
Ascendancy Obsession

With the new era emerging, Samuel's carefully constructed world is thrown into turmoil, revealing long-buried secrets and hidden agendas. Now that the path of ascension is opened for him, will he choose petty revenge as a goal? The tower is calling, and Samuel is not waiting either.. As temptation turned into dedication, Samuel Aunweor perserved through the path of ascendancy.

IWasGuilty · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 5 Unexpected Situation

Samuel was startled by this news. He had anticipated the outcome, but hearing it directly still shocked him.

Thinking it over, Samuel could only sigh inwardly. 'Huff, it seems I'll have to ask Morgan to return to that cave.'

"What did you find inside the cave, Morgan?" Samuel asked.

"I only stayed around the cave entrance; I just saw their bodies lying on the ground." Morgan replied, his tone still filled with fear. "As you instructed, Doctor, I didn't venture further and returned here immediately."

"What killed them?" Samuel asked.

"I don't know, there's no visible wounds from what I can see from distance, maybe there is but I have to observe closer." Morgan replied.

"Morgan, hire another group of mercenaries to explore the cave. This time, accompany them, but don't get too close. Let them pave the way and observe where the unknown killing mechanism lies," said Samuel, he wanted to test how deep the water is there.

"Also, if the situation turns unexpected and becomes dangerous, leave immediately."

Samuel didn't want to sacrifice Morgan for an issue like this. Morgan was an experienced former Knight, even after Samuel gave him the 'pill', he didn't lose anything and still remained in his prime condition. Losing a Knight like him is a loss that Samuel cannot afford at the moment.

"How much Edrean gold coin do you have left now?" Samuel asked Morgan.

"I'm sorry, Doctor, but the money you gave me previously is almost gone. Initially, I planned to retrieve my money from the mercenaries' corpses, but that wasn't possible." Morgan said with a regretful expression.

Hearing this, Samuel nodded. Hiring mercenaries again was still within Samuel's financial reach, although he wasn't rich, he wasn't poor or average either.

Samuel was neither a noble nor a wealthy merchant. Although he was a renowned doctor, it was only among the common folk. Samuel targeted ordinary people as potential patients, of course, they didn't have much money. Initially, he just wanted to build a reputation by providing cheap and even free treatment. This made him very popular among the common folk.

"You can take some gold coins from our vault." Samuel paused for a moment and continued, "Also, try to be a bit frugal this time, try to hire cheaper mercenaries with more members, skills don't matter."

'I can't be too extravagant at the moment, especially with the upcoming conflict between the Fitzroy family and the Ironheart family.'

Samuel reminded him to be frugal because, anyway, there was nothing wrong with having extra money, besides, he needed to buy and stockpile ingredients for the 'mind controlling fragrance' which were not cheap.

Samuel remembered something and hurriedly continued. "Remember, try not to attract unnecessary attention, if there are survivors, you know what to do."

'I still don't know if the nobles of the Edrean kingdom have a hand in supernatural matters. It's better to be cautious,' thought Samuel.

He didn't believe that for something that existed so long didn't know about supernatural, they might even be a part of it.

"I understand, Doctor. I'll leave now." Morgan bowed and then turned to leave.

"Wait, Morgan. I need you to buy ingredients from this list." Samuel spoke and handed him the list.

Morgan nodded and left Samuel's study room.


'This is difficult, my research on the supernatural world has to be postponed,' thought Samuel. He always felt that the supernatural world was a place he had to tread, unfortunately, his options were limited at the moment.

"Well, I guess I'll open the clinic tomorrow." Samuel said to himself.


"Doctor, I heard you're close to Countess Karina, is that true?" a feminine voice spoke.

"Not really, Mrs. Rudolf. Miss Karina and I only have a business relationship and happen to be friends." Samuel shook his head. "Our statuses are also quite distant."

"Is that so?" Mrs. Rudolf seemed pleased with Samuel's answer. "But, Doctor. You are an extraordinary man, no wonder even a Countess would like you."

Mrs. Rudolf was one of Doctor Samuel Aunweor's patients in this city. She is the wife of the current mayor and a powerful woman. For some reason, she often came here under the pretext of her stomach being sick, although, Samuel didn't see any problem with her stomach. Well, it didn't matter to Samuel because she was a paying patient.

Moreover, Mrs. Rudolf was also a beautiful woman, with huge assets, of course, although she's not as beautiful as countess Karina, Samuel wouldn't mind seeing her occasionally. He wasn't someone who didn't know how to enjoy worldly beauty. Currently, Mrs. Rudolf was wearing a seductive black dress that matched her black hair.

