
Chapter 90 The Weirdness of Beasts

Jack vaguely saw someone shuttling through the beast! However, he couldn't see the back of that person at all, because that person was shuttling too fast!

Suddenly, Jack had a bad feeling. He thought that the man was deliberately manipulating the murderer. Maybe he was the enemy of the city master!

But the man didn't look like the people here at all. Jack had a terrible idea. He felt that the reason why these people appeared at this moment was very clear. They wanted to attack the city!

They didn't want to use the power of humans, so they turned all their attention to the beasts. That made sense. The riot was caused by them!

Jack couldn't show up at this moment, or his identity would be exposed. He could only hide in the dark and continue to observe the enemy!

Soon, not only the fierce beasts but also some people gathered outside the city. They seemed to be from other races and other places, slowly moving towards the city!

Nia stayed by Jack's side all the time. She didn't leave because she thought she could protect Jack with her strength!

But he didn't expect that the riot was planned by other races.

Perhaps it was because the style of the city master here made others a little uncomfortable, or perhaps it was because the city master had colluded with the chamber of commerce to save a large amount of money, which made these people jealous!

But they still couldn't figure out why they would organize these beasts to attack the city thoroughly!

Nia soon noticed those people. She felt that the voices were very familiar. She seemed to have seen them somewhere.

"Jack, I always feel that I have heard those familiar voices before. It seems that I found them when I wandered around before I went to school!"

"As far as I know, these people will keep expanding their strength, constantly invading and then occupying the city!"

Jack seemed to have heard from the people in the school that there was a group of people who didn't have their territory, but they made themselves stronger and stronger through their invasion!

No one could resist their invasion. The riot of beasts outside the city these days had something to do with them. The flood of beasts outside the city must have something to do with them!

Jack had more and more terrible thoughts in his mind. He didn't know if the people he led could defeat them!

Moreover, his men were not very strong. If his opponent was very strong, even if he used spatial teleportation, he might not be able to defeat him!

What's more, the city master didn't know what to do and still regarded himself as an enemy at this moment!

If the city master still wanted to fight against him, he could only kill the city master!

Maybe negotiating with these people later would make them leave the murderer. Although it was unlikely, Jack wanted to have a try!

The city master didn't know that the danger was approaching them. They had always thought that the riot of the fierce beasts outside the city was just a simple riot!

But they didn't understand that there had never been a fierce beast attacking the city in the past few years. Maybe he had worked for the city master for so many years and had never seen such a scene but lived in the environment of joy!

However, when the city master was in a good mood, someone f suddenly reported.

"The city master's mansion has been besieged by the remaining residents of the city! They are afraid that they will be in danger, so they request to hide in the city master's mansion and ask the city master to protect them!"

At this moment, the subordinate said that the city master must set an example!

So, he stood up and said carelessly, "Since they can't guarantee their safety, I'll arrange them in the city master's mansion. However, they must serve me in the future. If someone is unfaithful, I will kill him!"

The subordinate understood what the city master meant and quickly replied, "If these people all go to the city master mansion, I'm afraid that it will be difficult for us to control it. The city master must give an exact order!"

After hearing this, the city master slowly raised his teacup and took a sip, with a hint of coldness in his eyes. "Go back and tell them clearly that I can let them enter the city master mansion now, to save their lives. If they don't want these lives, I will throw them out to feed the fierce beasts outside the city!"

The subordinate understood what the city master meant and immediately reported the meaning of the city master to these people!

When these people heard that the city master was willing to let them enter the city master's mansion, they felt that the city master was more credible. They smiled and said, "We know that the city master is a smart person!"

"I know the city master is a good person. But if you want us to serve the city master all the time, let's see how powerful the city master is!"

The people of the city master mansion thought what he said was ridiculous. They questioned, "The city master has driven all the fierce beasts out of the city. Don't you think the city master has the strength?"

The audience felt that it was good that they could do something about it, so they said helplessly, "Now that we have the strength of the outsiders to help the city master, they will naturally drive away those fierce beasts. What will they do to us if they leave the city master?"

He felt that these people were asking for trouble and sneering, "If you don't want to stay in the city master's mansion, you can leave now!"

Of course, they were not willing to leave the city master mansion now. Since everyone had such an intention, if they united, they can do everything!

They were willing to compromise for a short time so that they could be safe!

All the forces sat down and praised the city master, "These beasts are attacking the city. I didn't expect that the city master would lead people to resist the beasts and drive them out of the city. I'm really surprised!"

"If the city master had taken out all of their strength earlier and put it on Jack, I don't think Jack would have been so arrogant!"

The city master laughed and said to them, "Just now, we were a little tired of resisting the fierce beasts. Let's have a rest and ask Jack what happened. We must ask him to withdraw all the beasts!"

"Then we can take advantage of Jack's weak defense to attack him by surprise!"

Everyone thought the method of the city master was very good, so they clapped their hands and applauded.

"I didn't expect the city master to have such a good plan. If the city master had presented this plan earlier, we wouldn't have said those words to you!"

The city master seemed to understand all kinds of forces. "We have been here for a few days, but we haven't seen Jack. I know you are afraid. I can understand what you are doing!"

"But at this moment, we must be united. We can't fight inside!"

At this moment, these words seemed to have been heard in everyone's hearts. Although everyone was doing this for themselves, they all had the same goal!

"Of course, we will be united. If the city master can give us a clear goal and give all the money to us afterward, we will naturally make every effort to help the city master!"