
Ascendancy Obsession

With the new era emerging, Samuel's carefully constructed world is thrown into turmoil, revealing long-buried secrets and hidden agendas. Now that the path of ascension is opened for him, will he choose petty revenge as a goal? The tower is calling, and Samuel is not waiting either.. As temptation turned into dedication, Samuel Aunweor perserved through the path of ascendancy.

IWasGuilty · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 1 Doctor Aunweor (1/2)

In the heart of Ironhaven city, amidst the bustling streets and towering spires, there stands a clock tower. Despite the sunny day and clear skies, there is a sense of foreboding that lingers in the air, as if the city itself holds secrets waiting to be uncovered.

"Doctor Aunweor, you have a guest waiting," a voice rang in Doctor Aunweor's ears. It was Morgan, his loyal assistant, who stood at the door of his study with a grave expression.

"Tell them I'm not accepting patients anymore; we're done here, Morgan," said the Doctor with a cold voice, his attention momentarily diverted by the task at hand.

"This... I'm afraid we can't, Doctor. It's the Young Miss of the Ironheart Family," Morgan replied, his voice tinged with a hint of urgency.

Upon hearing this, Doctor Aunweor's interest was piqued. He had been in Ironhaven for three months, conducting research and investigations at the request of a mysterious client. The noble families of the city were wary of outsiders, especially one as enigmatic as Doctor Aunweor, and so Countess Karina's visit came as a surprise.


"To see the beauty of the Knight of Flower herself, I'm grateful!" said Doctor Aunweor with a slight smile as he made his way to the guest room, his curiosity now fully aroused.

Countess Karina's expression shifted imperceptibly as Doctor Aunweor entered the room. Although She was a woman of remarkable beauty, she's not proud with that, what she's proud of is her strength and dignity as a knight. Doctor Aunweor commenting her beauty didn't make her happy, instead she feels like he admired her beauty but not her strength, indicating he's not afraid.

"Samuel Aunweor, I've heard a lot about you," Countess Karina said, her voice betraying a hint of uncertainty.

"Oh really? I'm flattered!" replied Doctor Aunweor with a charming smile, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

"Enough with the chit-chat. I came here for a request," said Countess Karina, her tone firm and commanding.

'Intimidation?' Samuel thought

"Request? Hmm..."

"I'm afraid I can't, Miss Karina. I have to go to somewhere soon; you will have to search for another doctor," Doctor Aunweor replied, his tone cool and detached.

"Although I can make an exception if it's for you, Miss Karina," he added with a gentle smile.

"... Fine, what do you want?" Karina asked, her tone softening slightly as she regarded Doctor Aunweor is not intimidated by her presence.

She just want to test him because Samuel Aunweor is a former knight of the Fitzroy family, There's a rumor about him being as talented as her, but he was exiled from Fitzroy because of his blood status and him being a bastard son, forcing him to stop his training. One must know that Karina, despite her young age, is granted the title of Countess Ironshade, although it's true that she's the daughter of Duke Ironheart. For Samuel to be regarded as the same place as her is an achievement.

Now that she looks at her 'rival', he doesn't seem unmannered or disgraceful, in fact, He's very charming and handsome. It seems that the Fitzroy still educated him about being a noble.

"I want to hear about your request first, Miss Karina. We can discuss the price later."

"..." Karina fell into a moment of silent, she was a smart woman, so she understand his tricks of delaying to discuss the price. But she let him loose this once because of her request.

"Fitzroy family."

Her request took him by surprise, and for a moment, Doctor Aunweor was at a loss for words. The Fitzroy family was a powerful and influential force in the kingdom, and any dealings with them carried significant risk.

"I don't have any ties with Fitzroy, at least, not anymore-" Doctor Aunweor began speaking, but Karina interrupted him before he could finish his thought.

"Spies. You planted a few of them among the Fitzroy, don't you?" Karina's words hung in the air, her gaze penetrating as she awaited his response.

"... You really did some research, Miss Karina. Now is not the time. Meet me the day after tomorrow at the Ironshade river. I will give you the information," Doctor Aunweor replied, his tone grave.

'Did someone betray me? No, It's impossible, she must found it by accident.'

"As for the price..."

"I want to be a part of your family," said Doctor Aunweor, his expression serious and solemn.

"H-Huh? Is that so.." Karina is confused and she didn't know what to say. Her face looked a little red.



