the enclosure managers. Samuel remembered this person; he was a middle-aged man and the manager of the busiest enclosure because it contained beautiful blonde women. He also explained that the woman was a former noble of

the Kingdom of Bright Sun. But he didn't mention her position. Because of her hair color, many people believed she was a noblewoman.

But why did Lina buy a female slave?

"Ah, Mrs. Rudolf. Nice to meet you," Samuel greeted her.

Lina heard it and just smiled; they pretended not to know each other. It would be suspicious if they pretended to be intimate in front of others.

"By the way, administrator. I don't want the boy to be given phine dust. Just give it to me directly," Samuel said warmly.

"This... are you serious? Don't you want to use that boy first?" The administrator said confusedly.

Samuel felt sick after hearing the word 'use'; he knew many nobles had weird hobbies and fetishes, but who was he? Samuel Aunweor! A respected man. Just imagining himself with a half-broken female slave already made him sick, let alone a male one.

"Of course not, I believe everyone has the right to live and be free. At least helping this boy is what I can do," Samuel said regretfully.

The administrator didn't believe it at all; he just thought Samuel wanted to use this to boost his reputation. He thought Samuel was smart but naive; in his opinion, there was no point in boosting his reputation among the common people.

He also didn't believe there were truly good people in this world; even if there were, Samuel wasn't one of them. He had been observing Samuel from the start; the lack of reaction to the mention of the dangerous addictive substance spreading in the Kingdom of Edrea was the right evidence; he even had a disappointed expression when mentioning that slaves usually only lasted for three months.

"Your heart is truly noble, Doctor. If that's what you want, then I won't stop you at all," the administrator said calmly.

Hearing this, Samuel said, "Well then..."

"Unfortunately, we can't reduce the set price, Doctor," the administrator interrupted him.

"In that case, can you give me the supply of phine dust?" Samuel asked.

The administrator frowned and remained silent for a moment. "We can't give it to you, Doctor. If the slave doesn't undergo the specified procedure, then the phine dust can't be given to you."

"Furthermore, according to the contract, phine dust must be given to the slaves weekly, and the owner of the slave must report the administration. Violating this will result in severe sanctions from both our organization and the kingdom."

Samuel was surprised by the strict rules, but he didn't say anything; it was understandable because phine dust was very dangerous. He was only slightly disappointed because he could have used phine dust for something else. He wasn't too worried about money either because his little cat, Lina, would pay for it with her money.

"Okay then." Samuel gave in and nodded.

Lina, who had been watching, didn't say anything. She had known this beforehand, so she wasn't surprised.

After completing all the necessary procedures and saying goodbye to Lina and giving her a kiss when no one was watching, Samuel finally returned to his clinic with a boy no older than 20 following him.

Sorry I didn't make update yesterday, I had a headache. Im absent from my activities today because I still had that headache, but it wont be a problem to create chapters, I'm free today!

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