
As Buddha in MHA

Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the Honored One. ~ A guy who only read Chinese Cultivation Novels is reincarnated into MHA looking like Buddha from Records of Ragnarok, what could go wrong? ~ (Weekly Upload at the moment) ~ Another idea I had for a novel, this one really will be sporadic, or whenever I feel like uploading. Might do harem with this one, but two girls only, not sure yet. Also, hope no one takes any offense to this, I have nothing but appreciation for Buddhism. Just always liked the Buddhist Practitioners in Chinese Cultivation Novels. https://www.royalroad.com/profile/246535/fictions https://www.fanfiction.net/u/15132842/ https://www.scribblehub.com/profile/97664/rubberpeen Obligatory notice of me not owning anything.

RubberPeen · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Quirk Testing

After being pinned by Rumi, the two of them became fast friends. Rumi liked Yuuichi because he was so easygoing and spoke his mind, which she liked because she did the same. If there was one thing that Yuuichi could complain about was how much energy Rumi had. It was like she was a tightly wound-up ball of energy that never stopped moving. Of course, both of their mothers were very happy to see the two of them get along.

After the two ladies, more guests started arriving until the entire place was full of old pretentious fogeys, and little kids that imitated them, much to Yuuchi's dislike. In fact, there was an incident where one of the kids with wealthier parents who had a posse pulled Rumi's ears which caused her to turn around and punch him in the nose, making him bleed. Obviously, that caused quite a stir, but it was quickly taken care of by the adults, who chalked it up to kids being kids.

Unfortunately, that caused Rumi to be ostracized by the other kids. Even going so far as one of the kids telling Yuuichi not to hang out with her, to which Yuuichi replied, "Shaddap." Then that caused him to be ostracized, which Rumi apologized for. Yuucihi told her not to worry about it and that he didn't like those spoiled brats from the moment he saw them.

All in all, it was an eventful birthday.


"Sweet dreams." said Yuuichi's mom as she kissed his head and his father did the same before the two of them left.

'Good, now I'll just wait a few minutes until they're asleep and I'll sneak out to the training hall and try out my quirk. I only tried out the Solar Constructs, and I want to try out the Lunar and Stellar Constructs. It's safe to assume my Lunar Constructs will be cold, but what about my Stellar Constructs? I can't remember what Stars are linked to in Chinese Novels. Speed? Oh well, I'll find out soon enough. And I also haven't tried storing some energy in my body either. Wonder if anything else will happen.' thought Yuuichi.

After a few minutes, he quietly got out of his bed before slowly opening his door and peeking out to make sure no one was there. The coast clear, he started to tiptoe his way through the house before reaching the door that leads outside. Making sure once more no one was around, he slowly opened it.


Stopping in his tracks, Yuuichi quickly made sure no one had heard before continuing to open it, this time the door making no noise. Closing it slowly behind him, he fist pumped seeing as the hard part was done. Turning around to go to the training hall, he ran smack dab into someone.

"Going somewhere?" said his mom, arms crossed looking down at him.

"I wanted to test my quirk." he said telling the truth.

"And what happened to only doing it under Ayako's supervision? Or ours? Or during the day?"

"I couldn't wait. You know that that's why you're here." he countered.

"Sigh. Fine. Let's go. But only an hour. Understood?"

"Yes! Thanks, mom. I love you." he said before running to the hall while his mom shook her head with a smile before following him.

After changing his clothes to athletic wear, Yuuichi was now sitting down in the training hall.

"Mom, does the roof open?" asked Yuuichi.

"It does. We put it in just in case. Why do you want to open it?"

"I think I can use other energy than just Solar to make constructs. I think I can use Lunar and Stellar energy. I felt it on the way here." said Yuuichi, stunning his mom.


"S-sorry, honey. I was just a little shocked. Um, okay. Let's try it." she said going over to a control panel before the roof opened up.

"Oh yeah." said Yuuichi as he could feel Lunar and Stellar energy filling up the training hall.

"You can use those other energies?" asked his mom.

"I think so. I can feel them the same way that I could feel Solar."

"Oh my god, my kid is amazing!" she said going over and hugging him, almost suffocating him by smothering him with her bosom.

"Can't breathe." he said before she let him go.

"Sorry, honey. Got too excited. Try out the energies." she said before stepping back a little.

Yuuichi did the same thing as when he created the Solar Finger construct earlier. He got the image of a finger in his mind and nothing happened.

"Hm?" he said, confused.

"What happened?"

"It didn't work."

"Did you think about which energy you want to use?"

"Oh!" he said before thinking of the finger and wanting it to be done with Lunar energy.

The next moment the Lunar energy began to move while the temperature began to drop. A few moments more, and the finger was constructed while the temperature began to plummet even more. The finger made of Lunar energy was a transparent blueish-white while the finger made of Solar energy was a transparent yellowish-orange.

"Interesting." said his mom while shivering.

"What?" he said still keeping the construct steady.

"You're not being affected by the temperature of your constructs. I noticed it when you did it in Megumi's office, but I thought it was because you were so excited. But it seems that's not the case."

