
My dream came true?

Hey there my name is Suzuki Mariangel and well I'm a normal highschool student I have nothing special about me I have a few friends do my best to fit in you know. But that's just what everyone else thinks I'm actually a huge otaku. I've spent thousands on manga body pillows etc. I woke up today and I was in the woods dazed and confused thinking this was a dream. I stood up and walked around, the area was so bizarre I was confused. I came across many things the trees in the woods were taller than I could see i started to contemplate a dream isekai, wouldn't be the first time. I look down at myself I look exactly the same as I did in when I fell asleep, same clothes, my body frame was the same, and my wallet was still in my pocket. I kept exploring until I came across a town there were people there, demi-humans too 3rd time I've seen them in my dream worlds the people there were wearing old raggedy clothes they looked like they were from hundreds of years ago. They were giving me funny looks I do look different compared to all of them my clothes looks different and compared to the other humans I saw I looked really different so I keep walking the building are made of wood and old looking mayhe this was a poor city or this was common because of there technology here compared to earth or my earth. There was a building I contemplated whether I should go in or not I end up going in because it look likes everyone is welcome there because random people just walk in, I walk in and a lady behind the counter says,

(?????)"Welcome to the Adventurers guild how can I help you?"

At that point a smile came across my face I thought yess! Yess! I'm having a dream like this, a fantasy world with a guild's and jobs time to have some fun.

(Me)"Um yeah so hey I was wondering if there Is any magic here?".

(?????)[With a weird look]"Well yeah most of the lands people can use magic do you not know?Well let me explain it to you, some have lots of magical energy.Magical energy is how much energy you can release before you can't use anymore magic, also there are certain magical affinities. Most are born being able to control an element. My name is Jessica by the way nice to meet you."

(Me)"I see so is there a way to measure this magical energy and to check my affinities."

[She grabs my hand puts it on the table].

(Jessica)"Deladelteromaitujagel. Wow I've never seen this much magic before."

[I smile with joy]

(Me)"Hey so what kind ofmagic can I use?"

(Jessica)"Ok so this is the hard part Deladelteromaitu gertag."

(Me)"So what is it?" [With a smile]

(Jessica)"I've never seen this either!"

I'm so happy with that I'm wondering so what can I do its probably something so cool

(Jessica)" Its Locator magic."

Ok I think to myself what can this do

(Me)"So what does it do?"

(Jessica)"So with this magic if you think of something or picture it in your head you will automatically be able to pinpoint its exact location."

My heart snak really that's it of all the magic I could've had locator magic had to be it.

(Jessica) "So I checked your stats and level."

This got my hopes up.

(Jessica)"Your current level is one and all your stats are below average. "

I never felt so sad in my life I have a dream that every otaku would love to have and these are my abilities

(Me)"Thank you Jessica."[Not happily]

I leave there and I start walking around still sad till I end up in an alley. I then woke up in my bed so it was a dream I got up and got ready for school I caught the bus and had a conversation with my friend derrick who rides the same bus.

(Me)"I had a weird dream last night."

(Derrick)"Oh yeah?Well what was it about?"

Then I realized that it would be embarrassing to tell him about my dream about an isekai.

(Me)"Oh well it isn't really that important."

(Derrick)"Well ok if you say so, anyway are you gonna do it today."

I remembered what I told him yesterday about confessing to a girl named Kaori

(Me)"Well you see the thing is th-."

(Derrick): Stop being a clown and just tell her."

(Me)"I told you it isn't that easy if she says no the whole school will think I'm weird and avoid me."

(Derrick)"But what if she says yes?"

(Me)"Ok she might and she might not and well I don't wanna take those chances"

(Derrick)"Whatever man."

We pull up to our stop we go separate ways witch isn't uncommon as he likes to meet up with his girlfriend and go for coffee at the school coffee place. I went to homeroom and was in the back hiding watching anime on my phone till the bell rang and I went to 1st period. It was pretty normal nothing really happened same for 2nd 3rd and 4th period. During lunch I met up with Derrick again.

(Derrick)"So I was talking to Kaori earlier and asked her if she has any interest and boys."

(Me)"What did she say?"

(Derrick)"She said she had one but was hoping he would approach her."[he says with a big grin]

(Me)" That could literally be any boy in this school ok so chillout."

(Derrick)"But what if its you?"

(Me)"The chances are super low but I guess I can have some hope."

The lunch bell rang and I went to 5th period where I SIT NEXT TO KAORI I try to look as normal as possible I talk to her a bit

(Me)"H-Hey so how as your day been so far?"

(Kaori)"Its been ok so how about you?"

