
7-7 YEARS!!

When I woke up I was in complete and utter darkness no light to be found at all. But I felt strange real strange I felt strong but that not what I felt was strange, my body it's bigger!

I said out loud not expecting a response.Yes my king you have grown quite a lot.

I whiped around so fast I'm surprised I didn't get whiplash w-who are you I called out he stepped out of the shadows it was a pitch black with purple and a giant sword strapped to his waist he walked in front of me and kneeled I front of me and said his name grand Marshall bellion my king.

Are you one of my shadow soldiers? I asked I already knew the answer just want to make sure he's loyal Yes my king I am is the anyone else I should know yes my king there is meet I will name the top ten strongest in your army in order from weakest to strongest bellion said okay then let's hear jima,iron,Greed,Tusk,i grid,Bering and finally me you also have a wyvern called Kaisel.

Well thank you for that bellion oh and can you explain 1 more thing for me I said.

Yes my king he replied

Why in the HELL DO I LOOK LIKE THIS I said I don't understand my king what's the problem bellion why do I look 20 when just a second ago I was 13? I question rather angrily

but bellion seemed to realise what was happening I see my king the reason you look like your 20 is because you are he said I still don't follow how this happens I said confused on how I was just 13 and now in 20 we'll my king when you forced powers of the shadow monarch to awaken and not let it come natural you 13 year old body couldn't handle it so it pulled you into your shadow domain to harness all that power that why it took 7 years.

[well shit I was gone from selina,harleen and Pamela for seven year wait by now they've probably become catwoman,Harley Quinn and poison ivy we'll wonder what they will do when I see them again that will be fun]

[wait how do I get back] I snapped out of my thoughts and looked a bellion who was just staring at me weird I thought bellion yes my kin the reply came almost instantly, urm how do I get back to earth you just need to think about my king and you will be in the nearest shadow there okay that bellion of course my kin before I did that tho.

I looked down still naked Damm I thought to my my muscles t hooked like they where meant to be on a god not to bulky but not skinny at all but it would have to be my 10 inch dick just out in the open for everyone to see [Alright enough admiring my self and lest get some cloths and then get out of here] then I thought about some plane black to and pants with a black shoes and a long black jacket I tried to add other colours but I didn't work other the the few bits of purple

[well let's finally get out of here] I thought about it and I was gone just like that bad next I was in a dark alley I looked about and it was metropolis the reason I picked metropolis is because why I wanna explore that was until a fucking parademon flu towards me I used my telekinesis to just crush it up to a ball and threw it so darkside is invading I thought with a smirk kaisel I said and the a black and purple dragon appeared I jumped on its back and he went straight up into the sky while in the sky I put my amour on (sung Jin woo amour) my mask which was black with purple running down it I made out of my power.

while flying I also saw Batman,superman,flash,green lantern,Shazam,cyborg and even the sexy Diana im pretty sure no actuly the all saw me aswell how do I know that well because of the neon purple I glow like hell on kaisel loud-ass roar they all stopped and looked at me with curiosity or suspicion manly Batman I landed next to them with out a word and stood there was awkward silence between us until loud roar coming from all angles I heard green lantern complaining about how the wouldn't stop coming and sexy saying something about warriors.

I came back to reality and I was surrounded by them I saw the future JL was about to come over I held out my hand and told them to not interfere with they reluctantly do but the do look on with curiosity about was I was gonna do next I snapped my fingers and the shadow's around us moved sword spears maces most weapons that where made of darkness pored out but there where just mostly tendrils shredding the parademons up

Then a big explosion went if we all looked up and saw thousands of the pouring through the portal I ran and stood on kaisel's back he hovered in the air as i raised my hand and shouted ARISE MY SOLDIERS thousands of shadows poped up all the future JL members where shocked still expect Diana who was seemingly excited i think who can really understand wemon,CHARGE KILL ALL THE PERADEMONS MY SHADOWS

They all charged forward slashing and killing all in there way I looked to my left and saw a bunch of parademons about to attack some innocent people [my first real fight I'm strangely excited] I pulled out my daggers and charged at them slicing them to pieces one of them snuck up behind me I back handed and he flew through multiple buildings and landed with a crushed head.

Kaisel take them *I pointed towards the people* to safety kaisel nodded and bent one of his wings down I helped them on and then kaisel flew of


I turned around and Wonder Woman was looking at me hello warrior what is your name she said just call me shadow, we'll warrior shadow I'm Diana of themyscira and here are the others as she said that the others arrived

Diana introduced me to all of them and then green lantern said uhhh when is this going to be over, I think it's just getting started Batman replied what makes u say that well first of all lantern the water is on fire bar man said.

Then we all turned to the water and a big imposing figure assended [holy shit is that darkside he's huge] well he doesn't look that tough superman said while looking at darkside too if my dragons rushed at him and he just slapped them away I AM DEATH I AM DESTRUCTION,I AM DARK- he was cut of by a swift punch to the face by me sending him flying back over the ocean TUSK I called out tusk appeared behind me and shot a giant bean towards him.

what are you doing superman said I turned to him and said first I don't want him to destroy the buildings second he is invading the earth and I don't want to find out how mutch people he can cull before we can stop him and finally he was about to to one of those monologues and I couldn't be bothered with that okay he shut up after that so I turned around and looked at darkside who was floating in the middle of the ocean he looked pissed and his eyes started glowing shit I said out loud they all looked at me MOVE!.