
As The Mountain Falls

(Book 2: The Night Monsters) This story is about how the 2 dragons mates Queen Nova Black and Princess Jade Green meets their other mate Alpha Jacob Steele. They travel to his world with some of Nova's clan in tow, to bring Octavia's people back, and start the man hunt for The King of all Werewolves. But what happens when the mountain crumbles to the ground? Where are they going to go now?

darkness123 · Book&Literature
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8 Chs

Chapter 7

We entered an office on the second floor. It's a big office room with 5 chairs in it, 3 beside the desk, 1 on the other side for Octavia, and another by the door. She motions for us to sit down. After we all found a seat at her desk, the blond girl that followed us, walked in and sat in the chair by the door. She has a notebook in her hand. I smile, organization, I think to myself. This is how she keeps up with everything her Beta writes it all down for her. When the breeze from her moving hit me in the face I was not expecting the smell of a hunter to hit me. I see her eyes flick yellow. Beta eyes, she's mated to the Beta of this pack.

"So down to business." She says bouncing her baby on her knee. "Clair, have John come get Ezekiel, please." Clair nodded and mind linked. She looked at Jacob. "Thank you for doing exactly what I asked. She smiled.

Jacob laughed a little, and blushed. "I wasn't expecting to find my mates along the way." He said with a proud smile on his face.

"I'm sorry if I came off strong. I believe I scared a few of your people. I'm very sorry for that." I looked at Jacob. "You said her name is Eva. I want updates on her."

He smiled. "Eva is my sister."

"Nova, they call you Queen right?" Octavia asked. I nodded. "Then you're exactly who I need to talk to."

"We are right here." I started with my arms gesturing to Jade and Jacob.

"I meant about your clan." She stated pointedly.

I eyed her. What is her problem? "Again, we are right here."

"Ok, well then I need an alliance with you. We need help, ever since Ash has been taken we have started losing. I don't know what happened, but it's like they got stronger overnight.

I looked at Jacob, "I thought that is what this was." I gestured between us. All he did was look down with a huge smile on his face. Seriously, what is with this lady? "Obviously that's why you're going to let me and Jade mate with one of your alphas. Combine my clan with his pack. It will make his whole pack stronger. Which in turn will make you stronger."

She picked up a box and set it in front of me and pressed a button. "I have to have it recorded. I'm a queen of werewolves and I'm an angel with a missing werewolf mate. Everybody is eyeballing and trying to get me kicked." She explained.

It dawned on me then what she meant. She needs me to say it in recording for her own purposes. "I Queen Nova Black, Jade Green, and Alpha Jacob Steele are in an alliance and we will give our oath to help and protect Queen Luna Octavia Hope in her fight with these vampires are fairies. We support hybrids, for our children will be hybrids." I declared my oath into the box.

"I thought you wanted to talk to her more about the battle before you decided." Jacob said looking confused.

I giggled. "Your my mate you are involved in this battle. I would walk blindly to my death if you guided me there, and I would kill someone over Jade." I laced my fingers with Jades. Smiling.

"How did you all meet?" Octavia asked.

"I met Jade 3 years ago when she was still hiding from her father. He sold her as a slave to a guy who kept hitting her. When I found her, her husband was on business in my kingdom, and in my kingdom there is no such thing as a slave. Doesn't matter where you live, how you live or who you are, no slaves, and women are cherished. She was never allowed to speak. She was never aloud to get too far from him." I paused to let that bit of info sink into Octavia's head. Then added. "That is until I met him. I snapped his neck before he got the chance to try to shift."

Octavia's face paled, like that was too vivid for her. She gulped, then announced. "Well then who better to save you than your own mate. Mine saved me too." She shrugged, looking lost.

"Are you ok?" I asked Jacob. I could feel his sorrow, it was so bad I almost started crying.

He looked at me nodding, "he's my only cousin you know. We grew up in different packs, but we were definitely close." He stopped talking in his tracks. "Hey guys I have a question. What exactly are we going to do about the clan and pack coming together as one? We got to do something about everyone getting along? We are going to be having hybrids as well. We need to be thinking about this."

"A school." Octavia smiled. "I already have been thinking of this. We are working on walls now. I'm having material shipped in as we speak. I'm going to build the first ever hybrid school. This school can be for all the species. Growing up together might help with society getting along. Eventually ending this war."

I smiled. "You are a great leader."

"Well technically not a leader yet, but everybody keeps looking to me for answers. I'm their leader's mate, just haven't had the ceremony. Clair has as beta had her ceremony." Octavia sighed and looked around clearly ready to be alone.

"One last thing my queen." I said. She looked at me sharply, "I need you to come back with us so we can marry. I must have his Queen's presence to put him in the dragon link so we can communicate with his pack when we are in dragon form. My grandpa said it's the only way our elders can link us all together."

She sat there staring at Clair looking thoughtful, then, it was like a light bulb went off in her head. She smiled. "That could help if some of us could communicate with yawls. It would give us an advantage over the enemy. How quickly do you all want to do this ceremony?" Then her face fell. "I'm not officially holding the title yet."

"No, but Clair holds one. Completely mated to a king's beta. That holds enough power too." I smiled at Clair. "Hopefully."

"Your right, Clair, would you be willing to do the ceremony and bless it? Will you give us this advantage?" Octavia pleaded.

"Of course I will, my child has to go to this school too." Clair announced, then asked excitedly. "When are we going?"

I looked around at all the faces looking at me. Why is everyone looking at me? This isn't my decision. I haven't even been asked.

"What's wrong Nova?" Jacob asked.

"I can't answer that question because it's not just up to me." I stated.

He looked at Jade. "Will you ma...."

"Don't be stupid. Of course you're my mate." She whispered, keeping her eyes cast downward. Her face is crimson red.

He smiled and looked at me. "Will you marry...."

"I'm the one who asked her to marry us already." I interrupted him.

"Then why not when yawl gets ready to go up there." He told Octavia.

"That sounds like a plan. I'll get back with you about it." With a sigh of relief, Jade and Jacob walked out glad that's over with.

I look back at Jade and lace my fingers and throw hers. "This means we are going dress shopping." I whispered in her ear."

Her face lit up. "I'm ready to go."

Jacob smiled walking up behind us and wrapped his arms around us. I reach around his back and replace my fingers with Jades again, and he leads us to go check on Eva.