
Rosary Empire IV - Konoha

Madara : Tengai Shinsei

- a moment before -

Madara was extremely irritated from what had happened he couldn't Hiraishin to his parents because of a powerful space lockdown spell, he was naive to think that he could instantly teleport in case any problem arose

Madara was now running toward the city of Jukr at his fastest speed, when he saw the outline of what was once the city of Jukr, he understood that Nagato had most likely fought

He opened a gate from which Misa, Shyvanya and Zabuza came out he told them to go find Nagato and wait before resuming his run toward the fallen city

Madara could now see Pain fighting the numerous enemies it seemed that he was the only remaining avatar standing and that he could not use his Shinra Tensei yet,

As Madara was no inside the space lockdown he could use his Hiraishin once again, it seems that the lockdown doesn't prohibited space jutsu inside of it but prohibit it to enter or exit the lockdown

Madara appearead in front of Pain turned back and said

Madara : you can rest now

Then saw the adverse party and used

Madara : Tengai Shinsei

A meteorite suddenly appeared from the sky and was falling toward his enemy

The remaining Corp leader felt a shiver down their spine when they saw the man and this feeling only increased when he spoke the words Tengai Shinsei they didn't understand it's meaning but couldn't help but be afraid seeing the demeanor of the man and remembering the skill of the orange haired man that destroyed the city

Suddenly they saw the cloud splitting and saw an enormous rock falling toward them

One of the remaining Corp leader regained his wit's quite quickly and used a sword slash imbued with his qi toward the rock that started cracking, the remaining leader used spells and skills toward the meteorite that now split and shattered into many smaller rock, they couldn't help help but feel good and looked up only to see the man smirking and hear him say

Madara : Tengai Shinsei, Tengai Shinsei

They thought that just like the orange haired man this one too would be limited to use his power but contrary to their expectations the man had summoned two more meteorite falling ever faster the previous one

Another leader this time used his power to create a giant earth dome around themselves enforced by many pillar, spells and skill from the other leaders

The first Meteorite Clashed with the enforced earth dome, the ground trembled from the impact and the dome cracked slightly but did not break at least until the second meteorite came crashing inti the first one with an even greater force, the dome broke and the remaining leaders only saw and felt an enormous rock crashing into them before they felt nothing

Madara looked down at where his enemies were to sense if there was any energy fluctuations, seeing that it was over he decided to join back Nagato in his hideout to see his parents and learn about what happened while he wasn't here

Unknown to them a good distance from what was once the city of Jukr the Corp 0 was returning to the Empire until they sensed a huge fluctuations in the air and turned back only to see an enormous rock falling where they had been fighting a while ago, they knew that this attack was certainly not from his companion and immediately sent some scout to learn about the situation there before hurrying back to the Empire and inform the Emperor of these new powerhouse and the risk they were

- Akatsuki Hideout -

Madara had reunited with his parents and confirmed that they were safe before facing Nagato who was now exhausted and inquired him about what happened

Madara had already decided that he would annihilate the Empire but he wasn't a mindless murderer that would eliminate an entire empire and it's habitants and decided that he would declare war against the Empire and annihilate all those that stood against him

Nagato summoned a bird and sent a missive toward the capital

They had decided that they would take over the 'city of Jukr' and build their base there

Madara used his wood release to create a village made of wood surrounded by a deep forest, they had all worked together and put many genjutsu trap around their base

They had taken over the entire area and had created a village in the middle of the newly made forest, the village was surrounded of tall wood fences

In the middle one could see a big mansion that would serve as their headquarters

The desolate area was now filled with trees, lake and wood houses, this village could easily be thought as an elf village

Shyvanya couldn't stop running from one side of the village to another she had never been out of her lair and she was witnessing the creation of a village solely made by a man

Deciding that it was enough he said

Madara : Everyone this is our new home, at the beginning of our journey we didn't really have a place for ourselves and didn't create any problem but we have witnessed today that even if we don't provoke conflict someone might, now that they had woke up the beast from it's slumber it's time for the beast to prey on them

Madara : I shall name this village Konoha!

Madara : Nagato, Zabuza, Kisame I'm leaving you in charge here, Me and Misa will go to show them the consequences of their act!

Nagato : Once again I'm sorry I wasn't able to completely take care of them

Kisame was silent clenching his fist, he felt useless during the entire fight, suddenly he sensed someone tapping his shoulder only to see Zabuza looking at him as if he understood what he was going through, the both of them nodded to each other and understood that they had to get stronger

Madara : Why should you be sorry ? You were magnificent there against so many enemies you have greatly improved from your past self don't be ashamed of today but proud because you did great

Nagato silently nodded

Madara turned to Shyvanya and asked her

Madara : Do you wish to stay or come?

Shyvanya : I'll stay here, I'm sleepy wake me up when you back ok?! ok?? don't forget ok? and bring me back present also ok? ok?

Madara then picked up Misa over his shoulder and left toward the soon to be battlefield

Heya, Guys do you want Madara to take over the Empire or not because I thought that it might be fun to see him as an Emperor that is never in his palace

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