
As Insect I'll Work Hardest (English ver)

Antony (25) often called Tony by his friend. Just work as normal employe on small company. He always thinking that his life will never exceed ordinary. But.. some night in his sleep , strange voice can be heard on his head. [beep] [Host confirmed , initial program] [5% .. 8% .. 17% .. 30%.. 68%.. 87%.. 99% ..] [Host ID registered] [ Begin scanning , Program "Last Hope" activated ] [Congratulation !] [Insect World System installation successfull] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In the morning "Huh ? What is this ? Where am i ? Wait , this place seem familiar.. isn't this my room ? Why everything become big ?" . . . Note : This fanfic is English translated version from my original work : As Insect i'll work hardest (indonesian) you can find it on Novel section. and there some good news.. some chapter with short word from previous work will written litle longer on this version, because the language and grammar is bit diferent. Thank you~

Rayzlphyd · Book&Literature
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8 Chs

01. Where All Started

That Night 19:01 PM. some video can be seen behind monitor screen.

in an small office room containing four chairs and a table

witnessed by two men and one woman as interviewer. there standing young man nervously facing the camera,

"Please start .. Antony"

said one of the men wearing a white suit in the room, his face looks like middle-aged man

"uh, well .. Hello everyone my name is Antony usually called Tony, my goal of working here is because I feel interested in the field of the company in--"

* click *

* Bam ! *

"See? That was your video recording during the interview here last year, you looked nervous and innocent at that time ... try to look at yourself now !!"

Said middle-aged man whose face looks the same as the video on the screen while slaming the table with his hand.

"Mr. Andre, the truth is i-"

"Shut up! I'm not done talking yet, Anthony the reason why I called you because I got the results of your work report have many miscalculated, if the stock of goods difference of one or two I would overlook since it's normal"

"But your stock missing almost 10% of the stock that should be !! tell me are you tired of working here or do you reduce our product and decided to sell by yourself? "

said the middle-aged with name Andre, with a fierce look as if ready to beat Antony.

"Dear Boss, I always count according to the stock of goods available .. last month also all of my calculations are fine right? , there is no one less or more, and also why should I take it? My job is only to copy the results of the goods count, write a report and send it, why am I have to bother?, if I swear if I did not do it, do you believe? "

Tony slowly explained to his Boss Mr.Andre without raising tone , he trying to look calm.

( This old man!, my job is just to send the data. Why am I wrong? my salary is small but I still need it for my living expenses'l ) he thought restlessly

"Enough! I'll find proof of your mistakes, I'll give you a warning letter! I'll deduct 30% from your salary and you will suspended for one week without salary !! Now get out of my office !!"

Andre shouted with loud, especially in the part of the word 'without salary'

"Then I will not talk anymore boss, then excuse me"

said Tony standing up while walking out of the office

( old fart! You do not want to look wrong and use your position as you wish, one week suspension without salary ?! okay fine!, but why do you also deduct my salary from 30% just because of some bad luck ? )

Tony shouted with missery in his heart.

While Tony walked slowly towards office locker to get his bag and jacket, getting ready to go home.

Suddenly he's got called by one of employee who happened to be sitting near the locker.

"Hey bro, why did that Andre call you? Did he raise your salary? Or maybe you got promoted?"

that employee speaking with teasing tone.

"Huh? Raised salary? Dimas my friend, you know what he looks like, right? I got suspended for one week, even though I tried to answer as calmly as possible"

Tony replied not knowing how to cry or laugh, while hes thought about some of his salary will gone for nothing.

"What? That person always does whatever he wants with his position, no wonder one of our superiors is resigning, it's all because of that old man's behavior"

said the employee named Dimas.

"Mr.Bagus huh? that's indeed a good man you speaking about ..."

Said Tony softly, he trying to remembering one of the previous male figures in the video played on that office.


"Forget it , I want to go home now. my head feel dizzy thinking about my gone salary. see you later bro, you should know right ? that i should come home from two hours earlier "

said Tony while leaving Dimas into the locker.

"Uh okay, be careful bro .. don't forget today is Saturday night !! have some fun, don't think about it too much!"

Dimas shouted, but unfortunately Tony can't heard his sound , since he already left the office.


That night , at 21:15 PM

in small rent room with size 3x3m

, there can be seen a man sitting stunned on his bed,

Yes that man is Antony.

After leaving the office at 19:30 he immediately went home and trying to rest, in order to forget the incident this afternoon

He spent almost more than 30 minutes by watching Documentary shows on TV about the life of insects,

"Even though the life of the insect colony looks heavier than mine, at least they have never been punished for what was not their fault. oh man, I envy you."

he murmured softly to some insect that was seen stuck to the window.

shortly after the show ended, he turning off the TV.

then he decided to go sleep.

shockingly that night, he can sleep peacefuly .

At midnight 00:00

Suddenly a weird voice sounded inside Tony's head


[Host Confirmed, Initial program]