
Ascendancy Obsession

With the new era emerging, Samuel's carefully constructed world is thrown into turmoil, revealing long-buried secrets and hidden agendas. Now that the path of ascension is opened for him, will he choose petty revenge as a goal? The tower is calling, and Samuel is not waiting either.. As temptation turned into dedication, Samuel Aunweor perserved through the path of ascendancy.

IWasGuilty · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 2 Samuel Aunweor (2/2)

"Samuel, you are a disgrace to our family!!"

"Samuel, if only you weren't born, my husband wouldn't hate me like this!!" A voice filled with hatred echoed in the air.

"You are pathetic, Mother. It's your own fault that you had an affair and gave birth to me," said Samuel with an indifferent tone.

"SHUT UP! I never had an affair! I don't even know who your father is!" said the voice, presumably his mother.

Samuel tried to leave, but suddenly, he felt something snap in his mind. It was like something was trying to warn him about the situation.

"Huh....? Is this... a dream?

After saying the word 'dream,' something happened; his mother became distorted, and there were black tentacles all over her. Seeing this, Samuel was very surprised.





'What happened?' Samuel thought.

He woke up with sweat all over his body. This was not the first time he had a nightmare; it happened quite often, but he was indifferent about it. Rather, he felt that his 'dream' self was reflecting his current self now. That's why he didn't care about his mother. Of course, he couldn't recall all of the events, but he still remembered some. Samuel was always curious about why his 'dream' self acted like that. He knew other people didn't experience things like he did.

For example, he wasn't always indifferent toward his family. There was a time he craved their love and affection; his 'child' self would be crying if his mother said that to him. But what about him now? He didn't care. There were better things that required his care, like this dream.

This dream was different; he could remember everything. But why did this happen?

'Is it a lucid dream? But I didn't expect Mother to turn into such an abomination.'

'Then my other dreams where the current me is always there...'

Samuel suspected that he was experiencing a half-lucid dream, but he didn't come to a conclusion because he lacked study and research about dreams. Now, the things that mattered were why he suddenly realized he was inside a dream, and what was that monstrous being? Was it just imagination?

"It is said that lucid dreaming allows one to control their dream. But, I don't recall imagining that thing. How could this be?" Samuel said to himself.

"Also, something must have triggered me to become fully aware. Is it my subconscious or another external factor?" Samuel took a notebook and wrote all of his speculations. He was completely lost in thought.


"For man to become one with himself, he must defeat it first," Samuel recited what was written in the book that his former patient gave him.

If it were another philosophical book, he would think that this was just a made-up lie. But this book was different; it contained ways to meditate and nurture one's soul. More importantly, it was his second encounter with something supernatural. It made his blood boil with motivation as he felt his mind become clearer day by day. The feeling of power—that's what it was. He had almost forgotten this feeling since he stopped being a knight.

'My mind is clearer than it ever before,' Samuel thought to himself as he savored the feeling.

'With this, I can study with more efficiency.'

The name of this book was 'Mind Nurturing Mantra'. It elevated a person's mind to a suppression, forcing it to enter a stressful state. This Mantra was dangerous without the right ingredients and preparation; if someone had a weak will, they would easily break under the mantra. Although Samuel was not weak-willed, he didn't risk doing it wrong. He used 'Mind Calming Fragrance' that was written in the book. It was a potion that used smell as the medium.

The ingredients were not hard to find; besides, he had already instructed Morgan to gather the required ingredients.



"Come In," said Samuel.

"Doctor Aunweor," Morgan's voice broke the silence as he entered the study room, a stack of papers clutched in his weathered hands. "I have the reports you requested."

Samuel glanced up from his desk, his expression showing a hint of anticipation. "Ah, Morgan, excellent timing."

Samuel wanted to test how far his mind capabilities have reached.

Handing over the papers, Morgan watched as Samuel quickly scanned through the documents, his eyes narrowing in concentration as he absorbed the information contained within the paper easily. After a moment, Samuel looked up, a dissatisfied expression lingering on his face.

"Anything wrong, Doctor?" Morgan asked with a worried face.

"Nothing, Morgan," Samuel replied with a smile.

"Good work, Morgan," he said, nodding in approval. "These reports will prove invaluable in our endeavors."

Morgan inclined his head in acknowledgment, a sense of pride swelling within him at his master's praise. "Thank you, Doctor. Is there anything else you require?"

Samuel shook his head, returning his attention to the papers spread out before him. "No, that will be all for now. I have much to consider."

