
As a ghoul in My Hero Academia/MHA/BNHA

MC dies and is reincarnated in the unique world of MHA as Sasuke Uchiha as a ghoul, how will our flesh eating friend live in this sick and twisted quirk based society where the so called heros who abuse their title's authority in the shadows are idolized while the the quirkless are looked down on and seen as second class citizens and those with the so called 'villainous' quirks are discriminated against even if they are meer children so how will the society look at his 'monstrous' quirk that makes him the natural predator of humans. What does the Uchiha Ghoul think of all this well he absolutely LOVES IT!!!.....after all he knew full well what he had wished for.....how ever thought of those sheltered racists watching his cute child self devour humans like it is the most delicious thing in this world fills him with joy, just imagining the reactions on their faces as they gaze at his exquisite spotless seemingly innocent face stained with blood and his seemingly fragile child body covered completely in the insides and outsides of of their destroyed and mangled corpses makes him so excited a long lost feeling of interest in humans coming back.

Lustful_Death · Fantasy
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12 Chs

6 months and first one eyed ghoul

~Sasuke Uchiha POV~

[Six months later]

It's been six months since I've first eaten, I am currently 5 years old and I've gotta say, I didn't feel a thing after I killed all those people which I half expected that, after all I'm not the kind of person to value human life in the slightest plus it was their fault for not being strong enough to protect their own lives, after all no matter the world or times those without power have no rights when facing the strong

over the last few months I've taken to hunting everyday from sun set till dawn, I would hunt as much as possible within a safe range, so I could hunt from at least 5 to 100 people but I've only manged to reach 100 only once due to the absolutely stupid amount of heroes that are after me which includes all might who I run into at least once a week, he seems hellbent on catching me, every time we meet he starts spouting some bullshit about how he's gonna help me and that I would be safe but of course I would just fly away as always

night eye has also tried using his ability on me many times, looking into my future in order to ambush me, but when he does my abyssal ability activates and I am able to look into his future as well, using that I've managed to avoid their traps even managing to make them fall into their own trap once

remembering that makes me crack up every time, other than all might, I also ran into other heroes, most of them were just third strings but some of them like endeavor were very good to fight with, remembering the look that endeavor had when I threw a building sized grand fireball at him always makes my day, that also seems to have made his pride hurt since he's also started chasing me probably wanting to prove that his flames are hotter or some stupid shit like that

I'm currently watching a TV broadcast of a fight I've had yesterday, and unlike the other ones this one was done done in the sky, and although I say fight, it's more of a one sided stomping than anything else, in this fight, I went up against the group of heroes known as the flying eagles which doesn't make sense since none of them had a quirk that made them look like an eagle, there was even a guy who had bat wings and one who didn't even have wings but could still fly somehow, I used such an opportunity to practice my flight skills so I didn't use my Ukaku feathers against them and only used my Rinkaku, I made it bigger and longer to swap them out of the sky which has generated a lot of discussions on social media, after all ever since I used my a fire ball people have been paying attention to me wanting to see my other abilities, I of course learned to control the size of my Rinkaku after eating so many people and collecting their Rc cells, this is the main reason why I eat so much, I'm trying to collect as many Rc cells as possible in the shortest amount of time possible after all the more I have the stronger I get, I will only slow down after getting my own kakuja, my current kill count is now at more than 3 thousand, 200 of whom were heroes, this has made the third rate heroes stop trying to catch me, instead they now just run on sight, it's quite funny seeing a bunch of heroes run from a five year old

this has made many people realize that they are not as safe as they think and so people now stopped going out at night, seeing a city such as Tokyo which is where I mainly operate at due to the high population go quiet is quite surreal, 'but at least they are starting to remove their heads out if their asses', I think to myself as I gently caress the blood red colored butter fly currently perched up on the pinky finger of my left hand, around me were many other similar butterflies around 30 in total, these butterflies were however very different than other butterflies which can be observed since they were currently clustered on a long wound on my fore arm, they were all drinking from my blood, of course I had to slow down my regeneration or the wound would have closed down instantly, the reason I am feeding them my blood Is because these species of butter flies are a rare type which has a quirk that makes them feed on blood, and apparently the you can tame them and have them follow you around by feeding them your blood at a regular pace

while I was feeding them, some of my blood falls on the counter of the bar I'm sitting in, and as you might have guessed it, I am now at the small bar tended by kurogiri, where Tomura and his gang hang out before they got raided by all might in order to save bakugo, kurogiri had approached me a week after I started, of course as soon as I sensed his presence, I attacked by shooting my feathers after all I hate it when I'm disturbed in the middle of a meal but all my feathers were teleported away by his quirk, he then said not bothered by the five corpses behind me, "I am sorry for interrupting your meal but I have an offer that you might be interested in", hearing him I simply grab a piece of bloodied flesh and say in cute childs tone, "oh what would that be, oji San", he however does not react to this and only says, "we are going to give you money and a place to stay and in exchange you will work for us and complete missions we give you", "what kind of missions", I ask,

