
As a cannon folder, training the male lead won't be easy

It was last year of high school,the final's were near, it was a difficult period for every student. Our main character,Ranci had studied the whole week, after sleeping the whole day,it was 5 pm. Saturday and she was quite refreshed, thinking it was still quite early and that tommorow would be a day off, she went to a book shop to rent an interesting novel that she can read the rest of the day. As she entered the shop she saw the new handsome cashier, who was her stepbrother since 10, She went to him, as he was checking the time on his phone he noticed her and smiled,"good evening, what may you be looking for?" he asked, " I need a book recommendation" she said as she knew her brother read alot of books. He smiled and gave her a novel that was on his other hand,it seemed he was reading it,as she took the novel she suddenly felt strange, her brother started to speak as he saw her staring at the book," It's the new novel that I wrote, it's free, read it and give your thoughts on it later, it's the only copy so don't lose it". She came home in a daze and immediately started to read the book , she expected it to be good as it was from her brother but the real thing was...a little surprising, it was not bad, however it had a different writing and story style than her brother's and the ending was cliche as well which she did not expected from her all genius,and creative brother. she pondered if he was lying and this novel was actually not his, It was already 12am.,she was thinking about the contents of the book before she felt a sharp pain in her head and slowly felt dizzy and sleepy. she was confused and soon fell asleep. when she woke up she realised that she was in that novel.

Remi_Rabha_9778 · Fantasy
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2 Chs


Just wanted to let you know that this is my first story, so sorry if it will suck.

I do not own any of the images.

I'm a high school student so I don't have a lot of free time, but I'll try to update once a week atleast, I have a soft heart so please, if you don't like it just don't criticise.

I'm open to any advice to improve my writing. I will be reading the comments so if you have any story idea for me, please do write it because I can tell that I'll get stuck a lot.¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The story is original and mine. All the characters, places, names, races are fictional, so if it's similar to some irl stuff it will be purely coincidental.

I don't take much inspirations except for the lines, so if my story is similar to some another story, it will be a coincident as well. But do tell me about those stories because I need something to read.

And lastly please don't copy this.

And try to enjoy the story<( ̄︶ ̄)>