"Awesome!" he said before he started moving the finger around for a few seconds before he started to sweat and the finger dissipated.

"It's okay. You barely manifested your quirk. You'll get better with it." said his mom as she walked over and hugged him.

"I know."

"You know, one of the downsides of being so open and frank with your thoughts is that you're easy to read. You had an expression of frustration on your face." she said pinching his cheeks.

"Thwank ywou." he said before escaping her pinch.

"Now, are you going to try out the Stellar energy or are you done for the night?"

"I want to try it."

"Okay." she said before backing up.

Going through the same process again except using Stellar energy rather than Lunar, a similarly sized and shaped purple finger appeared in front of him. But unlike the other two, no temperature changes took place. Instead, the finger had a very small gravitational pull which was noticeable by Yuuichi's clothes being pulled towards it.

"Cool." said Yuuichi.

"So, your Solar Constructs are hot, your Lunar Constructs are cold, and your Stellar Constructs have a gravitational pull. Fascinating." said his mom.

"I'm going to try storing some energy and then I'll be done." said Yuuichi.

"Okay, but be careful."

"Got it." he said before closing his eyes and trying to feel the "container" inside of him. At first, he couldn't feel it, but after a few minutes of trying, he felt it near his heart.

'Okay, I can feel it. So, now, it's just a matter of willing the energy to go into it. I'll do 3/4 Lunar and 1/4 Stellar. I think I can still feel the Stellar energy during the day if I just try hard enough, but trying to feel the Lunar is near impossible with all the Solar floating around.' he thought before concentrating on the task at hand.

Much like when he wanted to make a construct, he thought about the Lunar energy entering the container and filling it up 3/4 of the way. Thinking that, the Lunar energy slowly began to make its way to his heart area before entering the container.

As it entered the container, a chill went through his body before his body adjusted. A few minutes later and his container was 3/4 of the way full. Then he did the same with the Stellar energy, which had no effect on his body, unlike the Lunar energy.

As the container got more and more filled with energy, he started feeling like the container was getting cramped until finally, it felt like he could stuff it no more, so he stopped.

'Oh, that feels weird.' he thought.

With the container full, it felt like when he had just eaten a lot and he felt stuffed. It would take some time to get used to, but the benefits far outweigh the negatives.

"How long was that, mom?" he asked.

"It was cold for like 7 and half minutes and then there was a gravitational pull for 2 and a half." she said.

"Tch." he said.

"What? Don't tell me you wanted to stuff more energy in you?" said his mom.

"No, I didn't even store that much. It just took that long because I'm not used to it." he said.

Unfortunately, it didn't feel like he had an excessive amount of storage, even with how long it took to fill the container. It was due to how slow he could move the energy that it took that long. If he were to estimate how much energy he has in storage based off of constructing the finger, he thinks it would last for 5 minutes.

"It's okay. You have no reason to be sullen. You'll only get stronger and better with your quirk from here on." she said hugging him.

"Thanks. Can I try one last thing?" he said.


"I promise. Last one." he said.

"Sigh, fine."

"Thanks. Can you raise one of the training dummies?" he said before backing away.

"Okay." said his mom before going back to the control panel and pressing some buttons before a training dummy appeared from the floor.

Yuuichi had a thought. Now that his container was full of energy, would creating a construct be faster when using that energy? He didn't have to will the ambient energy to move, he could use the one he had already "dominated."

It's like comparing asking a stranger for a favor to asking a friend for a favor. The rapport and relationship have already been established with one, so it'll be easier to ask them for the favor, while the other one doesn't know you.

This time instead of creating a finger, Yuuichi wanted to try a move that he had been wanting to try for a long time.

Focusing on the image in his mind while thinking about using the Stellar energy, Yuuichi could feel that the construct was being created much faster than before. So, he got into a clearly noob fighting stance and threw out a palm.


A very transparent purple palm appeared at the exact moment that Yuuichi threw a palm strike going in the direction he intended, and collided with the dummy, creating an audible bang.

"Awesome." said Yuuichi as a giant smile appeared on his face as he looked at the palm print that was left on the training dummy.

"Oh my." said his mom.

'That took up 1/4 of my 1/4 Stellar energy. That's not bad, but also not that great. Still, very much worth it.' he thought.

"Okay, that's enough. It's time to go to sleep young man. You have school tomorrow." said his mom.

"Ugh." he said.

"Excuse me?" said his mom as she stared him down with an aura only attainable by mothers.

"N-nothing." he said with a shaky smile.

"That's what I thought. Now, march to your room." she said before Yuuichi slowly trudged his way to his room.



Decided to go with gravitational pull for the Stellar energy. Was originally going to do weight, like he would be able to make it heavier or lighter, but decided it was kind of blah.

As for his container, he is obviously going to be able to increase its capacity and will eventually figure out a way to circulate the energy within his body, leading to powerups. But those will be surprises for later.

Also, this takes place way before the main plot so bear with me when it comes to the story. I have a pretty good idea of how I want to take it, but still.

Third chapter done and as always let me know what you think.

RubberPeencreators' thoughts