
Ascendancy Obsession

With the new era emerging, Samuel's carefully constructed world is thrown into turmoil, revealing long-buried secrets and hidden agendas. Now that the path of ascension is opened for him, will he choose petty revenge as a goal? The tower is calling, and Samuel is not waiting either.. As temptation turned into dedication, Samuel Aunweor perserved through the path of ascendancy.

IWasGuilty · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 4 Mysterious Cave

"Of course, they want to-" Karina paused and seemed to fall into deep thought.

'Huh? I am being careless, I don't need to tell him all of the details, am I? It's a secret information even among family. Not just the Noer Church's motives, but also my father's..' Karina thought, although she regretted her action, there is nothing she can do.

Well, now that Karina realizes her mistake, she's not going to reveal the information anymore.


"I'm so sorry, Doctor. I'm afraid I can't tell you that, only the higher up in my family know this, so.." Said Karina with regretful expression.

"It's nothing, Miss. I know your trouble, you don't need to tell me." Samuel said this with a gentle smile, revealing concern for her.

'So this is the limit huh?' Samuel thought.

'It's still amazing thought.'

Previously, Samuel had modified the recipe of Mind Calming Fragrance, he changed one of the core component, Eresian flower, to the feather of Alawasih bird, which known for it's enchanting sound. This reduced the effect a bit but also reduced the strong smell from the Eresian flower.

Although the effect is reduced, Still, for the effect to influence a Knight like Karina, it's exceeded Samuel expectation. He had to do more research about this potion.

"I'm grateful that you trusted me with this much information, Thank you, Miss."

"It's nothing, Doctor. You will be an official from my family soon. You are an ally of mine, so it's only natural." Karina Replied.

'What a sly fox, She's smarter than I thought.' Samuel thought as he smiled.

Although Karina did a mistake, she quickly turned it to deepend their relationship. Knowing this, Samuel can only shake his head.

"But Miss, will the other state of this continent remained silent? Now that the Noer Church making it's move, what about them?"

"No need to worry, they would not pay attention to something as little as this matter, I'm not quite sure though," said Karina.

"Rest assured, Doctor. If the conflict reach that scale, you will not be dragged to our matters anymore."

"By that time, I will be an official of your family. How could I leave you?" Samuel bluffed as he speak, lying is as easy as breathing for him.

"Oh.." Karina face reddened as she heard this.

Karina is not familiar with males, this is because she focused on her training for over the years. She also didn't want to engage in relationship, because she knows it's meant to not sail. She's prepared for political marriage set by his father, although there's still no candidate for this.

"Thank you, Doctor." She regained her calm quickly.

"What about the other two duchy? I don't think they want to see the House of Ironheart to gain even more power." Samuel asked.

"Besides, the Edreana Royal family will not tolerate the Ironheart."

This is to be expected because how could the Edreana Royal family stay silent as they watched the Ironheart grow in power? As the goes, two tigers can't stay in the same mountain.

"You will not regret joining the Ironheart, Dr. Aunweor." Karina said while giving a mysterious smile, it's like she's implying something.

Samuel's eyes widened after he heard this, he's not prepared for such outcome. He's regretting his action before, he doesn't one to be dragged in this mess, now that it's too late, he can only act for the better.

"Of course, Miss. You're the one that gives the opportunity, I should thank you for that." Samuel replied with a smile, not revealing his concern.

Karina hesitated for a moment, as if debating whether to trust him with her secrets. Finally, she spoke, her voice barely above a whisper. "I believe the Fitzroy family is planning something, you better be careful, Doctor."

Samuel paused and then nodded, but didn't ask for more information because he knew she's generous enough to warn him.

Seeing this, Karina smiled and nodded in response. "I need to review these documents and report it to my father. I'll see you if there's something I need."

"Already? I have no choice then." Samuel muttered.

Karina left the clinic with Samuel accompanying her. And so, their unlikely alliance was forged, bound by a common goal and a shared sense of purpose.

'Let's see where this will bring me to.'


