

The path I was following resembled the ones I'd gone down in places like Howl caverns when I was younger.

The path was well worn…the only difference is how massively different in size this cavern was compared to the ones back home boulders and other obstructions like stalagmites and tites showed up at random intervals, and the path itself constantly twisted, twined and became winding in spots.

The boulders and other things obstructing parts of the path I was on set by the mini map, were at smallest twenty meters wide. In fact, even the "narrow" stretches of the cavern were still at least ten meters wide as opposed to the half a meter found back home.

The large obstructions did little to nothing to slow down my progress, in fact they offered me a form of cover as I moved through the cavern system, all the while making sure to stick to the shadows as I advanced into the unknown guided by the mini map afforded to me by the wolf bitch that killed me.

I started to zone out from the mindless walking, while pretending not to see the shadows moving in my peripheral vision.

Just as I was startỉng to grow anxious about the directions I was being given I found that I finally reached the fork in the road, that had been displayed on the mini map for some time.

Though it was more like a street intersection than a fork in my opinion by how large and wide the cavern pathway that I was on became, I hid behind a boulder to make sure the coast was clear, a part of me wanting to deliberate on whether or not I should follow the mini map on which way to go.

Just as I was about to keep moving forward, I caught something moving out of a little rocken alcove from the corner of my eye, which made me hurriedly shrink back, behind the concealment the safety boulder offers me.

Letting a few rapid heartbeats pass before peeking out from behind the boulder, only to find a giant white ball of fur with rather long ears, hopping down the passage directly across from the path the mini map was telling me to take.

Taking a few seconds to admire the gargantuan creature that just so happens to look like an albino rabbit from back home.

'Damn…the anime…really didn't do this rabbit justice.' I thought to myself while my stomach growled in hunger, as I looked upon the large dog sized rabbit monster.

The very thick hind legs, and sharp claws that I could see dotting every toe, served to make the fluff ball less cute and more menacing and that was if you completely disregarded. The pulsing of dark red mana veins that spiderwebbed its body.

In truth the rabbit looked quite disturbing, but somehow I still found it cute even though I could clearly see that it is a deadly creature built for killing.

'Even though it's cute…I better avoid running into it. I better get going before it notices me.' I thought to myself feeling lucky that my path took me away from the rabbit, so I decided to get out of here while the getting is good which led me to as stealthily as possible run away from the area that the rabbit is in.

Holding my breath as I moved, but just as I was a quarter of the way to my destination I felt something's attention on me, turning my head I witnessed the rabbit staring at me while it prepared to leap.

'Great Farmer's Law is about to strike once more.' I thought to myself as the rabbit's ears and nose started twitching suddenly, while it rose up on its hind legs and warrily started accessing its surroundings.

'Shit! If it's got that rabbit spooked then I'm definitely not safe!' I thought to myself as I dashed towards a stalagmite quickly hiding behind it for safety.

My heart pounding against my ribcage, while a lump formed in my throat as I clung to the rock face for dear life.

A cold sweat broke out across my body, in fear as I started to feel afraid that either the rabbit's exceptional hearing would be able to pick up on my pounding heartbeat, or whatever had it nervous would pick up on my smell and find me a much easier meal.

"Graaaaaagh!" a bestial roar tore through the cavern, as a white-furred wolf monster howled and leapt out from behind a cropping of rock.

'Of course it has to be a wolf…wait a second I think I remember this from the anime…' I thought to myself as I admired the wolf monster that is only slightly larger than the rabbit and is as big as a large small breed horse, and has two tails

sprouting from its behind, and just like the rabbit, the twin tailed wolf was covered in a spiderweb of pulsing dark red mana veins.

As I was watching the one wolf charge the bunny tie more twin-tailed wolves appeared out of nowhere, leaping out towards the rabbit and into the open.

I continued to watch the show while hiding out behind the stalagmite, just to see what would happen as my memories of the anime were admittedly a bit hazy, as it'd been years since I watched the anime.

The wolves were clearly trying to make a meal out of the poor little bunny, and even though up until earlier when a wolf caused my death wolves were my favorite animal.

Shaking my head as the white furry creature was nowhere near cute enough to warrant being called a "bunny." As I pushed myself to carry on to where the mini map was leading me, planning to use the fight between the wolves and the bunny to make my escape.