Suddenly, he remembered something,

"Wait, can you find this location written on this paper?"

At first, Samuel didn't want to involve Morgan or his other lackeys in the world of the supernatural. It wasn't because he was worried, but he was being careful. He knows he's not the only one with supernatural abilities, there might be someone with mind reading. He worried that they might find traces of him in Morgan and the others. But the clock is ticking, there is no time to waste.

"I will try my best, Sir."

The location he's searching is yet another bequest from his former patient, he doesn't know what it is or what could be inside the place, he just was being told that it will be useful for him.

"Remain vigilant, Morgan. This is different than before. If you find the place, don't try to explore it; just come back and report to me," Samuel cautioned, his voice low and serious.

With a final nod, Morgan turned to leave, his mind already turning to the next task at hand. As he stepped out into the corridor, he couldn't shake the feeling that their actions would have far-reaching consequences, for better or for worse. But for now, he trusted in Samuel's vision and remained steadfast in his loyalty to the man he served.

With no one to disturb him, Samuel contemplated,

'As expected, they didn't find suspicious activities in the Fitzroy family; they're just having their normal routine. Maybe someone as insignificant as a servant is not aware of such an event. My spies are not ordinary servants, though.'

'There are three things that could possibly happen.'

'First, servants are not qualified to know such information, or they are unaware.'

'Secondly, I might have been caught by the Fitzroy, and they used my spies to sabotage me.'

'Finally, they are unaware of Duke Ironheart's movement.'

"The latter must have been the case because the Fitzroy wouldn't expect Duke Ironheart, who didn't have issues with the Fitzroy, to mess with them," Samuel concluded.

"Should I inform the new nobles? They quite hate the Fitzroy for sure. Now that they got a support in the form of Duke Ironheart, what could possibly they're afraid of?"

House of Fitzroy is the leader of the pure blood faction for over the years, they believe the glory of their ancestor is more pure than these new nobles. The Royal family used this chance to boost the hatred of the new nobles toward the Fitzroy, they also provide various resources for them. This way, The Royal family could supress the Fitzroy and stay in power.

Samuel wanted to use this chance to boost that hatred even further by providing them a vague evidence of the Fitzroy doing various things in the background. They will find the evidence themself without him. It's not like he got any solid evidence though.

"Whatever happened, I'm happy as long as it harms the Fitzroy," Samuel chuckled as he said that.

"I should continue my meditation progress. Also, I will open the clinic again for the time being."


"Dr. Aunweor, is that really you?" Jamie exclaimed, stepping into the newly reopened clinic.

"Jamie, it's good to see you," Samuel greeted warmly, a hint of surprise in his voice.

"I heard you've reopened the clinic. Thank you, Doctor. You saved my life," Jamie said gratefully, his eyes reflecting genuine appreciation.

"It's my duty to help those in need," Samuel replied humbly, a small smile playing on his lips.

"I'll never forget what you did for me. If there's anything I can do to repay you..." Jamie trailed off, a hint of earnestness in his voice.

Samuel's reputation among the civilians was no joke. Samuel Aunweor was known as a reserved and enigmatic figure. While some spoke of his past accomplishments and the occasional rumors of his involvement in underworld activities, others saw him simply as a skilled physician who was generous and willing to save those in need. This was why the nobles were really wary of him.

"Actually, there is something you can do for me, Jamie," Samuel interjected, his tone becoming more serious. "I need you to deliver a letter to Countess Karina."

Jamie nodded eagerly, taking the letter from Samuel's outstretched hand. "Consider it done, Doctor. Thank you for trusting me with this."

With a sense of purpose, Jamie left the clinic, leaving Samuel to ponder the implications of their unexpected reunion and the role Jamie would play in the events to come.

The letter addressed to Countess Karina, Samuel Aunweor cordially informs her of a change in the previously arranged meeting place. Expressing regret for any inconvenience caused, he explains that due to unforeseen circumstances, the rendezvous will now take place at his newly reopened clinic. Assuring her of the clinic's discreet and secure environment, Samuel extends his gratitude for her understanding and flexibility in accommodating the change. With a sense of urgency, he urges her to meet him at the designated time, emphasizing the importance of their discussion.

The real reason he changed the place is so that people can see Countess Karina coming to his clinic. This way, his reputation among the nobles won't be as bad. They can even try to befriend him to gain Karina's Favor!!

'Now, I just need to wait.'

Hello everyone, It's me again. I tried to potray his character a bit this time, a vague past and a bit about his personality. I tried to potray him like a person with reasoning! Did you get the impression??

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