
Chapter 54 New Plan

Jack looked at the woman in front of him and felt relieved. He could get a lot from this woman!

This woman expressed her loyalty to Jack with her physical honesty.

The woman lay on the bed with her legs paralyzed. Jack rode on her like an animal, as if he had never eaten for a few days!

Jack whispered in her ear, "Honey, I don't know your name yet!"

The woman answered in a trembling voice, "My name is Maria!"

As soon as she finished her name, Jack heard her moan and her name.

"Maria is a good name. I like it very much!"

After saying that, Jack crazily fucked her let her go to the top of heaven!

The constant wandering made Maria stop at the climax.

Jack couldn't control himself anymore when he heard her scream. He kept fucking crazily!

In the end, Maria finally lost her last sanity after being comforted by Jack!

She began to cooperate with Jack's series of operations and began to fly to heaven with Jack.

Jack pulled the dick out of her hole and put it into her mouth violently.

Jack had never been gentle to any woman on this matter because he wanted to vent his inner feelings!

After everything was done, Maria lay on the bed, like a greedy doll. She had no strength at all. She only saw Jack lying beside her, handsome and unrestrained!

Jack's eyes were still bright, but he was a little tired now. He didn't want to move. He put his arm around Maria and whispered in her ear, "Don't worry. Since I have done something to you, I will naturally be responsible for you. I'm still a person who dares to take the responsibility for this matter!"

After listening to these words, Maria had already forgotten that Ryan Hugh came to save her today.

She interlocked ten fingers with Jack. She teased Jack's cheek and said, "Since you have said that, I will give myself to you. Next, I will definitely let my father accept you!"

What Jack wanted to hear the most finally came out of Maria's mouth. Jack had a solution in his heart all of a sudden. This matter should be settled!

After that, Jack held Maria even tighter, indicating that he would not easily disappoint her. And Maria believed what Jack said!

Maria couldn't stay in the evil sect for a long time, or it would cause the vice dean's suspicion.

At that time, it would arouse the suspicion of the vice dean, and Jack's status in the heart of the vice dean would plummet, so Jack decided to send Maria back in person!

Let the vice dean see that Jack didn't hurt her daughter in the fight between Jack and the Ryan family, which meant that Jack had feelings for his daughter!

On the early morning of the second day, Jack got up early and called in Similulu and Nia. "You have seen the current situation of Maria. I can't let the vice dean suspect me. After all her father is the top level."

"My talent is to copy others' talent. If I can copy his father's talent, I will be even stronger on this continent!"

Hearing Jack's words, both of them knew how serious the matter was. They would never be a stumbling block for Jack's way forward!

So Jack sat there and said earnestly, "The next thing I need to do is very simple. I will personally send Maria back to the sacred palace. This is the best time to express my feelings!"

Nia knew that there were many masters in the sacred palace. She shook her hands and reminded, "There are almost all masters in the sacred palace. You must take care of yourself. Don't let anything happen there or be plotted by someone!"

Similulu didn't want Jack to leave. "You're leaving. Take care of yourself when you leave me!"

The two women didn't want Jack to leave, and Jack drag the two into the inner room!

The two women lay down in the bedroom, ready to accept all the punishments from Jack.

Two women were lying on the bed. Jack was playing with them like a doll!

Jack went crazy and began to rub their chests. Jack thought this was the last delicious meal he could enjoy before he left!

Soon, Jack put his tough dick into their pussy, and two women's screams came from the room one after another!

Jack listened to the two women's cheers and sped up. He wanted to let the two women roam in heaven again before he left!

Both of them had been used to the same man!

Jack ended the sex soon. He threw the two weak women on the bed and told them in person, "Take good care of yourselves when I'm away. When I'm done there, I'll be back!"

In the face of Jack's departure, although the two women were very reluctant. But Jack's departure was for Jack's piety. They would never stop Jack's future development!

Maria had already packed up her clothes. Her clothes had been broken by Jack, so she had to look for them first!

As soon as Jack walked out of the inner room, he found that Maria had been waiting outside with a smile on her face.

"Next, we're going back to the sacred palace! I believe my father will be happy to see a capable person like you!"

After Jack arranged all his subordinates, he also arranged the work of the evil sect. Then he set off with Maria!

Now that Ryan Hugh had made such a big mess, the whole continent would naturally know that the Ryan family had suffered such a disaster again. Everyone had underestimated Jack, and they didn't dare to act rashly for a while!

The process of their journey was very fast. If Jack uses his talent, they would arrive there soon!

Because Jack wanted to hide his talent in the sacred palace. He wanted to learn more talent, not to brag about himself!

Maria soon returned to the sacred palace. The moment she saw her father, she seemed to find a gentle harbor and pounced on him.

With a smile on her face, Maria said, "Father, the man behind me is Jack. He is a very, brave man, and also a very capable man!"

Jack, of course, took a step forward politely and bowed slightly. "Hello, I'm Jack!"

How could the vice dean not hear of Jack? The news of Jack had already spread throughout the continent! Now that Jack had arrived here, he had no choice but to arrange for someone to let Jack stay. Then he called his daughter over!

Looking at the way the banquet was treated, Jack was overjoyed. It was true that the university treated the guests differently! Jack looked around the cozy room and felt much better!