However...just as I took a few steps I heard the rabbit let out a cute sounding noise, "Kyuuu!" That made me look behind me once more to see the rabbit leapt up in the air, managing to to turn in midair like some kinda acrobat, and then managing to land a powerful roundhouse kick against one of the wolves.

Which created a shockwave and a large booming, explosion like sound.


It didn't sound anything like how a kick should, and connected squarely with its target, which just so happened to be the wolf's skull…a spray of blood and brain matter filled the air, the remains of the wolf's head turned to a very unnatural angle.

My mouth dropped open in shock and I found my feet stuck to the floor as the remaining two wolves released a mourning howl while their battle for food raged on.

The rabbit seemingly suspended in the air above the remaining wolves seemingly using the centrifugal force of its spin to turn itself upside down and hurtled toward the ground like a meteor.

Then, just a mere instant before impact, it righted itself once more. Before unleashing a powerful ax kick that came down on the wolf standing within the rabbit's landing zone, a sickening crunch and wet smashing sound filled the air.


The third wolf didn't even have time to release a howl of mourning, before its skull was also pulverized by another round house kick delivered by the rabbit.

Two more wolves came out of hiding and charged the rabbit.

I found myself shaking my head, 'You'd think they'd learn after three of their pack dying that they don't stand a chance.' I thought to myself as the rabbit flipped itself upside down, and like a breakdancer, stood on its ears and started spinning like a top, with legs spread outwards.

The two new wolves were cut into ribbons while their remaining carcasses were sent flying by the tornado like winds wiped up by the rabbit's spinning attack, the dead bodies slamming into the cavern's wall, and bursting against it.

Making them go splat, which caused blood to spray everywhere, what little was left of the two wolves slid to the ground, with a wet squelching sound.

One final wolf appeared, probably the last of its pack and as it haunched down it released a fierce menacing growl while snarling at the rabbit that killed its pack, its tails standing on end straight up in the air preparation of attacking.

Suddenly, the air in the cavern became tinged with the smell of ozone, and arcs of electricity began running down the wolf's twin tails.

'Cool.' I thought to myself at the sight of the wolf using magic.

"Arwo!!" The wolf roared, and bolts of lightning flew toward the rabbit that were fired from the wolf.

But with nimble steps and hops, the rabbit swiftly dodged the incoming bolts of lightning, like they were nothing.

Just as the lightning attacks stopped, the rabbit hopped forward and hit the last wolf with a somersault kick landing on the side of the wolf's skull.

Which caused the to snap to the side while being accompanied by a sickening cracking sound, the wolf fell to the ground, like a puppet with its strings cut.

The Kickboxing ninja master Rabbit, let out another cute squeal of a sound.


'Is that supposed to be a victory cry?' I wondered to myself and watched as the rabbit lazily started scratching its ears with its left leg, how it didn't cut itself with its gnarly claws I didn't comprehend.

'But seriously…you've gotta be freaking kidding me, Dangerous doesn't even begin to cover how deadly that thing is.' I thought to myself as the memories I inherited of Hajime facing off against the Traum Soldiers earlier looked like playing with toy skeletons, compared to the wolves fighting against the Rabbit ninja master.

In fact, even this rabbit seemed to be more dangerous than the Behemoth Hajime fought on the bridge, and I say that because the Behemoth's attacks had an easy to follow pattern…especially with its head getting stuck for a few moments after every attack.

I could feel myself trembling in fear, before witnessing this event I knew my life was in danger…but seeing the extent of the danger I was in, it was much harder to keep my calm.

Unconsciously taking a backwards step in preparation to turn around and continue on my way.

But my foot slipped on a rock, causing it to skitter across the cavern floor

which caused a clattering noise reverberating throughout the area of the cavern.

'Oh, fuck me sideways.' I thought to myself as I felt like punching myself for making such a stupid accident.

Sweat started to run down my face, stinging in my eyes as my heart started pounding again.

The rabbit's neck made an erek sound like badly oiled hinges on a heavy door, as it turned to look in the direction of the kicked pebble.

The Kickboxing ninja master Rabbit clearly saw me, its glowing red eyes glared at me, instead of stiffening up, like a deer caught in headlights.

My instincts kicked in and I bolted, looking over my shoulder, I saw the moment the rabbit started its leap.

The speed of the rabbit's jump was so ridiculously fast that it left afterimages behind it.

Driven purely by instinct, I threw myself to the left. An instant later, a kick with the force of a cannonball slammed into the ground where I had previously been.

The force of the attack cratered the earth where the kick landed.

