
ARTS; Dinastiya

Broken pieces of ones remains, a shattered heart driven to insanity and cruelty. "You know... I really loved you... I truly do..." as she whispered those words into my ears, I thought to myself 'How come... it had to come to this...?' as she slowly buried the dagger engulfed with the pitch black Divinity into my heart. "#£+&... I'm sorry..." She then slowly let go of the dagger and were eaten by the Gods Nemesis. Seeing her entering the foul creatures mouth, my Divinity started to wither away as my true Gods body starts to disintegrate along with everything else. '...' '... You could've just saved yourself... you fool...' '... but... nevertheless... Thank you... for standing up for us... my beloved' I then opened my eyes and saw that it was all just a dream. "What was that?" A sage living in some mountain started to dream of the same dream and so forth for countless reincarnations. Reminder to the readers: 1. The story is fast paced 2. The dialogue are separated 3. Read from Down to Down, though there are special cases where the dialogue goes first but rarely 4. My style of writing is blunt, I won't go over what I've already stated 5. There's already a note left to avoid confusion 6. Use your imagination while reading it 7. The change of perspective may not be always linked to the former perspective and will be a new plot for the story before intertwining with each other 8. Have and enjoy reading my story 9. It's all real 10. '_' means it's an inner thought or a whisper 11. "_" conversing/trying to converse with someone 12. It's a combination of novel writing and script writing Recommended music while reading. 1. Dynasty by Mia 2. Spectre by Alan Walker 3. Stitches by Shawn Mendes Written by a Filipino author (NoveListsArts). A story of all the past lives the author lead. If you believe in reincarnation, Rebirth, Traverse then this is specifically for you to read. Note: Full Map of the Ysra Continent, Being Glory City as it's center, followed by Eren, Theian, Clonos, Heseria, San, Ferlan, Androeia, Losien and Zanatic. The City's are in the form of ten circles, the more far out you're at the inner City, the circle keeps on getting bigger and bigger and the life style of each City's are completely different per City's, with the Glory City being the most flourishing city among the ten. The Zanatic City is a kind of City that is uniquely prone to death and alien Beast's as it is beyond and outside the protection of the Losien Frontier, it's now a City filled with the most wanted criminals, it also has many existing black markets and slavery's. The revised chapters and the rest of the story will now be uploaded from this day onwards to RoyalRoad.com New Title Name: God's Scourge: Return of the False God

NoveListsArts · Fantasy
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28 Chs


Arriving at the destination they all saw rampaging dragons indiscriminately slaughtering those around them. Whilst two dragons kept weeping at a corpse surrounded by the other dragons.

After another few hours the Alien Beast's around the East have all been slaughtered and frozen.

The dragons suffered six casualties, with some of them heavily wounded.

The others then came closer after the dragon's have calmed down.

After taking a closer look at the corpse, Grand General Biluo and General Youbu kneeled on two knees and have started crying.


The Grand General kept weeping whilst General Youbu just silently cried.

Khenli and the others have caught up with them. After moving forward to the corpse lying on the ground, Khenli and Sai felt so heartbroken.

Khenli and Sai thought to themselves.

'Just why... Why is my heart aching so much?... Do I know this person?...'

Sai came closer to inspect the corpse.

He was curious as to why his only hand is clenched, so he took a closer look and opened it's hand, there he saw the name's of his Family including himself.

Sai broke out in cold sweat.

"No.... This can't be...! How is he here....?!"

Sai then broke into tears and spoke to Khenli.

"Big Brother Khenli....SOB.... Pete..... SOB.... He's....."

Khenli also looked at the hand of the man lying on the ground, lifeless.

"No! How! Why! I-I!"

He also broke into tears knowing that the corpse lying on the ground is Pete, their cousin and brother.

The day has dawned on them.

Khenli and Sai kept on weeping along with Biluo, Youbu and the dragons.

Quin took a look at Calypse following them behind, on top of a rock and walked towards him.

Calypse asked Quin as to who they were weeping for.

"Who is the corpse lying there? For them to be weeping so crazily like that?"

Quin answered.

"It seems to be Pete Wreight, the Genius of the Wreight Family and your Godson"

Calypse rushed to Pete's corpse to verify if it's really him.

"Out of the way! Bastard's out of my way!!"

After sensing the soul of the soldier lying on the ground he knows that it's really Pete.


Calypse looked at Khenli and grabbed his collar.


Quin interfered and spoke.

"Calm down Calypse, it seems that this is more complicated than we thought"

Calypse angrily answered.


Quin calmly replied.

"If my guess is correct... This is the "Trial", supposedly... If the hidden realm proceeded as planned... Without the interference of beast's... They should have been able to return to their original bodies without any difficulties... But now that there are too many bugs in the hidden realm... All the lost souls within it have probably all dispersed into the void"

Quin spoke once again.

"But... Seeing that you can still sense his soul, it means that some part of it is still left in there"

Calypse sensed Pete's soul once again and realized that not even a single part of his soul have dispersed and was still intact inside his body.

Calypse spoke aloud.

"There's still a chance to save him!"

The others quietly glanced at Quin with doubts.

To get rid of their doubts, Quin explained it to them.

"I know some of you are doubting me right now as to how I knew of such information but, if you focus on sensing the spiritual energy around this realm, you'll know that all of those who had fallen has already been dispersed into the void"

Meanwhile, inside the Trials space.

An unknown entity have shown up, basking in a golden glow. The being smiled horrendously at Pete's physical body in the realm.


It then approached Pete's body, and wanted to possess him.


The being was rebounded by some demonic force.


It then tried to repeatedly possess hi, but to no avail, it failed, so as an alternative, it then possessed someone else from the other 14 candidates.