(Me)"Well you know pretty normal anyway d-do you have anything you like to do in your spare time?"

(Kaori)"I like to read books and spend time with friends.You?"

(Me)"Well I like to watch ani-animations on YouTube and I like to read books as well."

That last parts technically not wrong I read lots on manga.

(Teacher)"Ok calls settle down today we have a test today."

Uh oh of course I would forget and not study well whatever after the test was over the bell rung I started to get ready for my next class.

(Kaori)"See you later Suzuki."

(Me)"Y-yeah see you later."

After 6th and 7th period I went home changed and started to watch anime before I knew it, it was midnight so i went to bed when I fell asleep I woke up in that alley I was thinking ok back here again well whatever why is my brain torturing me. I had the clothes I had on when I fell asleep. So I thought to myself hey if I get this dream again why not bring my phone or other things with me?

I went out explored more ended up finding a weapons shop.

(?????)"Take a look around it's all pretty cheap."

Ok so 3 copper for a knife 2 silvers and 2 coppers for a sword there were more weapons that looked unfamiliar to me. I don't really know how money works here so I go the Adventurers guild and decide hey if I can use magic I can take jobs so I look for a job to take, saw kill these goblins for a good reward I was about to take it when I remembered a Manga I read a while back so I didn't go through I saw a slime mission thought hey this she be easy then I remembered a manga with slime and thought nope so then I ended up taking a job to get rid of some small demons that where stealing some crops even a lvl 1 could handle these without weapons it took me while to catch them I had to beat them until they were dead witch was annoying but whatever I ended up saving up to buy a dagger so I went to the weapon shop.

(?????)"Oh so your back if your gonna come back here again may as well tell you my name, its Jacob."

(Me)"I'm Suzuki nice to meet you."

I picked up a dagger and purchased it

(Jacob)"Nice doing business with you."

(Me)"You too."

I then woke up. Then thought hey I could've used locator magic to find an abanded weapon I'm an idiot but hey I wonder if I'll get into that dream again. I go to school again this time Derrick not on the bus might be skipping or late whatever homeroom and first were normal though I fell asleep 2nd period and woke up in the weapons store with my school uniform on.

(Jacob)"Was that clothes being changed some sort of magic?"

(Me)"Um yes yes it is."

If this is actually a parallel world I can't just go around saying I that I'm from another world then i realized i had something on me in class. I checked my pocket for my phone and no luck it didnt come with well that sucks but hey I wonder if I can take other things. I end up using locator magic and I search for katana to no avail dammit the only thing I know how to use I've been practicing because of anime I think it's weird that I do it but whatever ok. So I use it for abanded sword I find a few but there all battered rusty and broken ok then I used locator for money and it just led me to people. Ok that's not gonna work ok then I'm happy I bought this dagger. I went on another adventure for the day ended fighting the same kinds of demons I fought the first time I ended up up halfway to level 2 from fighting level 1 demons they don't even have arms just like bats with 1 eye.

I wake up it's the end if science class damn the time difference is pretty big wait oh crap science class the one I need to study more for to become a better pilot I already almost have my pilots license but I still want to get better. Then I realize hey I can do research here on my computer print it out and take it with me but wait that might not work I'm gonna try it anyway. I end up leaving school early because if I'm gonna go back there I wanna take some knowledge from this Technology advanced world to that one I study on how guns work the materials I had to go deep on th internet for this stuff I print it all out and stuff it in my shirt then decided to go to sleep. I awoke in the guild I left the guild and rented a night at an inn 2 copper a night not bad I check my shirt and yess! I have the papers I use locator magic to gather the material like gunpowder iron and other metals took first gunpowder it wasn't technically gunpowder just the materials to make it ends up taking me the whole day but I gather up a lot of gunpowder and go back to the city to the weapons shop.

(Me)"Hey Jacob do you sell any pickaxes here?"

(Jacob)"Yes we do 4 copper."

Ok whatever I use locator magic and find a mine I have to go pretty deep but I find iron and other things that I need in about about a week I gathered almost all the materials now making the gun was the hard part I unlocked a skill craftsman I tried to level it up but I need to get more skill points so I keep trying I end up making a 1911 pistol took me about a week to just make this a pistol I had to buy a small forging hammer and do this with the limited crafting materials they have here I decide that when I wake up I'm gonna attempt to bring some tools with me and if that doesn't work im gonna brings blueprint for those tools and the bullets were a pain in my ass to make but I even made a few mags. And thought hey this is going pretty well a gun should make my job a lot easier and I should be able to get more money and nexf time I'll bring blueprint for a katana because that's just so cool as an otaku. Hey things are starting to look up for me.

Maybe this is a dream come true.