Rolling and jumping back to my feet stopping in a kneeling position.

'Yikes…' I thought to myself as I jumped up and started running.

Constantly switching from looking ahead to see where I'm going and then looking over my shoulder to see the rabbit leisurely getting up out of the crater it created.

Seeing it turn to look at me while preparing to leap at me again I kneeled down to create a pitfall trap with spikes lining the bottom and a thin earthen sheet to over top to hide the death trap.

Watching as the rabbit monster jumped up into the air once again before diving towards me using a red platform that formed underneath its feet as it aimed another one of its earth-shattering leap attacks at me.

I hurriedly transmuted a wall behind as I rolled away from where the rabbit would land, but the rabbit's impact easily blew apart the wall, I managed to raise my arms protectively over my face as sharp rocken debris pelted me.

The rabbit monster shakily exited the pitfall trap with rocken spikes dotting its entire body.

Up close like this I could see the rabbit's mouth filled with sharp teeth ready to render flesh, which made me throw up another wall in front of it to buy time, but the rabbit easily blew through the wall and appeared in front of me like it had teleported.

Blood was pouring from the wounds my trap inflicted on the rabbit.

"Transmute!" I yelled as I made a spear of rock jut out of the ground to impale the rabbit monster like a spear, the rabbit barely dodged out of the way of my attack and sent a kick at me.

Instinctively my left arm went up and shielded me from the blow that would have caved my skull in a rush of white hot agony tore through me as I was sent flying through the air backwards.

Colliding with the rough rock wall of the cavern made the white hot waves of

agony I was feeling increase in intensity.

"Gaaaah!" I cried out as I looked down at my arm to see it dangling at a very unnatural angle.

'The bone is completely shattered.' I somehow managed to think clearly to myself while crouching down and proceeding to fold in on myself in an attempt to escape pain from my shattered arm.

While tilting my head to allow myself to look over at the rabbit, seeing it just

leisurely hopping towards me, like it was on a sunday stroll.

'Th-this fucker is toying with me.' I thought to myself, while feeling justified that it wasn't just my imagination, as I felt like the rabbit monster was looking down on me…not that I could blame him as I am just a weak human.

Swallowing down the indignation that I was experiencing because of that wolf bitch and now this cunt bunny as I unceremoniously continue backing up, to the location the mini map displays.

Finally, reaching the spot I needed to be in, I noticed the Kickboxing ninja master rabbit had stopped a little bit away from me.

The way it was glaring down at me made me think it felt as if I were a bug, that it was about to step on.

'Shit!' I thought in panic as the rabbit raised it's legs up high, as if to show off it's superiority over me.

But then before it could attack, the monster suddenly started trembling.

'Now's my chance.' I thought to myself seeing an opportunity, which I

capitalized on by casting transmute, half a dozen times watching happily as all of the skewered the rabbit through, two going through each leg at and below the knee, another two piercing through where I think it's heart should be and another two through its neck.

"Ahh-hahaha, that's what you get for lookin down on me ya bitch ass cock sucker." I laughed and cussed merrily even as I looked at the monster that had just appeared from the corridor on my left.

'Fuck you too bitch I ain't gonna let you take my arm.' I thought to myself as I slightly admired the massive snowy white furred bear monster that stands at around 4 meters tall, finding that it had the same red mana veins spider webbing it's body, seemingly like every other monster I've come across on this floor, in this dungeon…labyrinth whatever the fuck it's called in this series…though I was able to quickly take in the massive proportions of the bear monster, even though most of my attention was on its massive paws and two sets of claws one set that tipped each of it's paws digits and another set similar to that of Wolverine's that came out between it's knuckles.

The closest thing the bear monster resembles in my old world is a polar bear.

That is If you ignore the way it walks on its hind legs like a person, or its wicked sharp wolverine claws that look as though they're over thirty centimeters in length, and about as thick bladed as one of those heavy duty matches.

Feeling a smirk from on my lips as I transmuted my earthen spears into nothingness, while leaning forward reaching out with my none broken arm grabbing hold of the rabbit's carcass, clutching it tightly in my hand while pressing my knuckles against the rough rock wall, transmuting the wall behind me I started falling backwards while continuing to use transmute sinking deeper and deeper into the labyrinth's rocken embrace.

While hearing the bellowing roars of an irate bastard bear, that would have taken my predecessor's shattered arm, with its cool wind blades that reminded me of Inuyasha's blades of blood.