"oh just some assassinations here and there nothing too difficult", he replies, 'hmmmm that's quite enticing, it would be great to have somewhere to stay and the money doesn't hurt either, I then stay silent for a few seconds pretending as if I'm mulling it over, I then reply "when do I start?", and that's how my career as the assassin known in the underworld as the bloody butterfly starts

while I was having my reminiscing session kurogiri comes in to the bar and goes behind the counter, seeing the blood on it he grabs a rag and wipes it off, he then says, "please try not to make a mess while feeding your pets", simply reply to him with an un after that I make my regeneration turn back on and within an instant my wound closes, seeing that kurogiri isn't surprised as he had seen it before, he then pours me some coffee and says, "you are back early so I assume the job is done", after sipping slowly from my black coffee, I grab a paper bag with some red marks and on it, and hand it to him, looking inside it he sees a severed head, after confirming the target he opens a portal and throws it in, he then opens another portal from which a stack of money falls out onto the table

grabbing the money, I count it, after checking that it's the correct amount, I put it in my pocket then I ask kurogiri in a childish tone,

"Kurogiri, what three letters alter boys into men and girls into woman?", kurogiri hearing my question starts sweating and asks, "I don't know Sasuke kun, what is it?", I then answer, "it's AGE", hearing my question he breaths out a sigh, chuckles and says, "oh that's a good one, where did you hear it?", "oh I heard it from some guys that ate, but I don't get it, could you please explain it to me", I say the last part while playing with my fingers and looking down, hearing me he freezes and after a long awkward silence he says, "w well you see when a man and woman------", but before he can finish I interrupt him and say, "well would you look at the time, I need to go and start my hunting session", I then jump down from my stool and Walk to and leave, after leaving I hear kurogiri mutter "damn brat", hearing that, a small smirk forms on my face

2 hours later, while I was in a dark aly way with the only light source being the dim street lamp above me, I was enjoying a wonderful meal, what made it so wonderful was that my meal possessed a muscle type quirk like that of muscular but weaker, the sensation of ripping through firm muscle is the second best part of the meal while the best is licking and eating the eyeball

while I was eating I hear the sound of a whip sticking the ground and a woman's voice saying, "seeing you devour and tear through flesh like a hungry beast, it turns me ON!!", then a woman with long spiky dark purple hair she had a whip and was also wearing, well mostly nothing except an open coat and a thick belt that hides her privates, of course I had already sensed her a long time ago but let her get close as there was something I was planning for her, a gift of sorts if you might say

standing up and turning around I look at her intently, she wasn't bothered over my gaze over her body, seeing that I say, "hello Ms exhibitionist, although I get that you have urges but I would ask that you practice them on someone else as I am currently eating plus I am also a minor so what you are doing now is pedophilia so if you refuse to leave then I will have no choice but to call a the cops or heroes"

hearing what I say she gets flustered and yells, "I'm not an exhibitionist, and if you call the cops they would arrest you not me after you are a murderer who indulges in cannibalism"

hearing her words I say in a calm and serious tone, "no I'm not a cannibal eats their own kind", hearing me she looks at me as if I'm some sort of retarded monkey and says, "well if you haven't noticed the ones you eat are humans", "I know", "then that makes it cannibalism you brat", "no it doesn't since I'm not a human", "yes you are, having a quirk that makes you eat human flesh does not mean that you are not human", "no, it makes all the difference and I'll show you that", after saying that I release my Rinkaku and use it to pin her to the ground before she could react, after that I walk towards her

seeing me get close she kicks towards me but I easily catch her leg, then I twist it in an unnatural way and she screams, taking that chance I sit on her lap, seeing that, she uses her quirk which releases a pink gas from her body which is supposed to knock out those who inhale it, but it doesn't have any affect on me due to my regeneration, taking a deep breath of, "sweet", is all I say as I make a chakra scalpel and cut her open, she screams and starts to flail around trying to escape, I then say, "how noisy", and with that I knock her out with a swift chop to the neck, I then continue my work, I remove her kidney bring it up to my mouth and take a bite, and then another, after I eat it all I take off my shirt and open myself and take out my own kidney, of course it heals and the wound closes in the blink of an eye, I then transplant my kidney into her, make it connect and then close her wound with mystical palm jutsu which I learned for this situation

standing up I look at the unconscious midnight on the floor with blood on her, this scene is quite something and so I use my Sharingan to burn it into my memory, for times when I get lonely, and I also take a few pictures which I will use in the future to tease midnight, after I was done I turn around and leave, ready to continue my hunt

[A/N: well that's it Bois, I decided for the MC to turn midnight into a Ghoul since I think it would give her a more predatory charm, also MC won't make Ghouls left and right since that might come back to bite him in the ass, till next time c ya]