"I mean to be an official guest." Samuel hurriedly explained.

"What!? That's too much!! Even if I have the authority to do so, my father won't agree to that," Karina exclaimed, her shock evident in her voice.

Suprisingly, her reaction is more severe than the previous.

"Not the Ironheart family, but the Ironshade family," Doctor Aunweor clarified, his gaze unwavering as he met Karina's eyes.

"Are you sure? My title as a countess is nothing but a blank title," said Karina, her embarrassment palpable.

A gentle smile appeared on Doctor Aunweor's face. "No problem, Miss Karina. I shall support you from now on."

"Okay then, I will trust your words, Doctor," said Karina as she smiled, her expression softening as she regarded Doctor Aunweor with newfound respect. She found that Samuel Aunweor is a likeable person and there is no harm if she befriend him.


After Countess Karina's departure, Doctor Aunweor retreated to his study room, where Morgan awaited him.

Morgan is a middle aged man, embodies the essence of stoic nobility, with weathered features and steel-gray eyes that reflect a lifetime of wisdom and resilience. His birth name is Alvares Redwood. He's a loyal servant to Samuel, his unwavering commitment and steadfast demeanor speak volumes of his character and dedication.

"Doctor Aunweor, that was quite the unexpected visit," Morgan remarked as Samuel entered the room.

"Indeed, Morgan. Countess Karina Ironshade is not one to be trifled with," Samuel replied, settling into his chair behind the desk.

"But, nonetheless, there's no need to put a lot of attention to her, she is insignificant in the bigger picture."

"What are your thoughts on her request, Doctor?" Morgan inquired, his eyes betraying a hint of concern.

"I don't think you need to risk yourself by indulging in their matter."

'By becoming an official guest, I can put my fangs easier in the noble class.' Samuel thought to himself

Samuel paused, deep in thought. "It's a delicate matter, Morgan. The Fitzroy family is not to be underestimated, and delving into their affairs could prove dangerous. But the opportunity presented by the Countess is too valuable to ignore."

"Countess Karina wouldn't make unnecessary movements. She might be onto something."

'It must be related to Duke Ironheart. He finally made a move.'

Morgan listened intently, his loyalty to Doctor Aunweor unwavering even in the face of uncertainty. He had long been accustomed to the shadowy world of espionage and intrigue, but even he could sense the gravity of the situation unfolding before them.

"What do you intend to do, Doctor?" Morgan asked, his loyalty evident in his tone.

"I've decided to postpone my trip to Aur for the time being. There are matters here in Ironhaven that require my attention," Samuel explained, leaning forward slightly.

Morgan nodded in agreement, knowing that Doctor Aunweor's instincts were rarely wrong. He trusted Samuel implicitly, but even he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air.

"What about the documents regarding the Fitzroy family?" Morgan asked, his voice tinged with anticipation.

"Ah, yes. I need you to gather all the information we have on the Fitzroy family. Every document, every report, everything," Samuel instructed, his gaze piercing.

"As you wish, Doctor. Consider it done," Morgan affirmed, already moving to fulfill his master's command.

"And Morgan," Samuel called out as Morgan reached the door.

"Yes, Doctor?" Morgan turned back, awaiting further instruction.

"Be discreet. We don't want to draw any unnecessary attention to our activities," Samuel cautioned, his expression serious.

"Of course, Doctor. I will ensure everything is handled with the utmost care," Morgan assured him before exiting the room.

'Now that i think of it, why the Fitzroy?'

Samuel can't help but think, this is because House of Ironheart didn't have any histories with House of Fitzroy. He didn't understand why the Duke is targeting them. From the way he sees it, it's completely unnecessary for Duke Ironheart to harm the Fitzroy, this is because the Fitzroy is also a duchy, and their power is on par with the Ironheart.


"There is nothing I can do now. I lack the information regarding the matter, I'll find out about this in the future."

Alone once more, Samuel leaned back in his chair, contemplating the events that had unfolded. Forgetting all of that, his eyes were now fixated on a book he's been studying for a while. It was journal of his former patient, and a bequest from him. This book was the sole reason he canceled his client request and his retreat to Aur, it was for the sake of studying this book.

Hello everyone, Author here. I hope you enjoyed the novel, and I'm sorry if it doesn't meet your standard because it's my first novel. :3

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