
As a Supe in Attack On Titan

A young man gets chosen to be reincarnated with 3 wishes

Gun_Park666 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Finding Mikasa

as Yuji was having an internal monologue Eren was getting beat up to a pulp , coming back to his senses Yuji thought ' hmm I better go and find out where Mikasa lived well it's not like Eren and Armin would die unlike Mikasa's parents so finding out where they lived becomes first priority, who knows what kind of butterfly effect I triggered ' .

Taking one last look at Eren and Armin , Yuji muttered 'sorry' and then slip away.

' finding where Mikasa lived should be pretty easy all I have to do is find a mountain near shiganshina with a clear path going deeper inside ' Yuji thought while running really fast.

Getting out of town and finding some random mountain he checked first if there's a mountain path where people can pass through and noticing that there's none he goes to the second mountain and third then fourth this continued until he's on the ninth mountain and noticing a path that people clearly used to pass through and leads deeper inside he sighed in relief.

' sigh thank God I thought I would have to continue searching for three more days before finding this god-damned mountain ha...ha...ha... I take it back finding where an Ackerman is hiding is reaaaallyy hard running for 80 miles per hour continuously for 8 hours is too much even for me ha.....ha.....ha.... if not for me being a Supe I would have collapse much much earlier ha....ha....ha... that being said my stamina is ridiculously high HAHAHAHA Supe for the win ' Yuji thought while panting from time to time.

Noticing that the sun is going down he decided to rest at the foot of the mountain for a few minutes before walking deeper inside the mountain ' considering that this is the only place with a clear path and near shiganshina it should be where Mikasa and her family lived , hmm what should I do ? I can't just barge in there and say that I've come to save them from their tragic future not to mention them believing me it's already ridiculous coming from a 8 year old kid ' Yuji thought hard while walking forward deeper inside the mountain.