"Haha, you flatter me too much, Mrs. Rudolf. Being praised by a beautiful woman like you makes me very happy." Samuel said with a gentle smile.

"I don't want to get into a serious relationship right now." Samuel explained while still smiling.

"Besides, there are better options here." Samuel said while glancing at Mrs. Rudolf's chest for a moment.

Seeing this, Mrs. Rudolf became a little embarrassed. She was a woman in her late 20s, and there she is, acting like a young girl in front of Samuel.

This was normal because most likely, she was a commoner who willingly married a royal official; she didn't love her husband, but only married him to raise her status. Finding satisfaction from other men naturally became normal for their minds.

"There's no need to be too formal, Doctor. Just call me Lina." Lina said softly.

"Okay, if that's the case, you should also call me Samuel." Samuel replied.

"Of course! Oh, by the way, Samuel, I heard that Countess Karina left the city 2 days ago, do you know the reason?" Lina tried to change the subject because although this was what she wanted, she still wasn't ready.

'She already left the city? She probably went back to the Ironheart city to report her situation to her father. I wonder how it turned out,' thought Samuel.

"Sorry, I don't know, she probably returned to the Ironheart city," Samuel said casually.

"I didn't pay much attention; anyway, there are more important things."

The atmosphere in the room returned to normal. Sensing this, Lina's heart pounded even though she tried to remain as calm as possible. She succumbed to the pressure and just went with the flow.

"More important things?" Lina asked shyly.

Hearing this, Samuel approached her and said, "Yes, of course, that would be you, Lina."

Before she could say anything, Samuel kissed her passionately. His hand reached her's, holding it as their finger crossed. Lina kissed him back with the same passion. It was a gentle and affectionate kiss, they both enjoyed it to their heart content before their lips parted.

"I.." Lina wanted to say something but was interrupted by Samuel.

"Your lips taste so sweet, Lina, You're truly perfect." Samuel said as his right hand reached her cheeks, caressing it. He looked at her eyes and kissed Lina on the lips again. Samuel's hand pulled Lina's body towards him and he started to feel her up.

"Umm!" Lina moaned.

Right at that moment, they heard a voice from outside the door. "Dr. Aunweor, are you inside?"

Lina and Samuel stopped their actions and looked at each other. Samuel didn't say anything while Lina looked disappointed.

"It seems we'll have to continue another time, Darling." Samuel smiled wryly.

"It's okay, Samuel, I can wait." Lina said, straightening her messy clothes.

"Okay, we'll do it in a more appropriate place next time; I don't want you to feel uncomfortable," Samuel said.

Hearing this, Lina smiled and nodded. Before she left the room, Samuel approached her and kissed her forehead.

"I'm really looking forward to our next meeting." Samuel said with a gentle smile.


In the grand hall of Ironheart, two figures standing next to each other, their face is a bit similar, but the other one is more feminine than the latter.

"Father, this is the report I've gathered from Samuel Aunweor, the former knight and the child of Duke Fitzroy himself." Karina spoke to his father with respect.

"Moreover, I invited him to join our forces."

"Hehe, If Jonathan Fitzroy heard you said that, he would be angry." Duke Ironheart said and giggled.

"Why is that, father?" Karina asked.

"Well, obviously because Samuel is not his son." Duke Ironheart waved hand.

"..." Karina decided to not reply to his father's answer.

Looking at his father, although he's handsome, he was short with average body size. Karina always wondered how did his father has so much strength when he's in battle.

"Now give me a brief explanation about the report." Duke Ironheart demanded.

Karina explained what Samuel told her briefly to her father. She also told her that Samuel Aunweor is going to be an official ln the Ironshade family, Duke accepted his request. Karina delighted to hear this and continued her report.

At first, Duke Ironheart was interested, he thinks that he's quite capable for someone who is half-blood. But, later on, he's a bit disappointed by Samuel.

Seeing his father reaction, Karina couldn't help but asked, "Why did you seem to be unsastified with him?"

"Don't get me wrong, Daughter. I like him, but he's a bit naive, but it's a common mistake for someone like him, including you."

"What do you mean, father?" Karina asked.

"Haha, do you think the source of the report is reliable?"

"Yeah, it comes from his spies at the Fitzroy." She answered.

"Hmph! Do you think the Fitzroy is that easy to penetrate? They're using him to fool us."

"Sooner or later, the so called 'spies' will bite on it's owner instead." Duke Ironheart said with a melancholic expression.

A lot of kisses!! don't get too hyped by the scene :3

Samuel don't expect both outcome xD

IWasGuiltycreators' thoughts