
As Silent As A Mouse

I am being hunted. Well, not me exactly. Someone wants to get their hands on the genius behind A.M.K Pharmaceuticals. They just don't know it's me. I have discovered a way to negate anyone's scent, shifter or human. You would think it wouldn't be that big of a deal... deodorants promise the same thing, but my product is nothing like that. My product turns its wearers invisible to shifters. No, not like that. But shifters need scent more than almost anything else to identify and find a person. Without scent, they can't track down their prey, or smell an enemy coming up from behind. I had originally created it so my adopted father and I could avoid the shifter community. No one was supposed to know about it. Until a little birdy said something they shouldn't have to the wrong person. Now the humans are after me and the shifters want me dead. But that's fine. That wasn't the only thing I came up with. And if I am as silent as a mouse, no one will see me coming until it is too late. This will be a RH novel, the FMC will not have to choose. No MM Check out my other works: Rebirth In the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm (Book 1 in the Rebirth Series) -Completed Fight, Flight, or Freeze: The Healer's Story (Book 2 in the Rebirth Series) -Ongoing Star's Ships- Completed Dancing with Monsters- Ongoing Discord: Sakura#6289 Instagram: @devil_besideyou666 Check out my discord channel for the first chapter! https://discord.com/invite/yYtKzveE6T

Devilbesideyou666 · Fantasy
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164 Chs

Question Their Alpha

Lucien was completely lost in his head since his mate had been revealed as a mouse. He had never really put much thought into who his mate would be or what she would be…

But there was always a large part of him that had assumed, if he was given a mate, she would be a wolf.

Not once had her being a mouse ever entered into the equation.

The sound of flesh hitting flesh pulled him out of his thoughts, and he looked up to see Jamie slapping himself in the face. Blood poured down from a rather large cut on his nose, and he screamed as yet another chunk of flesh from his ear was spat out on the floor.

"What the—" muttered the man, trying to figure out what was going on.

A furious squeak was all he heard before his heart started to pound, and genuine fear flowed through his body.

His mate was the one causing those injuries, and Jamie, the fucking pup, was trying to squish her like a fucking mosquito.

Not a chance in hell!

Lunging forward, he was suddenly stopped when he saw the very tip of a tail disappear into the collar of Jamie's t-shirt. He didn't want to hurt his mate by attacking Jamie if she was under his clothes, but at the same time, he also needed to stop the pup from hurting her.

Turning to look at Raphael, he noticed the other three men in the same situation that he was in. How did they remove the threat without hurting their mate?

But then something truly spectacular happened.

It looked like Jamie was doing some weird dance moves, similar to Elaine from Seinfeld. One leg kicked out as he leaned backward, screaming as yet another small chunk of flesh fell out of his pajama pants.

He wiggled and squirmed, his arms going in multiple directions as his head bobbed around, a look of agony on his face.

And that was when it hit Lucien. His mate might be the size of his palm, but she was more than capable of taking care of herself. Maybe the prey species weren't as helpless as he initially thought.

Jamie continued to move around in jerky motions as the smell of blood inside of Raphael's bedroom became more and more apparent.

In fact, the pup was losing so much blood that the guard outside of Raphael's door poked his head in. "Alpha, is everything okay?"

"It's fine, Andrew," waved off Raphael. "We are trying to figure out what is going on with Jamie. It looked like he picked up a virus or something that is making him insane, and he is hurting himself."

As if to prove his point, Jamie darted between Dominik and Damien and ran straight into a wall, banging his head against it a few times before turning around and wiggling his back all over it. He really did look possessed.

"You might want to be careful," smirked Lucien as Jamie once again started hitting himself in different areas of his body. "It might be air borne. I suggest that you close the door and make sure that no one comes inside, no matter what you hear."

The guard, Andrew, quickly nodded his head and pulled it back, quickly slamming the door.

"That's enough, little mouse," sighed Dominik as he quickly grabbed Jamie's throat and lifted him up helplessly into the air.

A tiny brown face popped out of the front of Jamie's shirt, blood dotting her fur as she rand down Dominik's arm and started to chatter at him.

'She says that it isn't enough. This was to be death by a thousand bites, and she was only at 45,' chuckled Dominik's wolf inside of him. He could see the animal sitting in his mind, the big black beast blending into the background until only his eyes and a vague outside could be seen.

But he was nodding his head in approval.

'I never thought about that form of torture; my bites are a lot bigger than our mate's, but it would be a good punishment, don't you think?'

Dominik stared blankly at the mouse until she stopped talking and started to wave her small, pink paws at him, trying to get his attention.

'She is asking if you are listening or if she needs her human to make a translator,' continued his wolf, and Dominik could feel his satisfaction at the pairing. He had thought his wolf would hate the idea of being matched with a mouse, but he seemed to be happy and content.

'No matter her form, she is the one the Moon Goddess chose for us. How could I ever find her lacking? In fact, you need to step up your game if you want to be deserving of her.'

The human wasn't about to unpack that kettle of fish at that moment, but he would get back to what he needed to do for his mate.

"I can understand you just fine, little mouse. But the pup can't taste that good, and I don't want you to pick up something from him," smiled Dominik as Jamie stopped struggling in his hand.

"What the fuck is that?!?" he demanded, staring down in absolute horror at the mouse covered in his blood.

"My mate," growled Damien, stepping forward and offering out his hand to the tiny creature. She daintily jumped onto his palm and sat up, giving Jamie a scornful look.

"You mate is a fucking mouse?" squeaked Jamie, never looking away from the rodent. There was nothing he hated more than rodents.

"Do you have an issue with that?" asked Raphael, cocking his head to the side. "I mean, if I had to choose between my mate and my brother… well, whatever parasite you had picked up to turn you crazy ended up killing you instead."

"Mom and Dad will never let you get away with it," stuttered Jamie, true fear infecting him for the first time. "I'll tell them—"

"You'll tell them nothing," shrugged Lucien, a twisted smile crossing his face. "You'll be dead, and you know what we will say if your parents dare to question their alpha."