Three days had passed since Samuel's last experiment with the mind calming fragrance. As he stood in his laboratory, surrounded by vials of various ingredients and alchemical equipment, he couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation mingled with a hint of trepidation. His previous attempt to change the ingredient from using Eresian flower to the feather of Alawasih bird actually increased the potion hypnotic property. He only realized when he used the potion to his patient.

As Samuel carefully combined the ingredients, his mind was consumed by thoughts of his previous experiment. He hadn't anticipated the potent effects of the alawasih bird feather, and the revelation had left him both intrigued and unsettled. Samuel couldn't deny the potential of the discovery. If he could harness the enhanced hypnotic properties of the feather...

'I will no longer need that 'pill' to control people' Samuel thought.

With renewed determination, Samuel focused on refining the potion, his movements methodical and precise. He adjusted the proportions of each ingredient, striving to achieve the perfect balance that would amplify the hypnotic effects without compromising the potion's safety. Hours stretched into days as Samuel tirelessly worked, his laboratory becoming a haven of concentrated focus and intense scrutiny.

On the second day of his research, Samuel observed subtle changes in the potion's consistency and aroma. The fragrance emitted a faint, ethereal scent, tinged with a hint of sweetness that lingered in the air like a delicate whisper. Encouraged by this progress, Samuel pressed on, fine-tuning his formula with meticulous attention to detail. He conducted a series of tests, administering the potion to small animals and carefully monitoring their reactions. Each trial yielded promising results, confirming the gradual strengthening of the potion's hypnotic properties.

As the third day dawned, Samuel's excitement grew palpable. He was on the verge of a breakthrough, poised to unlock the full potential of his creation. With a steady hand, he prepared the final batch of the potion, his movements fluid and assured. The laboratory buzzed with anticipation as Samuel meticulously monitored the brewing process, his senses heightened with anticipation.

Finally, the moment of truth arrived. With a sense of reverence, Samuel carefully decanted the potion into a crystal vial, marveling at the shimmering liquid that glowed with an otherworldly luminescence. This was it – the culmination of days of relentless experimentation and unwavering determination.

Taking a deep breath, Samuel held the vial aloft, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. It was a testament to his ingenuity, his perseverance, and his unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of scientific discovery.

As he gazed upon his creation, Samuel couldn't help but feel a surge of pride swell within him. This was more than just a potion – it was a fatal weapon. If he used this on most nobles..

"The world is in the palm of hand." He said jokingly, of course this a not the case.

"It doesn't have permanent effect like the 'pill' but this should be enough. The pill is limited and only works if people consumed it, but this potion works through it's fragrance."

"Well, I had to sacrifice the mind calming property. But it's worth it." Samuel muttered.

The potion can no longer be called 'Mind Calming Fragrance' because it's created for a different purpose.

"I will name it 'Mind Controlling Fragrance', nothing too fancy." Samuel smiled.



"Come in," said Samuel.

"It's me, Doctor." Morgan entered with a grim expression.

"Talk," said Samuel with a cold tone, his experession is serious and solemn.

"Master, you shouldn't-"

"Don't make me said it twice, Morgan." Samuel cut him before he could finish.

Morgan has gone for several days now, he's leaving with a mercenary unit to support him. Previously, Samuel told him to search for a place, it's not far from Ironhaven. Now coming back from the expedition, he seemed to bring bad air around him. It seemed the place is indeed extra ordinary. How could it can be ordinary?

"Doctor, it's something beyond us, something supernatural!!" Said Morgan with a terrified face.

"What happened?" Samuel asked.

"Previously, I hired a mercenary group called 'Iron Sword Knight' and followed them to the place." Morgan explained

There's indeed a mercenary group called 'Iron Sword Knight' in the city. It's a group consisting on seven people. Although they are not a real knight, their captain was a former soldier. He's pretty well known and has a good reputation. This is because he's allowed to own a flintlock, which commonly only used by a Knight, but even them cannot keep it if they quit their knighthood.

"I initially wanted them to test the water, and then kill them on the way back," said Morgan. This is not a suprise because Morgan was also a former Knight.

"I waited for a several hours, and they didn't come back from there. I waited until the next day before entered the cave to check them myself."

Morgan paused for a moment and then continue.

"To my suprise, they're all dead."